The Daily Broadside
Posted on 08/25/2024 5.00 AM
8/18/2024 5:49:00 PM
Posted by: JCM
Kosh's Shadow
8/25/2024 3:30:56 PM
Donald Trump Sensed a Trap by the Left and Didn’t Fall for It During presidential campaigns, candidates are typically briefed by the nation's security agencies on critical matters they could face if they win the election. However, this week former President Donald Trump announced that he would refuse to take part in these standard intelligence briefings for candidates. Trump continued, "So, I don’t want the briefings because as soon as I get one, they’ll accuse me of leaking it. The best way to handle that is to avoid the briefing altogether. They come in, give you a briefing, and then two days later, they leak it and blame you." Democrat fearful "leader": CURSES! Foiled again!
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