The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/14/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 6/11/2023 4:14:47 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 6/14/2023 6:02:58 AM

‘Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal.’ Amazon Locks a Man Out of His Smart Home Over Racism Allegations

You will be made to comply, whether you like it or not.

vxbush 6/14/2023 6:05:45 AM

Under the guise of inclusivity, [John Hopkins University] has redefined “lesbian” in its LGBTQ Glossary (which can be found within its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion resources section on the school’s website) in such a way that leaves little doubt what the true goal of transgenderism is.

According to the glossary, a “lesbian” is defined as “a non-man attracted to non-men.”

Gee, I love being erased from science. /

vxbush 6/14/2023 6:07:01 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

I don't recall where I saw it (here?), but LGBTInfinity kind of gives the game away with the "Bi" initial.

vxbush 6/14/2023 6:10:46 AM
vxbush 6/14/2023 6:12:13 AM
This kind of goes hand-in-hand with what OR posted yesterday about COVID, but in a backhanded way: MTG to Walensky: Will You Be on Pfizer or Moderna’s Board When You Step Down? Because the turnstile between the media, government, and big corporate boards is ever turning. 
vxbush 6/14/2023 6:13:44 AM
"U.S.A are my pronouns." 
vxbush 6/14/2023 6:17:45 AM
Apparently the biggest news out there is that Pat Sajak is retiring, and people are in an uproar. What are the odds that the show will disappear with the new cohost, and how long until Vanna decides to stop turning the letters? 
Occasional Reader 6/14/2023 7:06:09 AM

In #1 vxbush said: ‘Open the Pod Bay Doors, Hal.’ Amazon Locks a Man Out of His Smart Home Over Racism Allegations

The story is bad enough, without them using the misleading headline.   There is no indication in the underlying piece that the man was literally "locked out" of his home.  Rather, his Amazon devices were unresposive. 

Good morning, all. 

It's rainen.

Ve cannot look for der sheepen in der rainen. *

* Classical reference

JCM 6/14/2023 7:12:09 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

I worked with a guy who transition to a woman, his significant other was another guy who had transitioned.

So glad John Hopkins has cleared that up for me.

vxbush 6/14/2023 7:21:47 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: The story is bad enough, without them using the misleading headline.   There is no indication in the underlying piece that the man was literally "locked out" of his home.  Rather, his Amazon devices were unresposive. 

Yes, the media screwed up the headline. But people who use smart devices to lock their homes and have no backup method (like a physical key) can sometimes get into this position. The headline sucked; the story is still something that 20-somethings need to hear because they often can't imagine that something might go wrong with the technology. 

The story didn't get that idea across, but that is immediately what I thought of--and didn't explain. 

Now, my #4 is possessed, because I only pasted that embed code in there once. Oy. 

Occasional Reader 6/14/2023 7:29:59 AM

In #9 JCM said: a guy who transition to a woman dressed up like a woman and/or underwent chemical castration and surgical genital mutilation


Occasional Reader 6/14/2023 7:51:15 AM

In #10 vxbush said: the story is still something

Frankly, I'm skeptical of the story itself.   Supposedly the Amazon delivery driver "filed a complaint' (with...?), and the very next day, all the guy's Amazon devices and account were locked out?  I'm not saying that's impossible, but it seems unlikely. 

JCM 6/14/2023 9:03:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

Hatey hate hater homophobe!

I stand corrected!

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2023 9:07:10 AM

Reply to JCM in 13:

Of course, post-op transsexuals claim they 'stand corrected' too...

Occasional Reader 6/14/2023 9:31:30 AM

Occasional Reader 6/14/2023 9:31:49 AM
The only “pride flag” I need. Happy Flag Day.
buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2023 9:42:52 AM
Masculine Women! Feminine Men!
Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2023 4:23:28 PM

In #6 vxbush said: "U.S.A are my pronouns." 

A while ago, the Bee had something like "Grandfather confuses his woke grandson by saying his pronouns are 'Let's Go Brandon'"

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2023 4:26:17 PM

In #6 vxbush said: "U.S.A are my pronouns." 

A while ago, the Bee had something like "Grandfather confuses his woke grandson by saying his pronouns are 'Let's Go Brandon'"

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2023 4:30:33 PM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: The only “pride flag” I need. Happy Flag Day.

The Biden administration has renamed it to Fag Day.

JCM 6/14/2023 4:32:45 PM

Borrowed from the TimCast.

Christians should complain, file grievances etc... the Pride flag is appropriating and insulting to the them because the rainbow represents God's covenant.

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2023 4:45:22 PM

In #21 JCM said: Christians should complain, file grievances etc... the Pride flag is appropriating and insulting to the them because the rainbow represents God's covenant.

Ah, but the "Pride Flag" is not an actual rainbow:

Note rhat the so-called "Rainbow Flag" was adopted, supposedly, for its "inclusiveness"---all the colors of the rainbow, universality, yadda yadda. Yet the "Rainbow Flag" is not a true rainbow; the true rainbow has seven colors, not six: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (mnemonic: "Roy G. Biv").

The "Rainbow Flag" has six. This is implicitly racist, as the "rainbow" is white light refracted into its component colors; leave out a color, and you don't have "white." However, in a truly humorous twist, the "Rainbow Flag" partisans initially started adding two other stripes to the truncated "rainbow" flag; a black stripe, and a brown stripe. Apparently, the original (faux-) "rainbow" was not inclusive enough for the melanin crowd.

The current "Pride Flag" goes several steps further; to the faux-"rainbow" it has added a triangular field containing the black and brown stripes, and the blue-white-pink stripes denoting "transgenderism." The faux-"rainbow," not inclusive enough for "people of color," seems to not be sufficient for the "transgenders" either. One wonders whether the addition of the black and brown stripes to the "transgender" field is a subtle recognition of the vast number of drag/"transgender" males in the black and brown communities, or whether the stripes have simply been added there to "balance out" the white stripe in the "transgender" flag.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2023 5:11:14 PM

In #21 JCM said: Christians should complain, file grievances etc... the Pride flag is appropriating and insulting to the them because the rainbow represents God's covenant.

Joint complaint with Jews and Noahides.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2023 5:17:44 PM

Reply to JCM in 21:

Uh-Oh: Fine Print In Noahic Covenant Says Promise Not To Flood The Earth Is Void If Humanity Starts Using Rainbow Colors To Refer To Weird Sex Stuff

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2023 5:23:10 PM

Pride Month Shocker: Bert & Ernie Come Out As Straight

"We're just roommates," Bert said when asked to describe his relationship with Ernie. "I don't get why my best friend and I can't live together without everyone thinking we're gay. We're just a couple of dudes who share an apartment. He does his thing. I do mine. Don't make it weird."

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2023 5:34:45 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

Many people, decrying what they see as appropriation of the word “gay” by homosexuals, yammer about how “gay used to mean happy.”  Neither they, nor the homosexuals who embrace the word, have any idea whence this term derives.

All of the applications of the term “gay”—“flamboyant attire,” “licentious [or flamboyant] behavior,” etc.,  derive from the foundational meaning of “gay,” which is unconstrained behavior.  The so-called “positive” meanings of the word all refer to behavior which is unconstrained or out of the ordinary;   

In Victorian times, to “live the gay [unconstrained] life” meant to live a life unbounded by the constraints of respectability.  “The gay life” encompassed life in the theatre, life as a prostitute (male or female—a profession which in that era often overlapped life in the theatre), or life as a bohemian artist or a drug addict, or a practitioner of homosexual behavior (which often involved being a patron of prostitutes).  The “gay life” stood in opposition to the respectable life, i.e., following “the strait [constrained] and narrow"; the modern-day usage of “straight” vs. “gay” is a linguistic corruption created by Biblical illiterates.  

The term “the gay life” or “in the life” has survived in our own day in two places: some years ago, PBS ran a news show aimed at the homosexual community, that was called “In the Life”—a survival of the Victorian term “in the [gay] life.”  Meanwhile, street prostitutes still refer to themselves as being “in the life”—which, likely unbeknownst to them, is also a survival of that Victorian “in the [gay] life” term.

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