The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 10/28/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 10/26/2019 3:50:42 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 2:42:47 PM

Note to anyone who shows up as unknown user.

Follow the instructions on the home page to complete your profile

vxbush 10/28/2019 5:48:02 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Note to anyone who shows up as unknown user.

We've got your avatar picture right here (for when, you know, we can set our own picture). 

Morning, campers. 

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 5:58:15 AM
Extremely foggy here today, so much so that it was hard getting the kids to school.  The words "Andrea Doria" kept running through my head.
buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 6:32:37 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Note to anyone who shows up as unknown user.

Will there be a Tomb of the Unknown User?

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 6:41:07 AM

Innovative "Foodie" Jeffrey Dahmer Dies at 34

-WaPo headline from 1994, almost

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 6:43:34 AM
They're tearing down yet another house on my street, this one just two doors down.  My house shakes occasionally when some big chunk is knocked over.  
vxbush 10/28/2019 6:44:14 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: Innovative "Foodie" Jeffrey Dahmer Dies at 34

You know, I saw the Post headline for Al-Baghdadi over the weekend and thought it was just a meme. I didn't realize that the Post had actually done it. 

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 6:47:36 AM

Singer-Songwriter Charles Milles Manson passes at 84

(And yes, at Wiki, that's actually his listed "occupation")

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 6:54:20 AM

In #2 vxbush said: We've got your avatar picture right here


vxbush 10/28/2019 7:12:31 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: Singer-Songwriter Charles Milles Manson passes at 84 (And yes, at Wiki, that's actually his listed "occupation")

I remember when these things were just the jokes we made for laughs. How sad is it that this is now de rigeur for anyone who passes? 

revobob 10/28/2019 7:14:38 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: The words "Andrea Doria" kept running through my head.

Sounds like you might be developing a Stockholm Syndrome...

revobob 10/28/2019 7:18:08 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: Singer-Songwriter Charles Milles Manson passes at 84 (And yes, at Wiki, that's actually his listed "occupation")

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 7:26:05 AM

Reply to revobob in 12:

Missing the connection here...? 

revobob 10/28/2019 7:34:32 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: Missing the connection here...? 

Perhaps a bit tenuous- If Manson was a singer/songwriter, he probably wished he was a Nashville star. I was trying to play on a comparison of how entertainment personalities are rehabilitated when they die and how similar treatment is now accorded to enemy leaders. And now that I've sucked any humorous content out of it, I'm going to go sulk in my quiet place!  ;-(    

revobob 10/28/2019 7:36:40 AM
The more so since my #11 went down with scarcely a trace. Sigh!
Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 7:37:44 AM

In #14 revobob said: If Manson was a singer/songwriter,

In fact, he was, weirdly enough; you can googlify if you want to find some of his limited repertoire.  And the even weirder thing, at least based on the one and only song of his I've heard (thanks to the Netflix series "Mindhunters"); he... well... wasn't half-bad. 

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 7:40:43 AM

In #15 revobob said: The more so since my #11 went down with scarcely a trace. Sigh!

We thought you were getting a swollen head due to pride in your puns, so decided to adjust your cap-size... 

revobob 10/28/2019 7:44:50 AM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: We thought you were getting a swollen head

You may be right- for sure it has outgrown my hair.

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 7:45:03 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

They're now trying to spin it into another "Republicans Pounce" moment, but it was swept aside by all the brave lobbyists and bureaucrats citizens booing Trump and chanting "lock him up" at the ball game.

I hope the Nats get crushed.

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 7:51:52 AM

They started ripping down that house a little before 9:00.  Now it's completely gone.  

I think I'm just going to take a mental health day today -- I spent all last week on job applications and this weekend doing crap around the house.  I need a rest.

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 7:52:36 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 19:

 No worries. The crushing is well underway.

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 7:54:41 AM

In #19 lucius septimius said: but it was swept aside by all the brave lobbyists and bureaucrats citizens booing Trump and chanting "lock him up" at the ball game.

I had not heard about that.  Got a source?  

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 7:57:36 AM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: Got a source?  

Never mind, found it.  Yeah, now *I* want the Nats to get crushed, too (and I live here).

I note in that video that in the same scene when the crowd starts to boo when Trump appears on the screen, you can see a few guys in USMC uniforms at the right side of the frame... and they're cheering.  

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 8:18:52 AM

So i recently attended a birthday party for one of Little OR's school chums, held at the National Zoo.  When we stopped by the visitor center information desk to find out the location of the party room, the lady at the desk was wearing a button advertising the Zoo's... and I quote... "Gay Day".

I just have to ask: Why?

Why does a Zoo need a "Gay Day"?


Syrah 10/28/2019 8:22:47 AM

I am seeing a lot of media and left politicians whine about how Trump’s description of Bagdadi being chased down like a dog, screaming and crying, “will endanger our personnel in the region.” Others are admonishing the president to ensure that Bagdadi gets full Islamic burial rites.

Their groveling to the feelings of monsters is, I believe, more of a threat to our personnel and our nation than is Trump’s carefully worded insult and mockery of Bagdadi.

Monsters need to be mocked and disrespected in death, not appeased with deference and apologies. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 8:31:59 AM

In #24 Occasional Reader said: Why does a Zoo need a "Gay Day"?

Because Noah saved all the animals on the Ark, and after the Flood God set a rainbow in the sky as a promise that He would never again destroy the Earth by flooding it---and the gay-rights movement has appropriated the rainbow as its symbol.  

So, therefore, since the Zoo contains the animals saved from the Flood, and the rainbow signals the conclusion of the Flood episode, and is now a symbol of the gay-rights movement, the Zoo needs a "gay day."

Or something.  It's as logical as anything else you'll hear.

JCM 10/28/2019 8:37:23 AM
This is a test, I hope you brought a pencil
Updated profile test
JCM 10/28/2019 8:39:00 AM
WOOT! I'm me again!
revobob 10/28/2019 8:46:04 AM

In #28 JCM said: WOOT! I'm me again!

Who are you REALLY????

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 8:46:39 AM

In #24 Occasional Reader said: Why does a Zoo need a "Gay Day"?

Because gay lions.  And transgendered frogs.  Y U H8?

buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 8:50:07 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 30:

Don't forget that penguin same-sex couple that's been in the news lately.

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 8:51:16 AM

Reply to revobob in 29:

Who are you?

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 8:56:15 AM

In #29 revobob said: Who are you REALLY????

/pulling off JCM's mask

It's old man Jones, the owner of the haunted amusement park! 

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 8:59:07 AM

In #33 Occasional Reader said: It's old man Jones, the owner of the haunted amusement park! 

Those darned kids!

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:02:17 AM

In #34 lucius septimius said: Those darned kids!

[ahem] I believe you mean meddling kids.  

(Because otherwise my Scooby-Doo Colombian Cocaine Cartel joke, doesn't work, what with its "... and I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for those Medellin kids!" punchline and all.) 

JCM 10/28/2019 9:07:30 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:

Reply to lucius septimius in 34:

Reply to Occasional Reader in 35:


revobob 10/28/2019 9:12:02 AM

In #35 Occasional Reader said: (Because otherwise my Scooby-Doo Colombian Cocaine Cartel joke, doesn't work, what with its "... and I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for those Medellin kids!" punchline and all.) 

And even then, it's fortunate that Columbia is the hub rather than Bolivia- "those Cochabamba kids" just wouldn't work!

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 9:13:34 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

Years ago I noticed Disney World had started having Gay Days, or a Gay Weekend. I'm fine with it. If that's your thing, go. If that's not your thing, you have been warned and can choose another day to visit. I guess the zoo is doing the same thing.

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 9:20:51 AM

In #38 doppelganglander said: Disney World had started having Gay Days, or a Gay Weekend

Adds a whole new dimension to "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride."

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:27:22 AM

In #38 doppelganglander said: I'm fine with it.

I'm "fine with it" in a sense, sure, if that's what a private entity.  But my question stands:  Why?  Why does a Zoo need a "Gay Day" (as opposed to a Catholic Day or Armenian Day or Libertarian Day or anything else)? 

Why is a zoo about "gayness" in any way?  

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:29:10 AM

In #37 revobob said: it's fortunate that Columbia is the hub

I really don't think Howard County, Maryland has much in the way of coca-growing.

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:29:32 AM

In #40 Occasional Reader said: if that's what a private entity

... "wants to do"

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 9:50:24 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 40:

Gay Day is now mandatory. Everything in the world revolves around 3% of the population. The 0.1% who are trans rule over all.

BTW, I have seen Christian Days and Muslim Days at theme parks. For the Muslims, they closed the park to non-Muslims. Christian Days, which feature Christian recording artists, are open to all. Hmmmm.

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:52:28 AM

In #43 doppelganglander said: they closed the park to non-Muslims.

And how on earth did they manage to actually police that?!

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:54:24 AM

In #43 doppelganglander said: Gay Day is now mandatory.

And as I suspect you know, that’s my point. This has gone beyond being merely “accept us as we are“, and turned into jamming something into her face over and over again. 

I mean, I suppose I could demand that the national zoo have “atheism day“ and also that the entire city celebrate “atheism month”. But I’d be kind of an asshole if I did that.

Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 9:56:42 AM

In #45 Occasional Reader said: into her face

= “into our faces”

JCM 10/28/2019 10:00:45 AM

In #45 Occasional Reader said: and turned into jamming something into her face over and over again. 


Minnesota: Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids At Library Story Hour
JCM 10/28/2019 10:01:24 AM
Now with link!
Minnesota: Drag Queen Flashes Crotch To Kids At Library Story Hour
Occasional Reader 10/28/2019 10:13:30 AM

Reply to JCM in 48:

And who are the maniacs bringing *their own kids* to these things?

JCM 10/28/2019 10:24:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 49:

I was wondering the same thing.

Most "parents" if this happened out of the blue at a story time would react like I would, grab the pervert, drag his ass out of the library, place him under citizens arrest for exposing him self and hold him on the ground until the cops came.

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 10:25:12 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 44:

I don't know - secret handshake? Seriously, it was probably handled the same way as a company-sponsored event - an organization rents out the entire park and manages ticket distribution, and everyone gets a wristband. I went to an event like that at Six Flags sponsored by Mindspring when they had a much, much smaller customer base. (We were account #187, IIRC.)

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 10:48:49 AM

In #50 JCM said: I was wondering the same thing. Most "parents" if this happened out of the blue at a story time would react like I would, grab the pervert, drag his ass out of the library, place him under citizens arrest for exposing him self and hold him on the ground until the cops came.

I read a piece about this recently.  The parents are the typical upper middle class Latte swilling liberal (because all my friends are) moms of the sort who voted for Hillary because they swooned at the thought of lady parts.  They are over-educated, under-employed, and bored.  This means they spend a disproportionate amount of their time ruminating on where they stand in the hierarchy of their peers.  My neighborhood is full of them.  They are the real audience -- the kids are just an excuse to go hang out with their friends and laugh at a minstrel drag show.  It's cheap entertainment and a place where (before it's time to hit the Chardonnay) they can act like a bunch of superannuated sor-whores.

Meanwhile, they're too busy being woke (and probably too high on prescription anti-psychotic drugs) to be blissfully unaware that this entire charade is part of the on-going campaign to normalize pedophilia.  That's partly because they really don't give a rat's ass about the kids.  Kids are, like a retriever or (for the hubby!) a golf cart, a fashion statement, "performance of estate" as a social historian once put it.  And if the kid turns out "trans" even better -- they can perform their wokeness to their friends to the nth degree.

As for the kids, eventually they realize that mom never really gave a shit about them, but by that time it will likely be too late.  

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 11:00:49 AM

In #52 lucius septimius said: They are over-educated, under-employed, and bored

That's it right there. On the opposite end of the political spectrum, I saw this a lot when I was homeschooling my eldest and she was competing in speech and debate. Many of the moms had advanced degrees and nothing to do but push their kids in academics and extracurriculars. It stopped being about the kids and more about the moms competing with each other. Obviously, this is much healthier than drag queen story hour, but it still created a lot of unhappy kids who felt like performing poodles.

JCM 10/28/2019 11:07:52 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 52:

Brutal but I suspect accurate assessment.

JCM 10/28/2019 11:15:16 AM
Oy vey....

Going around with the school district about Munchette.

We put a safety plan in place, required by State Law, two days later the school violated the Safety Plan.

I notice in some of the email signatures of the district people an new line,


With the blank filled in.

I think I need a pronoun line.


lucius septimius 10/28/2019 11:48:31 AM

Reply to JCM in 55:

Pronoun:  Your/Our Princely Grace

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 12:52:09 PM

Reply to JCM in 55:

It's getting harder and harder to raise a family in a normal way in places like WA. And I'm not surprised they're not following the plan. You have to stay on them every day.

vxbush 10/28/2019 1:40:27 PM

In #55 JCM said: I notice in some of the email signatures of the district people an new line, Pronouns:

Yes, I'm seeing that at work, and studiously NOT putting it in my email sig. 

vxbush 10/28/2019 1:40:57 PM

In #55 JCM said: I think I need a pronoun line. Pronoun: DO NOT FUCK WITH ME

Ooooo, I want to steal that. If not that, then "Tech Goddess" works just fine. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 1:44:02 PM
I don't do "pronouns"; I'm keeping my amateur noun status.
lucius septimius 10/28/2019 1:55:11 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 60:

How many years before we look back at this bizarre episode and say "what the fuck were they thinking?"  I give it a decade before the whole "trans" thing collapses like a bad souffle.

vxbush 10/28/2019 2:02:57 PM

In #61 lucius septimius said: How many years before we look back at this bizarre episode and say "what the fuck were they thinking?"  I give it a decade before the whole "trans" thing collapses like a bad souffle.

I think that is being incredibly optimistic. The LLLiberals think they are still in power, and therefore they are going to keep pushing Trans and add to it Pedophilia, beastiality (or however it is spelled), and other problems to the list of Things You Can't HateTM

buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 2:06:37 PM

In #61 lucius septimius said: I give it a decade before the whole "trans" thing collapses like a bad souffle.

As I've observed before, the ancient Greeks sacked Troy via the subterfuge of the Trojan Horse; the modern Left seeks to sack Western civilization via the subterfuge of "transgenderism"---the Estrogen Horse.

I think that the Left may have overreached on this one; not only people in the larger society, but people in the homosexual minority, are uncomfortable with the whole "transgender" thing---and the feminists are beginning to realize that "transgenderism" results in their own little bailiwick getting the short end.  "Transgenderism" suits the radical Left down to the ground, because it enables the same bullying of thought and language on an interpersonal and intra-familial level that "climate change" enables on a societal level, but it may yet prove to be the Left sowing the seeds of its own destruction.

buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 2:07:39 PM
Five feet forward, six feet back---we got strikethrough, but what the hell happened to the "italic" button?
vxbush 10/28/2019 2:21:44 PM

In #64 buzzsawmonkey said: Five feet forward, six feet back---we got strikethrough, but what the hell happened to the "italic" button?

I don't think we gave Frankie enough money, capische? 

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 3:25:12 PM

In #63 buzzsawmonkey said: I think that the Left may have overreached on this one;

I think you're right.  I expect the Summer Olympics next year may force the whole matter to a crisis.  After all the hooha about the women's soccer team not getting paid as much as the men (no, actually it turns out they were paid more) the fact that the medals will likely be gobbled up by "transwomen" (i.e., chicks with dicks) will produce an explosion among feminists.  The Democratic presidential candidates will be forced to choose a side -- whichever they choose they will find themselves under attack from within the Left.

lucius septimius 10/28/2019 3:33:21 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 66:

There are two other factors which I suspect will come into play.

1) Within the next ten years we will see a bunch of lawsuits brought by people who went through hormone treatments too young and developed serious medical problems.  A friend of mine, a chemist who makes cancer drugs, is convinced that we will see a bunch of hither-to rarely seen cancers cropping up among those people, with limited treatment options.  Doctors and drug companies will be the main targets, but there will be others.

2) The ordinary folk are getting increasingly fed up with having to accept as "true" what is manifestly "false."  Transgenderism is, as you said, overreach.  It is also inherently tyrannical because it makes someone responsible for another person's subjective "feelings."  The Silent Majority is already fed up - Trump was the candidate of the "says you" party, to use your term.  And as the insanity waxes, the number of folks who will embrace "says-you-ism" will only increase.

buzzsawmonkey 10/28/2019 3:46:19 PM

In #66 lucius septimius said: all the hooha about the women's soccer team

"Hooha?" Interesting choice of words...

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 4:01:40 PM

 Reply to lucius septimius in 67:

Puberty blockers are being used off label for "trans" kids while doctors admit they have no idea what the long-term effects might be. Lupron has one approved use, in children who are experiencing precocious puberty (little girls getting their period age 6, for example). Off-label use should be banned immediately, with stiff civil and criminal penalties for administering it to children, along with any type of medical intervention such as surgery or hormone treatments. No reasonable person can oppose protecting children from unproven and dangerous medical treatment, but of course we know Democrats are in no way reasonable people.

doppelganglander 10/28/2019 4:11:48 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 69:

This is an excellent article about the lengths one family had to go to to get their daughter desperately needed mental health care in the face of a therapist who diagnosed her as trans after a 45-minute visit with no questions. Note the statement from the doctor at the inpatient facility where the girl eventually got help: 100% of the girls presenting as trans in the last three years had been sexually abused. But therapists are trained NOT to ask about such things or consider any other symptoms the child displays.

Kosh's Shadow 10/28/2019 4:49:43 PM

In #15 revobob said: e more so since my #11 went down with scarcely a trace. Sigh!

How many people know the Andrea Doria was sunk after a collision with the Stockholm? I do.

Kosh's Shadow 10/28/2019 4:51:08 PM

In #24 Occasional Reader said: I just have to ask: Why? Why does a Zoo need a "Gay Day"?

Wasn't there a post about gay lions a few days ago?

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