Occasional Reader
6/15/2024 6:56:14 AM
Discussion question: Is this just a bug waste of time and money?
6/15/2024 7:34:20 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 1: I'm not a big supporter of the war in Ukraine, Zelensky etc.... How ever I am big on stopping aggression. Especially when that aggression would like spread to NATO allies. Any "peace" deal would have to be status quo ante, with severe sanctions on Russian, to make it worthwhile. The "deal" would have to stop Putin's expansionist restoration of the Soviet Union. Since common sense and clear objective end states have long left the political stage. It's a waste of time.
Occasional Reader
6/15/2024 10:39:47 AM
Reply to JCM in 2:
I think it’s a waste of time because it’s not really a “piece” conference (without Russia, nor is it a sort of Allied war powers conference. It seems like a publicity stunt/fundraiser.
Occasional Reader
6/15/2024 5:19:55 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:
BBC they got bang-on.
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