11/15/2023 5:14:37 AM
Some Democrats really don't know how to do their jobs, do they? Kim Gardner, the St. Louis prosecutor who took the McCluskey's to court for defending their property against a mob, decided to work on becoming a registered nurse--apparently during work hours. She was working on a master's degree in nursing and was doing clinical hours instead of working. Sheesh.
11/15/2023 5:39:55 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: Is the city just going to let her get away with stealing time and resources from them?
11/15/2023 5:43:48 AM
More details from a local station in St. Louis.
11/15/2023 5:51:47 AM
Reply to vxbush in 5: Okay, full disclosure: This really should have been labeled as Stacy Abrams' former voting rights group, as she is no longe affiliated with it. Red State makes that clear in the article, but the editor's headline could have been more helpful.
11/15/2023 10:36:03 AM
I've somehow been placed on an email feed that calls itself "Headline USA." Fortunately, it goes immediately into the Junk file; it consists largely of scare headlines (linked to articles, natch, which I've never clicked on), that seem like the most funhouse-mirror-exaggerated booga-booga stories that one might find on an allegedly-conservative website. One of the drumbeats they're currently pounding is the allegedly-impending "Government Plan to recall (?) the US Dollar"; supposedly, the government is about to "recall," whatever that means, all American currency---so if you've got any dollars in your bank account you're supposed to get them out of there tout suite...and replace them with what, precisely? Are we supposed to convert our money into yuan, or pesos, or...? Are we supposed to turn our bank account balances into bullion? Has anyone else heard of this particular bit of paranoia, and does anyone have a comment on it?
11/15/2023 11:13:01 AM
In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: Has anyone else heard of this particular bit of paranoia, and does anyone have a comment on it? Not this specific paranoia, no. There has been a lot of conversation about moving away from physical currency to what is called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), where each central bank in each country creates a digital currency to replace the existing coinage. The idea is that people won't lose money in things like Bitcoin and banks can move the money around more easily. However, there is serious concern that in the same way that the banks can track everything you do now with electronic checks and transfers, the government will be able to do the same with CBDC because the central bank will have all those details centralized. And if countries start standardizing to the same currency, there is the potential to have only a handful of currencies in use, and in theory we could end up with only one currency used across the globe. Layer over that a social credit score to decide if you are a good enough citizen, and then you may or may not be able to buy goods.
11/15/2023 11:39:00 AM
Reply to vxbush in 8: Oh, I understand the "social credit score" and CRDC worries, and it's on my list of things to uselessly fret about. But this gloom-and-doom "The government is about to CANCEL all US dollars!" thing is so beyone-that wacko that it gave me a moment of pause, and I was wondering whether anyone here had seen/read/heard something that gave it any substance.
11/15/2023 12:31:38 PM
In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: Oh, I understand the "social credit score" and CRDC worries, and it's on my list of things to uselessly fret about. But this gloom-and-doom "The government is about to CANCEL all US dollars!" thing is so beyone-that wacko that it gave me a moment of pause, and I was wondering whether anyone here had seen/read/heard something that gave it any substance. Gotcha. No, nothing I've seen makes me think this is a real thing at all.
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