The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/21/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 11/18/2023 5:36:32 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 11/21/2023 5:35:29 AM

Kosh wrote at the end of yesterday: 

A group of left-wing anti-Zionist Jews stages a Torah reading at the Capitol, and one chants from the weekly portion. But when she gets to Genesis 26:3 —where God tells Isaac, "To you and your descendants I will give all of this land, as I swore to Abraham your father" — her voice suddenly fades to an inaudible mutter. It would never do to read that aloud.

Sheesh. Let's just cut out the parts we don't like, eh? How quickly we bring the scissors to sacred scripture to get what we want. Silly humans. 

vxbush 11/21/2023 5:41:32 AM

The CDC is ramping up the fearmongering again.

vxbush 11/21/2023 5:45:55 AM

A 1950 law called the Defense Production Act (DPA) was meant to protect and promote the production of war materials. Biden is using it to make heat pumps.

I swear, the Democrats have two armies doing nothing but going through the federal law and finding every and any excuse they can to enact their will. Republicans are lucky if we have five people fighting this stuff, it seems. 

vxbush 11/21/2023 5:53:52 AM

Oh, dear Lord, have mercy

I .... wow. I have no words for this. 

vxbush 11/21/2023 5:54:15 AM
Nikki Haley gets pwned by a nine-year-old girl
Occasional Reader 11/21/2023 6:44:43 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

The one mistake the author made was referring to the 'pro-ceasefire" crowd.  They're not "pro-ceasefire", they are pro-Hamas, at least objectively so (harking back to Orwell's related observation regarding "pacfists"). 

vxbush 11/21/2023 9:00:12 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: The one mistake the author made was referring to the 'pro-ceasefire" crowd.  They're not "pro-ceasefire", they are pro-Hamas, at least objectively so (harking back to Orwell's related observation regarding "pacfists"). 

I could quibble with that, but I have no interest in doing so. I'm just wondering what on earth this rabbi think he/she/it is doing here. It's an intersectional collision. 

JCM 11/21/2023 9:13:55 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

Makes me think electroshock and lobotomies were a good thing.

Not really, but you know what I mean.

buzzsawmonkey 11/21/2023 9:58:57 AM

How do Democrats celebrate Thanksgiving?

Over stuffed ballot box---with all the trimmings!

vxbush 11/21/2023 10:02:49 AM
A very important link via Ace, explaining all the work the Palestinian support groups did to change the media landscape around Palestine and bring in leftists to support their case, including having college kids working in settlement camps. 
buzzsawmonkey 11/21/2023 1:25:14 PM

Might maybe be of interest to some:


Palestine, comprising that part of the “Holy Land” west of the Jordan Valley to the Mediterranean Sea, was turned over to Great Britain under Mandate by the League of Nations, with the object of establishing therein a National Home for Jews.  The Mandate became effective September, 1923, and included Transjordan with the stipulation that the latter should be excluded from the Jewish settlement clause.  On the north, Palestine is bounded by Syria, while in the south Hejaz and Egypt form the limit.

 Area and Population.  The area of Palestine, under the terms of the Mandate, is about 9,000 square miles.  The coastal country, devoid of many good harbors is 15 to 20 miles wide and rises to a rough plateau which, farther east, drops steeply into the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea depression.  The climate is hot during the summer, but winters are mild as in Southern Italy.  Rainfall is light in the interior.

The populations is estimated at about 800,000, of which about 80 percent are Moslems.  The Jewish Settlements are grouped in four districts, Judea, Samaria, Lower Galilee and Upper Galilee.  They are 114 in number with about 30,000 inhabitants.

Education.  The government maintains over 300 schools that care for about 20,000 children, the bulk of whom are Moslems.  The Zionist Organization controls 255 educational institutions includeing several secondary schools and colleges.  Christian schools number about 184.  There are three official languages in Palestine,—English, Hebrew, and Arabic.

Resources and Industries.  The majority of the inhabitants of Palestine are engaged in agriculture.  Chief crops are wheat, barley, durra, lentils, olives, citrus fruits, and tobacco.  Considerable live-stock is raised, principally sheep, goats, and camels.  Manufactures of export importance are olive-oil, soap, and wine.  There are many small factories and industries, including soap, brick, tile, and tobacco factories, oil and flour mills, and distilleries.  Rock salt, sulphur, carnalite, cooking salt, and bromide are the only minerals of economic value.

Government.  The British High Commissioner and an Executive Council are responsible for the execution of the laws.  Legislative power is vested in a partly elected Legislative Council.  The Zionist Organization is represented by National Committee.  

Capital is Jerusalem, population 62,678.

—Rand McNally World Atlas, International Edition, 1927

buzzsawmonkey 11/21/2023 1:48:52 PM


The autumn harvest festivals, alas, are obsolete
For, living in the cities, we don’t grow the foods we eat.
No evidence of seasons’ changes are there to be found
When supermarkets stock the same foods all the year around.
And little of the seasons’ passing show is evident
From leafless trees in iron grates embedded in cement.

But, though the beat of life has changed, we cannot obviate
The need to mark time’s passage, and the urge to celebrate.
And, if through stone and asphalt Nature’s seasons scarcely show,
We’ll greet each one consistent with the urban life we know,
And gorge ourselves on turkey, mashed potatoes, and ice cream,
To give thanks for that wondrous day the landlord sends up steam.

Occasional Reader 11/21/2023 6:22:22 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:

Very nice.

Remind me, please; is that by you?

Kosh's Shadow 11/21/2023 6:44:57 PM

Now we learn why Hamas wants a pause in the fighting:

Palestinian Authority Warns That Gaza Hospitals Running Dangerously Low On Ammunition

buzzsawmonkey 11/22/2023 11:38:54 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12: Very nice. Remind me, please; is that by you?

Indeed it is.  

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