4/11/2023 5:58:41 AM
Reply to vxbush in 5: As noted in the article: This should be a big signal to the Democrats that they have a big problem with their extreme agenda. People who want to have any conscience or serve their constituents aren’t going to stand with it. But Dems are not rational actors.
4/11/2023 7:36:28 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: Obama was doing that with credit card mills his first run for POTUS.
4/11/2023 8:32:21 AM
In #8 JCM said: Obama was doing that with credit card mills his first run for POTUS. Correct; ZIP codes were not required for submissions, so no card checking was done. In this case, there's not even a credit card to track; money just appears in the lists with the names of former Act Blue donors, but they claim that they did not submit the money the lists say they did.
Occasional Reader
4/11/2023 8:33:01 AM
Reply to JCM in 8:
I remember the massive consequences from that.
4/11/2023 10:38:17 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 10: Not one scintilla of scandal with the Obama Administration.....
4/11/2023 1:46:09 PM
Reply to vxbush in 13: Let's give Biden the break, we know he's not running anything. Who in the administration is running this shitshow?
4/11/2023 1:53:44 PM
In #14 JCM said: Who in the administration is running this shitshow? That's been the $64,000 question, hasn't it? And while everyone seems to agree that Biden isn't the one in charge, NO ONE has identified who is and no one seems to care to figure it out.
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