11/25/2019 6:03:55 AM
The problem with mornings is I need coffee to make coffee.....
11/25/2019 6:49:56 AM
Hate speech!
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: I thought hate speech was banned!? Oh wait, antisemitism isn't hate speech... I forgot... silly me.
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 6:52:45 AM
In #1 JCM said: The problem with mornings is I need coffee to make coffee.....
I'm dragging it this morning, too. Little OR walked into my bedroom at 3 AM and announced he wanted to sleep in my bed. Took a while to convince him to instead go back to his (plus some warm milk, potty break, and my singing our Goodnight Song), and then I couldn't fall asleep myself until some time after 4:30.
lucius septimius
11/25/2019 6:52:53 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: The only thing missing with the modern Jew-haters is snappy uniforms.
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 7:00:31 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 5:
Don't give Hugo Boss any ideas...
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 7:23:04 AM
So, the Tesla Cybertruck. Awesome? Stupid? Both?
11/25/2019 7:28:09 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: Oberlin tuition is $55,000 per year. I'm sure Mummy and Daddy are so proud.
11/25/2019 7:29:41 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 7: Looks stupid. My Ram 1500 with a 5.7L V8 Hemi is more environmentally friendly. Mine has more towing, more interior space, more cargo capacity.
11/25/2019 7:55:51 AM
Oh noes! the glimeter!
The most powerful hand gun EVAH!
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 7:59:18 AM
Reply to JCM in 11: How else would one measure gli?
11/25/2019 8:16:06 AM
In #9 JCM said: Looks stupid.
My Ram 1500 with a 5.7L V8 Hemi is more environmentally friendly.
Mine has more towing, more interior space, more cargo capacity.
Yes, the interior space and cargo capacity look awful. However, you don't have to pay overtime, you don't have to pay salary, you don't have to deal with medical leave, etc. I could see that the reduction in the "human cost" would more than make up for the issues the vehicle has.
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 8:22:10 AM
In #13 vxbush said: However, you don't have to pay overtime, you don't have to pay salary, you don't have to deal with medical leave, etc. I Huh? AFAIK this is not an autonomous vehicle, if that's what you're driving at (pun intended).
11/25/2019 9:05:52 AM
In #14 Occasional Reader said: AFAIK this is not an autonomous vehicle, if that's what you're driving at (pun intended). I thought it was. Whoops. I haven't been keeping up on Musk stuff; I get tired of his marketing and constant presence in the news, so I tune out that stuff. Okay, so I'm totally wrong. What *is* the selling point of his truck? The fact that it runs on batteries?
11/25/2019 9:15:57 AM
This Christmas, give her Elon Musk™---the perfume that exudes the wealthy aroma of government subsidy!
11/25/2019 9:17:04 AM
In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: This Christmas, give her Elon Musk™---the perfume that exudes the wealthy aroma of government subsidy! 🤮
Alice in Dairyland
11/25/2019 10:23:07 AM
In #1 JCM said: The problem with mornings is I need coffee to make coffee..... I put mine together before going to bed. Have the timer set and I can wake up to freshly brewed coffee! Although some mornings even that doesn't help. Today is my birthday and we're putting up the outside Christmas lights. Won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving though. This early retirement is starting to really work out for me. Never in the past 40+ years have I been able to do this on a Monday morning. Plus it's about 40F, almost a heat wave here. What a great birthday!
Alice in Dairyland
11/25/2019 10:24:14 AM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 18: Oh yeah, I hope nobody's planning on buying me that ugly truck for my birthday.
11/25/2019 10:54:39 AM
Now that Bloomberg is "in the race," someone should bring out Big Gulp cups emblazoned with a legend along the lines of, "If Bloomberg [his logo there] becomes president, he will take these away."
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 11:08:43 AM
In #15 vxbush said: What *is* the selling point of his truck? The fact that it runs on batteries? Well, yes. Plus, they have this whole hoopla about it being sorta kinda bulletproof with sorta kinda shatterproof glass... and frankly, thinking about driving through certain parts of DC, that's not a bad selling point. (Plus highly resistant to body damage, again, allegedly.) I'm frankly surprised at the (relatively) low starting price of $40K, given all the apparently innovative production stuff they need to so with this; plus the mere fact that Tesla is considered an upmarket brand.
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 11:12:04 AM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 18: Happy birthday! (I take it?)
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 11:13:02 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 20:
And as I've noted before, the shocking part is, Nanny Bloomberg is (arguably) the least worst of the Dem candidates.
11/25/2019 11:24:16 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 21: Electric Vehicles are "woke". Greta Thunberg approves of them. Never mind the high environmental footprint of mining the exotic rare earth materials for the batteries. The conflict materials. The higher carbon footprint in manufacturing that is not offset by not using fossil fuels for power. Or the problems when all these batteries full of toxic heavy metals need to be disposed of. No of that matters so woke people can drive without having a personal exhaust or carbon footprint.
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 11:26:41 AM
In #24 JCM said: full of toxic heavy metals So I take it you'd rather hedge your bet on a clean Corvette?
/cue earworm for those of us of a certain age
11/25/2019 12:20:30 PM
In #21 Occasional Reader said: Plus, they have this whole hoopla about it being sorta kinda bulletproof with sorta kinda shatterproof glass Except the shatterproof glass....shatters. Uh, yeah. NEXT!
lucius septimius
11/25/2019 12:31:18 PM
Reply to JCM in 24: Liberal moral vanity: the ultimate renewable resource.
Occasional Reader
11/25/2019 12:57:51 PM
In #27 vxbush said: Except the shatterproof glass....shatters.
Well, yes, but apparently the steel ball did NOT make it through into the passenger compartment; which is fairly impressive as it is.
11/25/2019 1:35:38 PM
Think the best line I read about the Tesla pick up is that it's a refugee from a 1970's B sci-fi movie. So ugly it doesn't even get to cute.
lucius septimius
11/25/2019 2:09:41 PM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 30: It sort of looks like the DeLorean's hayseed cousin.
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