The Daily Broadside

D-Day plus 28,470

Posted on 06/06/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 6/3/2023 5:06:59 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 6/6/2023 5:57:47 AM

Sorry about not being here yesterday; my day went completely haywire and couldn't get here. I did, however, watch the Apple keynote, and I'm finally seeing some features that are making me shake my head and say, "Why didn't you introduce this five years ago--I've been needing it this long." But it's glad to see they are getting to some obvious low-hanging fruit. 

The AR/VR set that Apple announced--called the Vision Pro--seems much more capable than the Oculus Rift and doesn't have to be plugged into a computer--it is, in essence, a computer. But I'm having a hard time believing people will want to spend all day in it working. Unless, of course, they think Ready Player One is a desired timeline. 

vxbush 6/6/2023 5:58:52 AM
I raise my breakfast glass to salute and honor the men who stormed the beaches on D-day. May your sacrifices never been forgotten or belittled. 
Occasional Reader 6/6/2023 6:10:06 AM
We owe them.
vxbush 6/6/2023 6:13:28 AM

Eric Adams hasn't read the history of forcing Americans to house the British, has he? 

NYC Mayor Eric Adams floats idea of housing migrants in ‘spare rooms’ of private residences  

vxbush 6/6/2023 6:38:58 AM

Homo naledi were burying their dead at least 100,000 years before humans 

There are some interesting reconstructions as well as video and pictures of the caves where these bodies were found. If you're claustrophobic, you may want to avoid these. One tunnel in particular is much worse than an MRI tube. 

vxbush 6/6/2023 12:11:31 PM

[Clock on the wall is loudly ticking]


[VX looks at her hands, her monitor, and sighs.]

Occasional Reader 6/6/2023 1:35:40 PM

We are “governed” by insane clowns.

Occasional Reader 6/6/2023 2:30:37 PM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

So basically, ihis memorial day “ they saved us from socialism“ speech was just a bunch of bullshit. Surprise surprise.

Occasional Reader 6/6/2023 2:47:16 PM

You know who was a super duper LGBTQ+ #ally?


Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2023 6:39:10 PM

I can't get to the article, but the headline is enough

FBI Announces DeSantis Will Not Be President 

Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2023 6:39:40 PM
So when does Biden claim he was in the invasion at D-Day?
Kosh's Shadow 6/6/2023 6:43:25 PM

Today had a Torah  study session via zoom with a local Chabad rabbi.

This got into Kabbalah, where he explained the "light" and "vessels" - in Creation, the light was too strong and broke the vessels, creating a world of chaos; the light, now separated from meaning made its way into the new universe.

And he explaned that the light is the prototype masculity; the vessels, feminity, forming the light and keeping it meaningful.

He never took that further on how the trans people, breaking this primordial connection, are turning this world into chaos.

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