The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/09/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 11/5/2023 5:46:56 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 11/9/2023 8:15:16 AM

Is it my imagination, or has everyone's workplace gotten insane with the amount of work needing to be done? I feel like I'm constantly spinning my wheels, and while I am making progress, there's always far more work waiting for me. 

JCM 11/9/2023 10:03:04 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Pretty constant workload for my team. Right now were in a lull between that last 4 years building the prototypes, and transitioning to production. That gives us time to work on all the process and documentation that doesn't get done while busy with primary tasks.

Occasional Reader 11/9/2023 10:40:08 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Is it my imagination, or has everyone's workplace gotten insane with the amount of work needing to be done?

Roger that.  At least from here.  ("Here" being my island-fortress headquarters.) 

Occasional Reader 11/9/2023 10:40:50 AM

Spotted at Insty earlier today: 

"There already is a 'Free Palestine'.  It's called Israel."

Occasional Reader 11/9/2023 2:50:25 PM

And on this anniversary of Kristallnacht, here's how to say "Never Again". 

JCM 11/9/2023 4:28:21 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Notice Syrian roundels and the IAF F-15 noses....

Has Anyone Ever Shot Down an F-15 in Air Combat? - War Is Boring

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2023 4:59:43 PM

Fourth estate, fifth column

Israel demands action after journalists reportedly joined Hamas massacre

The media watchdog HonestReporting published an investigative report late on Wednesday showing that journalists from leading news outlets, including The New York Times, AP, Reuters and CNN, joined Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip on October 7 to document the horrific events with their cameras. 

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