The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/12/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 5/6/2023 7:06:25 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/12/2023 5:38:42 AM

A federal judge has intervened and temporarily mitigated the impending doom of the end of title 42. Is it enough to stop it? No clue. 

This is all I have time to do this morning....unless I see something that catches my eye....

vxbush 5/12/2023 5:44:21 AM

Like this....

Blue-Chip Advertisers Return to Fox News After Carlson Taken Off-Air

Fox's bottom line will love that. No need to have pesky viewers.

JCM 5/12/2023 8:49:26 AM


Nick Freitas on legalizing pedophilia. (link is a YouTube shore)

If you haven't caught any of Nick stuff, I he is articulate, with concise arguments, and should be going for higher offices.

He also has great shorts on parenting, relationships and other topics.... 

Occasional Reader 5/12/2023 11:36:40 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Is it enough to stop it? No clue. 

Thousand are massed on the borders (and already coming through, of course). So... doubtful.

It would be interesting to look Prog acquaintances in the eye, point to this situation and ask them; "Why are we doing this?".   Because I think they don't really have an answer to that basic question; or at least, not one they're willing to say out loud.  

vxbush 5/12/2023 12:20:20 PM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: It would be interesting to look Prog acquaintances in the eye, point to this situation and ask them; "Why are we doing this?".   Because I think they don't really have an answer to that basic question; or at least, not one they're willing to say out loud.  

Most of the people I've talked to about this seem to think it's a fairness issue; it's not fair that we have stuff that others don't. The idea of borders and having responsibilities as citizens hasn't been taught so no one knows about it or thinks it is relevant. 

Occasional Reader 5/12/2023 12:50:12 PM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

John Derbyshire long ago asked in an NRO article the pithy question: "What is immigration for?"

Conservatives of different stripes can disagree a lot about immigration, but approach from the same starting point; Immigration policy is for advancing US national interests.

For leftists, they either really don't think about the 'what is it for?' question at all; or think of it in terms of something we owe the rest of the world, not anything about our own national interests. 

vxbush 5/12/2023 1:14:20 PM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: John Derbyshire long ago asked in an NRO article the pithy question: "What is immigration for?" Conservatives of different stripes can disagree a lot about immigration, but approach from the same starting point; Immigration policy is for advancing US national interests. For leftists, they either really don't think about the 'what is it for?' question at all; or think of it in terms of something we owe the rest of the world, not anything about our own national interests. 

An excellent summary. Would it be accurate to say that needing a purpose to immigration is, itself, a problem for leftists, who sees such a question as horribly utilitarian, and thus all the --ists that are so terrible?

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