Kosh's Shadow
10/19/2024 2:59:14 PM
The Israel-hating Bidbama administration and its Iran-loving "intelligence" services: US intelligence documents outlining Israel's potential attack plan on Iran leaked - report
I have said Israel should give the US detailed plans and timelines for an attack on Iran, and then, before the specified date, attack different targets from a different direction. "We saw the opportunity to attack undefended sites, so we took it"
Kosh's Shadow
10/19/2024 5:07:23 PM
This was the Shabbat of Sukkot col hamoed (intermediate days - not full holidays) when traditionally Kohelles (Ecclesiastes) is read. So here is a musical version (jukebox)
Kosh's Shadow
10/19/2024 5:32:16 PM
In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: This was the Shabbat of Sukkot col hamoed (intermediate days - not full holidays) when traditionally Kohelles (Ecclesiastes) is read. A different musical version
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