The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/18/2023 5.00 AM

Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 5:21:50 AM
Mornin’, folks.

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/18/2023 5:56:31 AM

Good morning, OR. I caught the end of yesterday's thread and thought I'd post your comment and JCM's:

From OR: 

Via Insty:

”We are objects in their world”

And from JCM: 

Note also in Marxist et. al. ideologies we are also objects. Deriving value only from utility to The State, individuals in these systems have no intrinsic value as an individual.

This that ideology at the individual level. Others to these people have no value, only that which benefits to themselves.

I see these as related. The State, and the ideology of The State, cultivates and grows these types of people, false self esteem, you are perfect the way you are, you can be whatever you feel... etc...

These self centered individuals then have utility to The State because they can be the tools of The State to commit the whatever actions The State requires to reduce individualism.

Chills me to the core.

Pathology is presented as rectitude. 

vxbush 5/18/2023 6:13:54 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

So I went and looked at the article the author wrote about the Guardian contributor who was robbed but didn't want to set the robbers to be set up "to reoffend". Several things are pointed out there: 

  • The Guardian author keeps referring to the robbers as "children", even though there was no information presented as to the age of the robbers--apparently not even suspects or ages had been mentioned by her, so the author infantilizes the perpetrators. 
  • The Guardian author assumes this is the darling children's first robbery, as opposed to what may be a longstanding set of behavior. She seems to treat this as the actions of youthful indiscretion as opposed to hardcore behavior. Her beliefs about the situation take preeminence over any actual facts. 
  • Because she can replace everything she lost, she therefore holds no grudge against the robbers, thus showing no inclination to judge people. Is that the main issue here--this desire to not judge people? 
  • When she shares that she is talking to a therapist about the situation, she goes so far as to tweet, "I've been thinking about this and I'm actually kind of jazzed to have a real problem to share with my therapist." Ah, now the truth shines out--she's just another self-absorbed leftist and this gives her a reason to be the focus of her writing and her discussions with others. 

Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 8:03:26 AM

In #2 vxbush said: Is that the main issue here--this desire to not judge people? 

That only applies to certain kinds of people, of course.  "Mascots of the Anointed", in the words of (IIRC) Thomas Sowell. 

lucius septimius 5/18/2023 8:20:39 AM

In #1 vxbush said: These self centered individuals then have utility to The State because they can be the tools of The State to commit the whatever actions The State requires to reduce individualism.

The Italian fascist theorist Alfredo Rocco stated plainly that fascism is opportunistic - it uses whatever ideologies or movements it can to accomplish its end, which is power.  It can be capitalist or socialist at the same time; it picks and choses which tends to confuse people who assume there must be a coherent philosophy behind political movements.

vxbush 5/18/2023 8:22:01 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: That only applies to certain kinds of people, of course.  "Mascots of the Anointed", in the words of (IIRC) Thomas Sowell. 

True. Only those in in the "in" crowd. 

vxbush 5/18/2023 8:42:59 AM

In #4 lucius septimius said: The Italian fascist theorist Alfredo Rocco stated plainly that fascism is opportunistic - it uses whatever ideologies or movements it can to accomplish its end, which is power.  It can be capitalist or socialist at the same time; it picks and choses which tends to confuse people who assume there must be a coherent philosophy behind political movements.

Power über alles? Sigh. What pathetic people. 

lucius septimius 5/18/2023 8:52:33 AM
"Yute" commits a pile of crimes, shoots someone in the head and is released because he is considered "incompetent," then shoots someone else in the head and then almost shoots a third. 
Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 9:02:31 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

But he's turning his life around. 

buzzsawmonkey 5/18/2023 9:27:00 AM

I am happy to say that the months-long Move From Hell is all but complete.  I just got internet and landline phone service in the new place, and all that remains at the old is about one small carload.   

It will be a while yet before my life is again my own, of course; there is the problem of sorting through the vast amount of detritus, organizing that which is to be kept, and digging out generally---but that has been needing attention for some time, and it will be good to finally be able to tackle it.  

I will be happy to inform the assembly when the GF and I have set a date for finally formalizing our long relationship.

vxbush 5/18/2023 9:35:11 AM

In #7 lucius septimius said: "Yute" commits a pile of crimes, shoots someone in the head and is released because he is considered "incompetent," then shoots someone else in the head and then almost shoots a third. 

"Compassionate care." Riiiiiight. 

Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 10:17:32 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

sounds like you are in a good place which is getting better. Nice to see.

Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 10:29:14 AM
The Biden White House has now officially declared ownership over our children.

vxbush 5/18/2023 1:25:33 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said:

Two thumbs up for quoting Chesterton. 

Kosh's Shadow 5/18/2023 4:31:59 PM
A book of literary work by prison inmates could be called "Prose by Cons"
Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 5:21:31 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: A book of literary work by prison inmates could be called "Prose by Cons"

Sorry, it's been done (almost). 

Kosh's Shadow 5/18/2023 6:26:31 PM

Apparently Iran thinks Israel has a time machine

Iranian-backed militia leader says Mossad used prostitute to kill medieval Imam

Occasional Reader 5/18/2023 8:14:08 PM
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to brag, except that I do mean to brag. I have a date tomorrow with a woman who is just shockingly beautiful, and amazingly charming.

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