11/8/2019 6:01:24 AM
Michael Bloomberg weighing a campaign for the Democratic nomination. Ugh.
11/8/2019 6:13:33 AM
In #2 JCM said: Visitors to a waterfront park in a Seattle suburb have reported seeing two turtles with large white swastikas on their shells. Obviously, someone was trying to communicate that supporters of neo-Nazism are ...slow.
11/8/2019 6:36:33 AM
In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: Obviously, someone was trying to communicate that supporters of neo-Nazism are ...slow. Do we have picture evidence? Because people have messed up in the past, thinking something was a swastika and it wasn't.
Morning, campers.
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 7:05:11 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: Michael Bloomberg weighing a campaign for the Democratic nomination. Ugh.
And the horrible part is, he would arguably be the least-worst of the (D) field.
11/8/2019 7:10:19 AM
Reply to JCM in 2: There's something in the water turning the frogs gay and the turtles into nazis!
lucius septimius
11/8/2019 7:14:51 AM
In #6 Kenneth said: There's something in the water turning the frogs gay and the turtles into nazis!
It's Trump's hate! It has magical powers!
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 7:17:38 AM
In #6 Kenneth said: There's something in the water Why yes, yes there is, quite likely this morning. (And the affected area includes Little OR's school. They've turned off the water fountains, among other things.)
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 7:18:25 AM
In #2 JCM said: NAZI TURTLES! Perhaps they're WWII veterans who are suffering from shell shock.
11/8/2019 7:50:28 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: ((((GROAN)))
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 8:01:15 AM
In #11 Syrah said: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/11/07/can-republicans-relearn-how-accept-political-outcomes-they-dont-like/
OMG. OMG. This isn't the Babylon Bee, right? I
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 8:16:32 AM
In #10 Kenneth said: ((((GROAN)))
Hey, blame "Rocky", I more or less stole the joke from him.
11/8/2019 9:50:10 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 14: First Lizzie... we are not a democracy. If you run for the highest office in the land I would expect you to at least know what type of government we have. Second.... so less than 1% of the people are the backbone of the country. Yeah, you go with that.
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 9:50:31 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 14: Um. OK. Liz.
/backing away slowly, thumbing safety off 1911
11/8/2019 10:16:38 AM
Reply to JCM in 15: I suspect a lot of "cis" black women would take great exception to that description. I am truly sick of everyone being forced to bow down and glorify 0.01 percent of the population who have a serious mental illness. Oh, and "womxn" is not a real word any more than "Latinx" is. How do you pronounce that - La-tinks? 98 percent of Hispanics, and anyone who's ever learned a Romance language, think it's stupid.
lucius septimius
11/8/2019 10:35:29 AM
Reply to doppelganglander in 17: The fact is, the Dems know that they own blacks and Hispanics. They can say anything they want, just like they can spout Jew hatred all day long and count on the Jewish vote. Meanwhile, the wrath of the Wokestapo is enough to ensure they they will always pander to the trans-fatty community. They know it won't hurt them with their core constituencies.
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 10:54:18 AM
In #17 doppelganglander said: think it's stupid. And this calls to mind the observation (made by Theodore Dalrymple, and, IIRC, Orwell before him) that much of Leftist rhetoric is not meant to convince anyone of anything; but rather to humiliate those who repeat it, and break down their ability to grasp objective reality.
lucius septimius
11/8/2019 11:09:55 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 19: It also (as Machiavelli pointed out) makes them complicit. Once they buy into the ideology, they can't abandon it because they they would have to accept responsibility for its effects.
11/8/2019 11:31:02 AM
Rant mode engaged..... So, I purchased a firearm two weeks ago. Waiting for permission to transport it from the store to home. Dug out my paperwork and contacted the RCMP and gave them all my relevant information. They know nothing so the person on the other line transferred me to the appropriate Chief Firearms Officer to figure out what's going on. Get a message that they are too busy and and can't take messages or even tell you to wait on the line for the next available person. Nope, too busy, try reaching us at mumble mumble e-mail. Then it repeats in french, and again in english.... Hung up since I wasn't getting anything and decided to look up the phone number to call directly. The pricks have delisted their voice number. Can't be found anywhere and they don't publish it. Useless, useless, useless. At times I hate this country.
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 11:53:16 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 21:
Well, you shouldn't be trying to acquire an icky shooty thingy anyway, serves you right.
11/8/2019 12:00:41 PM
In #19 Occasional Reader said: much of Leftist rhetoric is not meant to convince anyone of anything; but rather to humiliate those who repeat it, and break down their ability to grasp objective reality.
"Climate change" and "transgenderism" may not seem related, but they are: both are (non-mutually-exclusive) Leftist cults whose purpose is to get ordinary people used to taking random orders from others. It matters not what the orders are---regarding language, recycling, general deference, etc.---nor how self-contradictory the orders may be from one day to the next; the objective is to browbeat people into becoming accustomed to doubting, then abandoning, their own judgment, their own interests, their own desires, in favor of kowtowing to those issuing the decrees. The "climate change" cult is the macro version---"You're hurting the planet! You're endangering us all!"---though it has its micro component pushed by surly moppets like Greta Thunburg. The "transgender" cult is the micro version---"Respect my pronouns! Why are you a h8er?"---in that it is more face-to-face personal, but it has its own macro component in the way it seeks to impose discriminatory laws. The "transgender" cult appears to be overreaching faster than the "climate change" cult---the magic word "science" can still dazzle the credulous---but they are both elements of the same desire for personal control of others being pushed by the same people, and both should be resisted.
11/8/2019 12:06:24 PM
Sick of "minorities"
Reply to doppelganglander in 17:
So sick "minorites". The left's Balkanization of US using that. We are based on the sovereign individual, the ultimate minority, the minority of one.
11/8/2019 12:09:04 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 18: They can't win with just their core constituencies. The black vote and, especially, the Hispanic vote are not as monolithic as they once were. Both groups tend to be more socially conservative on issues like gay rights and abortion. Hispanic citizens and legal immigrants are often opposed to illegal immigration (one reason Democrats want more illegal immigration and illegal voting). The #WalkAway movement seems to be making some headway. I'm not sure any of this will have a major effect in 2020 - Trump is still really offputting to a lot of people - but the extremism from the Democrats is probably driving away a lot of center-left voters.
11/8/2019 12:11:22 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 19: Reply to lucius septimius in 20: Most people find it all but impossible to admit they were wrong.
11/8/2019 12:19:55 PM
In #26 doppelganglander said: Most people find it all but impossible to admit they were wrong.
I've always enjoyed confounding opponents by saying, "Yes, I'm prejudiced---but it doesn't mean I'm wrong." Their confusion is delightful.
11/8/2019 12:33:06 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 27: I'm not surprised - the general attitude is that I'm making a rational, fact-based statement and you are a biased fool driven by emotion. That's where you get insane, unscientific opinions that an unborn baby is not human and men can be women, or vice versa, if they just believe hard enough. I wonder if we should call the latter the Tinkerbell principle - all you need is faith, and trust, and a little bit of pixie dust. (I know Peter Pan says the line, but there's already a Peter Pan syndrome and the Peter Principle.)
11/8/2019 12:38:21 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 28: The beauty of the line, "I may be prejudiced, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong" is that it does not retreat. Yes, there are bad prejudices---but just as a truth is a truth regardless of whether it is reported by Fox or CNN, saying "Yes, I may be prejudiced" but not folding on those grounds seriously confuses the snotflakes. They expect people to fold immediately when accused of "prejudice," because that's what happens in their safe space bubbles. If you admit the possibility of prejudice and still press them, they don't know what to do.
lucius septimius
11/8/2019 12:43:52 PM
In #26 doppelganglander said: Most people find it all but impossible to admit they were wrong. Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.
11/8/2019 12:49:39 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 30: That should be on your gravestone.
Occasional Reader
11/8/2019 12:54:49 PM
In #29 buzzsawmonkey said: Yes, there are bad prejudices- There are also both irrational prejudices, and rational ones. (Needless to say.)
11/8/2019 12:56:04 PM
In #30 lucius septimius said: Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.
I like the Hammett/Chandler variation of that line: "Couldn't you be wrong?" "Sure---once in [insert long-past date] I was. I forget what it was about."
11/8/2019 1:02:54 PM
In #32 Occasional Reader said: There are also both irrational prejudices, and rational ones. (Needless to say.)
When I was driving a cab, after my second year in college, the experienced/longtime drivers, black and white both, told me to never, ever, under any circumstances, pick up a black person. I dismissed this as mere prejudice, and disregarded it. I found out that: a) blacks, as a rule, do not tip and, if they do, they tip poorly; b) they'll take you out to some remote neighborhood where i) you don't dare pick up a fare, and ii) you have to deadhead back to the primary-earning areas, wasting time and losing money; c) then, of course, there's always the fare who will take you into the projects, rob you, and threaten your life. I experienced all three of these, which taught me why the black as well as the white drivers had the same attitude.
11/8/2019 1:38:18 PM
Listen to the Ukraine whistleblower Blowin' like he never did before
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