The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/13/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 7/8/2023 5:26:11 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 7/13/2023 5:49:54 AM

One good thing came out of FBI director Chris Wray's testimony yesterday: he admitted that the targeting of parents as domestic terrorists during COVID was not based on any solid evidence. Kudos to Rep. Kevin Kiley for getting Wray to admit that the investigations were horribly done. I wonder if Wray had any qualms about doing the targeting and that's why he's talking about it in any form now. Of course, he tried to minimize what they did, saying things like “the FBI is not in the business of investigating or policing speech at school board meetings or anywhere else.”

Given the information he publicly admitted and everything else we know, he should be impeached. 

vxbush 7/13/2023 5:58:07 AM

So in this article about an Ohio school paying $24,000 to train educators on how to hide the gender-bending training and grooming of children, I learned that seminar attendees were told, "Transgender and non-binary students have FERPA-protected right to privacy; this extends to a student’s gender identity, birth name, sex assigned at birth, and medical history. This includes privacy rights from parents/caregivers."

That is a lie. FERPA does no such thing. FERPA gives parents the right to access the child's education records, the right to amend the record, and the right to control what is released about the child. A right to privacy only exists once the child is 18 or older. 

Occasional Reader 7/13/2023 6:00:18 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it!

-George Costanza

/in fairness, technically speaking, that’s true

vxbush 7/13/2023 6:05:05 AM

This interesting. I'd like to see a longer article on this: Fake News, Term Limits, and Shooting Tyrants: Thomas Jefferson Called It Like He Saw It

It's not just something that happened in the 21st century.

vxbush 7/13/2023 6:07:45 AM

Chinese spies hacked the Commerce Secretary’s email

Given the general lack of ability of Biden's cabinet, is there going to be anything worth stealing? 
vxbush 7/13/2023 6:14:13 AM

Today's insanity: after flying miles to get to the latest global warming summit and riding for more miles in a limo to get to the venue, the Spanish minister gets out of the limo, jumps on a bike, and then rides the bike with the security vehicles surrounding her. Optics uber alles.

Biden's caravan while in Helsinki was flown in from the US. I don't mind the president's car being flown in given the need for complete security over the vehicle, but all the others???

vxbush 7/13/2023 6:37:00 AM
RedState notes that Manchin is being courted by the No Labels political group to potentially run as a third-party presidential candidate. That seems like wasted time and money to me. 
vxbush 7/13/2023 6:50:17 AM
Geology lovers: were the glaciers present in South Africa in place while we had one continent called Pangaea, or after? If the internet is right and says Pangaea existed 200 million years ago, then these glaciers existed before Pangaea coelesced. Maybe this occurred when one of the earlier supercontinents was around. I speculate that the glaciers aren't that odd a thing as said supercontinent could have been much closer to the southern pole than South Africa is now. 
JCM 7/13/2023 6:52:05 AM

'This is ludicrous': Swimming pool installed at Seattle encampment angers neighbors

This story made the NYPost.

JCM 7/13/2023 7:04:25 AM
Homicides Rise 96 Percent in Washington State After Passage of Gun Restrictions
Occasional Reader 7/13/2023 7:23:22 AM

In #6 vxbush said: Optics uber alles.

And yet, that didn't work either.  Heh.

"Biden's caravan while in Helsinki was flown in from the US

In fairness, that's not just Biden.  That's the case with every POTUS (at least in recent-ish times).  It's a massive armada of vehicles. 

Occasional Reader 7/13/2023 7:27:11 AM

In #9 JCM said: 'This is ludicrous': Swimming pool installed at Seattle encampment angers neighbors

Prediction: The pool will be unfit for human use within 30 days (assuming it's  not there already).

Also: "Egge and other seniors who live in the apartments near the encampment said they regularly hear gunfire coming from the encampment, to the point that some seniors said they keep their curtains closed out of fear of a bullet coming through the wall.


vxbush 7/13/2023 7:48:02 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: In fairness, that's not just Biden.  That's the case with every POTUS (at least in recent-ish times).  It's a massive armada of vehicles. 

True. And thus makes the climate change alarmism that much more insane in light of this, yes? 

JCM 7/13/2023 7:48:54 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

If the bullet can't see you it can't find you and hit you!

vxbush 7/13/2023 8:13:04 AM

Justice Sotomayor's staffers are alleged to be pushing college to buy her books. Epoch Times, so behind firewall. Some of the first paragraphs: 

A report published Tuesday by The Associated Press said it obtained new details about her team’s efforts through open records requests to public institutions, said that Mrs. Sotomayor’s staff has often prodded public institutions that have hosted the justice to buy her memoir as well as her children’s books since she joined the Supreme Court in 2009.

According to the AP’s report, those documents reveal repeated examples of taxpayer-funded court staff performing tasks for the justice’s book ventures, which workers in other branches of government are barred from doing. Supreme Court staffers have been deeply involved in organizing speaking engagements intended to sell books, those documents revealed.

Since she was named to the Supreme Court by former President Barack Obama, Mrs. Sotomayor earned some $3.7 million through her children’s books or other works. Another report noted that before she joined, the justice had investments worth between $50,001 and $115,000, but as of 2021, public records indicate she’s now worth about $1.5 million and $6.1 million. Currently, associate members of the high court earn $285,400 annually.

Occasional Reader 7/13/2023 8:19:13 AM

In #14 JCM said: If the bullet can't see you it can't find you and hit you!

Reminds me of Wile E. Coyote drawing the little curtain on that little window in little shack, just before the train hits him. 

buzzsawmonkey 7/13/2023 8:32:27 AM

In #6 vxbush said: the Spanish minister gets out of the limo, jumps on a bike, and then rides the bike with the security vehicles surrounding her. Optics uber alles.

She Jumped On Her Pushbike and Pedaled Away

JCM 7/13/2023 8:36:59 AM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

That's how Hillary's books sell so many, the number of purchases did match with the books sold. Organizations were doing bulk purchases.

Look like a money laundering scheme to full donations straight to Clintons as proceeds from book sales.

vxbush 7/13/2023 9:11:39 AM

USAF investigates mystery company that's bought 55,000 acres around major California air force base costing $800 MILLION - amid security fears it may be connected to a hostile power

Big corporation? Unclear, but may be. 

Shadowy figures? Check.

No idea who is in charge? Check. 

Occasional Reader 7/13/2023 10:39:31 AM

We had a briefing from HR on acceptable business attire.  The whole theme was, "you can dress to be your authentic self!"

I feel most authentic when wearing an M1911 in an open-carry holster.  So that's okay, right? 

buzzsawmonkey 7/13/2023 11:00:52 AM

In #20 Occasional Reader said: The whole theme was, "you can dress to be your authentic self!"

Leggings are still not pants.

Occasional Reader 7/13/2023 11:06:20 AM

In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: Leggings are still not pants.

I would never wear leggings with a holster anyway...

vxbush 7/13/2023 11:40:30 AM

If I have to choose between a man wearing leggings and assless chaps, I'm going to go with leggings, holster or not. 

buzzsawmonkey 7/13/2023 4:32:10 PM

So, about 2 weeks ago the neighborhood erupted in orange metal sidewalk partitions and orange cones, on practically every corner.  Squads of city workers suddenly appeared, and proceeded to rip up all the sidewalk corners for about 10 feet in either direction and about six-foot width.  

I happened to pass one of these crews while they were messing around with one corner, and asked the guy who appeared to be in charge why they were bothering to do this, as the sidewalk corners all seemed perfectly functional.  He said that they "weren't up to code," or "specs," or something; it seems that all this highly wasteful activity was merely to re-install the sidewalks with those stupid rubber pads with raised discs, instead of the sidewalk "accessible ramps" which have the parallel lines scored in the concrete.  If you've seen those rubber pads, you know that they start crumbling after a few winters, unlike the all-concrete sidewalks---but, hey, guaranteed perpetual employment for city workers, right?

Seems the rubber slabs (they do 'em in red now, instead of the former grey) are "for the blind people," because they can supposedly feel the discs through their shoes and know that they're at a corner. 

Gotta say, I've not noticed any great mass of blind people anywhere in the city, and I wonder what they did before the perfectly-adequate concrete ramps (which are, btw, easier for people in wheelchairs or scooters or using walkers to navigate) were replaced.   I also wonder why everything has to be geared to the tiny minority of the least-able, at great expense.   Is Diana Moon Glampers in the government?

Kosh's Shadow 7/13/2023 4:48:13 PM

In #14 JCM said: If the bullet can't see you it can't find you and hit you!

If the bullet with my name on it is in my pocket.....

Kosh's Shadow 7/13/2023 5:34:25 PM

The Secret Service - keeping the "first family's" secrets --- secret

Dope Show: Secret Service 'Can't Find' Owner of White House White Pony

Maybe they could if they just spent more time huntering.

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