The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/06/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 3/30/2024 5:19:05 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2024 11:36:03 AM

Reality is crazier than satire:

Moderna Announces mRNA Injections to Prevent… Potential Side Effects of COVID mRNA Injections?

It has long been credibly well-established — if not well-publicized by the governing authorities and the corporate state media — that the COVID-19 shots potentially wreck the immune system of recipients, opening up vulnerabilities for viral pathogens exactly like the ones listed above as new therapeutic targets of Moderna mRNA injections to exploit.

I suggest these be given to gullible population Biden voters as soon as possible so they have lots of time for the side effects to take over before the election. Maybe they will all be too sick to vote.

Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2024 6:35:36 PM

Watching this video of the Rolling Stones

Realizing how true - even more true today - how trans Mick Jagger looks - confusing you is the nature of my game

All those who complained about men looking like women back in the 1970's - the camel's nose in the tent.

Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2024 7:02:44 PM
For absolutely no reason other than Youtube suggested this Dr Demento video - I think something is fishy

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