10/13/2024 5:57:35 AM
He misses some history, such as Jews buying land in the homeland before WWII, but it’s nice to see this level of pushback.
Kosh's Shadow
10/13/2024 1:21:37 PM
Reply to vxbush in 1: I think Chapelle Roan should do a benefit concert in Gaza. Preferably a rooftop venue.
Kosh's Shadow
10/13/2024 2:02:14 PM
Columbus was a Sephardi Jew from Western Europe, study finds
“We have DNA from Christopher Columbus, very partial, but sufficient. We have DNA from Hernando Colón, his son,” Lorente said in the program. “And both in the Y chromosome (male) and in the mitochondrial DNA (transmitted by the mother) of Hernando, there are traits compatible with Jewish origin.” Well, the Woke Inquisition will REALLY be after Columbus now.
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