Kosh's Shadow
9/7/2023 5:32:40 PM
Posting this here so people will see it. The British air traffic meltdown last week or 2 was due to a flight plan that had two different waypoints with the same name. WHAT FOOKING IDIOTS WROTE SOFTWARE THAT DOESN'T VALIDATE ITS INPUTS? AND WHAT QA DEPARTMENT DOESN'T CHECK THINGS LIKE THIS? The programming team and the QA team need to be summarily fired, and the company forced to pay for all the delays, at least for all the assets they have.
9/8/2023 5:33:27 AM
Yesterday, doppelganglander wrote: Regarding [Wednesday's] comments on the RICO charges in Atlanta - this case was prepared by the state Attorney General, Chris Carr, not the Fulton County DA Fani Willis. And let me tell you, Carr brings the receipts. If you don't want to read the 100+ page indictment, this Twitter thread summarizes it nicely. Maybe one of our attorneys can answer my question - if it's a state indictment, does the trial have to take place in the county where the crime occurred? (I believe it's in DeKalb, not Fulton.) A trial in another part of the state is more likely to yield convictions. (Edits mine for clarity.) I'm glad to hear that--but I hope you appreciate that after watching the Democrats walk all over everyone using lawfare tactics, and given that some of us are basically working two full-time jobs (not counting work at home), we have a tendency to assume the worst. I truly hope he succeeds, and I hope this type of work expands to other states.
9/8/2023 5:41:36 AM
I had a conversation yesterday with a friend I see sporadically in town. His daughter goes to a university in another state and he was bemoaning how the state legislature--filled with those damn Republicans--is tearing down the university and the university is imploding. He put the blame solidly with the legislature and worried that his daughter wouldn't have a degree to show for her time there if it falls apart completely. Not once did he even consider that perhaps the university was shooting itself in the foot with DEI nonsense and other leftist garbage. Not once did he consider that the people of the state, as represented by the legislature, had a right to decide if state money should go to an institution that is not providing what the people want. The entitlement attitude was really thick. The idea of oversight by anyone not from the University was seen as anathema, really. He was hurting for his daughter, so I didn't want to cause any additional pain. I said some nice words and hoped his daughter would get out quickly and left it at that.
9/8/2023 5:44:18 AM
In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: WHAT FOOKING IDIOTS WROTE SOFTWARE THAT DOESN'T VALIDATE ITS INPUTS? AND WHAT QA DEPARTMENT DOESN'T CHECK THINGS LIKE THIS? Pretty much all programmers educated in the last decade, I think. While they are taught some rudimentary checking for input values and such, they certainly aren't being super careful with the details. And that is something I see everywhere--people just letting the details slide, thinking they don't matter as long as it works 80% of the time.
9/8/2023 5:53:49 AM
Your car now works for Big Brother. Of the 25 car brands analyzed by Mozilla, the overwhelming majority — 84% — sold car owners’ data to third parties.
Yet another reason to own an old car.
9/8/2023 6:03:54 AM
Another lawyer question: California passed AB 957, "a measure to direct judges to favor parents who 'affirm' a child’s self-diagnosed gender confusion." Let's set aside the manifest antipathy to people with a knowledge of history, biology, or even have a strong religious conviction. The bill states (selective quoting here): SECTION 1. Section 3011 of the Family Code is amended to read:3011. (a) In making a determination of the best interests of the child in a proceeding described in Section 3021, the court shall, among any other factors it finds relevant and consistent with Section 3020, consider all of the following:(1) (A) The health, safety, and welfare of the child. (B) As used in this paragraph, the health, safety, and welfare of the child includes, among other comprehensive factors, a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression. Affirmation includes a range of actions and will be unique for each child, but in every case must promote the child’s overall health and well-being. How can they tell judges to do this, as opposed to writing legislature regarding the rights of children and parents? This seems to be crossing a boundary between two branches of government and honestly looks like a badly written law.
Occasional Reader
9/8/2023 7:42:01 AM
I hate to link to something that a certain garbage poster at Insty linked to; but this is quite funny.
9/8/2023 7:44:43 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: What company removes security validation, gets $1 Billion scammed from them? WA State Covid benefits.
Occasional Reader
9/8/2023 8:10:55 AM
So I'll repeat my television recommendation from last night: A Spy Among Friends is very, very good (despite the anodyne title). Among other things, it does not, at all, insult the audience's intelligence. E.g., during a flashback to WWII, when British agents are involved in helping a top level Abwehr official defect... you're expected to know what the Abwehr was. They don't add in an anything like one character saying to another, "you mean, the German military intelligence agency?". You're also expected to have at least a broad idea of who Guy Burgess was, and James Jesus Angleton, among others.
9/8/2023 11:09:24 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: I think Carr has a good case, but I didn't express an opinion about the likelihood of success. I'm cautiously optimistic, depending on the venue, because Georgia is basically a red state with an ugly blue blotch in the middle. This case is a direct strike against the anti-cop movement. It's funded almost entirely by out-of-state left-wing groups that bring in out-of-state protesters who've cost Georgia millions of dollars. Atlanta isn't Portland or Seattle, but it's headed in that direction if we don't eliminate the problem.
9/8/2023 12:23:11 PM
Desperate plea in the Frontier for tech advice re my switching service.
Occasional Reader
9/8/2023 1:37:43 PM
Gun stuff.
My Streamlight TLR-1 weapon light that I usually keep on my M1911 has been getting a little rickety. So, the other night I figured, maybe I'll upgrade to Surefire; hey, I'll go to their website and check out prices. Holy f*cking sh1tsnacks. The Surefire people have got to be kidding. I kind of hope Streamlight et al are eating their lunch. Those prices are downright insulting.
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