7/5/2024 5:45:09 AM
I had too much to do yesterday to post, so my apologies for not sharing anything. Let's see what I can find today.
7/5/2024 5:58:24 AM
Not finding much of merit after a very slow news day, but I do want to share this: I probably have mentioned this before, but I spoke to my grandmother frequently about "how things were" when she was younger, and I asked her frequently about the world wars. At one point she shared that no one had any idea that FDR was in a wheelchair because of polio. and I was stunned. How could she not know? She said it was never revealed until after his death (whether days or years, I don't know). It seems no one outside of DC or certain elites knew about his physical limitations. I look at the way the media hid how bad Biden's dementia has been and I can't help but go back to how the media hid FDR's physical issues. The Media are nothing if not loyal servants to the Democrats.
7/5/2024 6:00:25 AM
Sigh..... The House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released a report exposing the Biden administration's use of taxpayer dollars to fund "concierge" services for illegal immigrants. "[F]ar from imposing consequences on illegal aliens and removing them from the country, the Biden Administration encourages illegal aliens to arrive at the border, chauffeurs them into the interior, and then rewards them with concierge services, all on the taxpayers’ dime and at the expense of public safety," the report stated. "From the beginning of his term, President Biden has sought to reimagine immigration detention, which is mandated by the Immigration and Nationality Act, in favor of releasing illegal aliens and relying on so-called Alternatives to Detention (ATD) programs," the report added. According to the report, the money was funneled through left-wing organizations, despite it being at the expense of security. Always back and to the left.
Kosh's Shadow
7/5/2024 8:25:21 AM
Reply to vxbush in 2: FDR was still capable of being President despite the polio. Biden was not capable even during the campaign. (Cue jokes about FDR having televised "Fireside chats" before television) Note that FDR promised the King of Saudi Arabia he would prevent Israel being re-created. G-d got him for that. Truman was religious and overrode the Arabist State Department and supported Israel, to at least a diplomatic extent.
7/5/2024 9:24:20 AM
Reply to vxbush in 3: In order to generate a crisis, the poor must obtain benefits, which they have forfeited. Until now, they have been inhibited from asserting claims by self-protective devices within the welfare system: its capacity to limit information, to intimidate applicants, to demoralize recipients, and arbitrarily to deny lawful claims. The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty FRANCES FOX PIVEN and RICHARD CLOWARD
Kosh's Shadow
7/5/2024 1:25:01 PM
Joe Biden announces he is ‘proud’ to be a ‘black woman’ I note this is JPost, not any US press Biden had announced “By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice-president, first black woman… to serve with a black president,” seemingly confusing his own biography with that of Kamala Harris’s.
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