6/26/2023 5:48:57 AM
Western Decline: ‘Am I Gay’ Web Searches up 1300% in U.S. This is a story that has been forced by ads. My husband, every single time he is on YouTube, has an ad in the corner that asks, "AM I GAY". It is clearly designed to generate the type of search discussed in this article. A few months of clicks, and boom, now we have a story.
Occasional Reader
6/26/2023 7:09:49 AM
Ugh. I slept poorly last night. I hope y'all did better than I, in that regard.
Occasional Reader
6/26/2023 7:10:26 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2:
But don't you dare suggest the Alphabet Mafia is "recruiting", you right-wing h8er.
6/26/2023 7:29:38 AM
Reply to vxbush in 1: And when surveillance turns into action? Cavet WHO and the UN are not bound by the 1st Amend. Which is why the left keeps trying to hand internet control to the UN.
6/26/2023 7:44:01 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: Ugh. I slept poorly last night. I hope y'all did better than I, in that regard. Actually, no. I woke up before 5:30, tossed and turned for who knows how long, and then gave up.
6/26/2023 7:57:47 AM
In #4 Occasional Reader said: But don't you dare suggest the Alphabet Mafia is "recruiting", you right-wing h8er. Oh, perish the thought.
6/26/2023 7:58:25 AM
In #5 JCM said: And when surveillance turns into action?
Cavet WHO and the UN are not bound by the 1st Amend.
Which is why the left keeps trying to hand internet control to the UN. Yes. Precisely. If China is allowed to have stations in the US--and they are--then I don't see anything stopping the government from allowing the UN to have stations here, too.
6/26/2023 8:03:41 AM
Reply to vxbush in 8: Not to forget the US government has been outsourcing 1st Amendment violations to big tech.
6/26/2023 9:04:58 AM
In #9 JCM said: Not to forget the US government has been outsourcing 1st Amendment violations to big tech. And 4th amendment violations of searches also outsourced to tech. At least, I think it would qualify under that, although I'm sure many courts would disagree.
6/26/2023 2:52:35 PM
Reply to vxbush in 10: Given the courts have pretty much rubber stamp every Federal overreach.....
6/26/2023 3:20:58 PM
Stumbled upon this.... Where is the Outrage? The former USA president, putative candidate for the next presidential election, admitted that he wanted to “collapse” a duly elected democratic government in this Hemisphere; to take it over, to appropriate all its oil. This is an admission of the violation of fundamental international laws and an intent to commit crimes against Humanity.[1] Emphasis mine. About the author? María Páez Victor, Ph.D. is a Venezuelan born sociologist living in Canada. 'nuf said.
Kosh's Shadow
6/26/2023 4:15:03 PM
In #13 JCM said: María Páez Victor, Ph.D. is a Venezuelan born sociologist living in Canada. I first misread that as "socialist" but I think I am also correct.
Kosh's Shadow
6/26/2023 5:41:16 PM
Kosh's Shadow
6/26/2023 5:57:03 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15: Good evening, Pres'dent Biden And Kamala, how are you You have so much hatred in the things do And here comes Ilhan Omar;s he always hates the Jews Does that hatred include me, or is it just for a few? A few that makes, oh Biden a home in their own state A home that you hates, there are still fears that reverberate Biden, you say common ground, does taht include the PLO> What about Jews right here who voted for you not so long ago The babble flos so freely dancing from your lips
... left off here
6/26/2023 6:16:30 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14: Anyone who claims legitimacy for the Maduro must be. Then than she lives in Canada, and defending the regime that plunged the country into failed state status.... Yeah they be a Marxist / Leninist / Maoist.
Occasional Reader
6/26/2023 6:26:29 PM
Reply to JCM in 13:
But this also shows why I’m done with Trump. Stupid, blow hard thing for him to say. And it’s not even true. The Maduro regime was nowhere near the point of collapse when he left office, unfortunately.
Kosh's Shadow
6/26/2023 6:38:37 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 19: If Trump is the GOP nominee, I will vote for him over anyone the Dems can run. Especially "Bye, den". But should I vote in the Republican primary, DeSantis gets my vote. I think he is more likely to win, as he does not engender the revulsion Trump does with some people. (I am "unaffiliated' and can chose the primary I vote in. Which one I vote in depends on how things look when primaries roll around.)
6/26/2023 8:13:56 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 19: I don't get the slavish following he has. I never liked his personality, or his tendency to shoot his mouth off. The only positive reason I had for voting for him was his judge list... every other reason was he was not Hillary.
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