10/26/2023 6:22:20 AM
In #2 Occasional Reader said: VDH: “ In Israel rockets are used to shield civilians; in Gaza civilians are used to shield rockets. Simple truth. Alas that it seems revolutionary to say so.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2023 7:59:16 AM
Tech question. So I recently upgraded my personal iPhone to the 15 Pro Max. It's a pricey bit of hardware, so I got a pretty rugged case for it made by "UAG" (it even has kevlar in it... unnecessary, but cool!). They offered to throw in a screen protector at half price, so I thought, why not. But now that I have it, I'm having doubts about adding the screen protector; the idea of putting something adhesive onto the existing screen bugs me. Only once can I recall getting pitting on on iPhone screen after a drop, and that was one in a much less burly case, that didn't set the screen far back enough. Thoughts on the need/downsides of a screen protector?
10/26/2023 8:23:46 AM
In #6 Occasional Reader said: Thoughts on the need/downsides of a screen protector? There's not as necessary as they used to be. The glass these days is far more rugged. That said, it's always possible to drop your phone in such a way that you can break or shatter the glass. A screen protector can still help protect against most such issues. It's a shame the protector is adhesive, though; some of the new ones are such that they hold on without the glue.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2023 8:45:28 AM
In #7 vxbush said: It's a shame the protector is adhesive, Yeah, that's what puts me off, and I was surprised by it. I guess I should have read the fine print before buying the thing, but it's not like I'm a lawyer or anything! Oh, wait...
10/26/2023 9:13:33 AM
The last few days, NPR has been babbling endlessly about "Hurricane Otis" (when it hasn't been slagging Israel for retaliating against Hamas). There's been endless coverage about how "unprecedented" the storm is, its unmatched power (worst in recorded Mexican history!); its immense destruction, etc., etc., etc. And it occurs to me that all this "climate" gabble is really pre-emptive excuse-making by the government for not having done, and not doing going forward, the very functions it is the government's job to do.
10/26/2023 10:03:40 AM
In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: And it occurs to me that all this "climate" gabble is really pre-emptive excuse-making by the government for not having done, and not doing going forward, the very functions it is the government's job to do. I buy that.
Occasional Reader
10/26/2023 12:02:53 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:
Occasional Reader
10/26/2023 7:58:56 PM
Listening earlier to NPR. The current thing: Promote a “cease-fire”. Because who can be against a cease-fire, right? It’s all about peace and stuff like that! Also:” The hostages should be the first priority”. The fact that this would give all the cards to Hamas doesn’t matter.
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