Occasional Reader
6/6/2024 5:18:52 AM
That was the single bloodiest day for American forces in the entire war, in terms of combat deaths.
Are we earning that sacrifice, still?
6/6/2024 5:36:34 AM
In #1 Occasional Reader said: Are we earning that sacrifice, still? Well, the enemy changed tactics. But based on the number and amount of donations Trump got last week, there is hope still. Quibble: "United Nations" is capitalized. Should it have been? The UN wasn't established as an organization until 1945, although I know the work to establish it started years earlier.
6/6/2024 5:45:14 AM
Texas is considering playing hardball. This is in the Republican Party platform for the state: Under the section labeled "State Sovereignty," the Texas GOP proposed a "concurrent majority," which is described as follows: "The State Legislature shall cause to be enacted a State Constitutional Amendment to add the additional criteria for election to a statewide office to include the majority vote of the counties with each individual county being assigned one vote allocated to the popular majority vote winner of each individual county."
In other words, Texas should implement a state-level version of the Electoral College. This would mean that candidates could not win office by simple state-wide majority vote but must win a majority of counties as a whole as well. I think I like this idea.
6/6/2024 5:49:22 AM
In an article about Biden's executive order on illegal entry, there's this tidbit: According to Breitbart, Biden’s executive order continues the existence of his “expansive” and damaging parole pipeline. Tens of thousands of illegal aliens show up to Ports of Entry weekly seeking parole. The migrants are then released into the interior of America with the ability to get work permits. For interesting context, as of February, Biden’s touted job gains were going to immigrants, with six out of ten of the 2.9 million additional employed migrants at the time being non-citizens. That means that up to half of the migrants taking millions of jobs were — and are — likely illegal aliens. And the Biden administration just wants to exacerbate the problem.
6/6/2024 9:03:39 AM
Reply to vxbush in 7: Pardon me your (the dweebin the video) your narcissism is showing. Being on time is being respectful of OTHER people's time. Unless you work alone in your own business, everyone's work is interlinked. Being and delivering on time is they can do their part and not be WAITING ON YOUR SELFISH BUTT!
6/6/2024 9:10:12 AM
In #8 Occasional Reader said: The term “United Nations”had been in use since 1941 to describe the allies. Thanks. So they had two different terms to refer to the same group. Interesting.
6/6/2024 9:11:02 AM
In #9 JCM said: Pardon me your (the dweebin the video) your narcissism is showing.
Being on time is being respectful of OTHER people's time. Unless you work alone in your own business, everyone's work is interlinked. Being and delivering on time is they can do their part and not be WAITING ON YOUR SELFISH BUTT! Which is why I am absolutely gobsmacked by these claims that being on time is a whiteness thing. That's beyond ridiculous.
6/6/2024 9:19:18 AM
Randomly seen on the innerwebz. Re-electing Biden is like backing up the Titanic to hit the iceberg again.
6/6/2024 9:40:13 AM
If the Democrats were smart, rather than ideologically-driven, they'd put their mail-in ballot fraud machine in gear to a) Defeat Biden/Harris, and b) Unleash the ballot avalanche to elect House and Senate candidates, and as many governors as possible. In other words, cut the top of the ticket loose; Biden is gaga, and everyone knows it; Harris is an idiot, and everyone knows it. Sink them both so that California's Pomade Boy or some other new star can arise during the four years when Trump will be glorying in his victory, the rubes will be distracted by it, and the Democrats in the Senate and the newly-retaken House, hand in hand with the Deep State bureaucrats, will be frustrating and short-circuiting his every initiative.
6/6/2024 10:54:30 AM
SpaceX Starship! Magnificent flight. Booster soft landed in the Gulf of Mexico. Starship achieved orbital velocities on a sub-orbital trajectory and soft landed in the Indian Ocean. Starship sustained major re-entry damage but stayed together, maintained control and landed. Scott Manley has on excellent overview video.
Kosh's Shadow
6/6/2024 4:37:38 PM
Reply to JCM in 15: I note NASA couldn't give full video of their launch; SpaxeX can - due to Starlink
Kosh's Shadow
6/6/2024 5:19:55 PM
In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: I note NASA couldn't give full video of their launch; SpaxeX can - due to Starlink And that is the case because if is SpaceX spending their own money. If their rocket blows up, the people funding them keep going, instead of saying it is a waste of taxpayers' money, when the people saying that would rather taxpayer money get wasted in their direction,
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