Kosh's Shadow
1/27/2024 6:24:56 PM
Reply to JCM in 3: I'd introduce at least the number of resolutions passed against Israel against other countries, and insist they ALL pass, or the US will have to consider the UN meets the IHRA definition of anti-semitism and the US cannot either be a member nor support it in any way. All UN payents are frozen until all pass. Also, Iran must be suspended or expelled for calling for the destruction of TWO UN member states, including the host country. That MUST pass within 24 hours or no US money can be spent towards the UN; they lose free NYC parking; the UN has to pay for security and compensate NYC for any disruptions, etc. And because Iran has called for destruction of the US, its diplomatic mission to the UN is immediately reduced to the absolute minimum and the US will have to monitor it for any attempts to cause trouble in the US. Diplomatic immunity will be stripped for any illegal activity in the US. I figure the UN (Ugly Nazi) will be gone from the US within a week. After some serious fumigation, the building will be turned into a museum of all the UN's failures that can fit.
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