12/6/2019 5:12:00 AM
Ahhhh, a day off. Time to do some running around and get some minor chores done. Later drive the Squire to the big city for his bi-weekly ED visit. Might me an interesting drive down. Snow squall watch in effect again.
12/6/2019 6:17:14 AM
Idiot drivers...
Some punk kid in his beat up old Corrola with loud exhaust and bald tires thought it would be a good idea to pass other cars at over 70 on a curce in light rain then cut across lanes.... HELLO JERSEY BARRIER! He'll be taking the bus now.
Occasional Reader
12/6/2019 7:04:56 AM
Good morning and happy Friday. Via Insty: Here's a late-18th/early-19th century flintlock machinegun, made in USA, baby, that was actually fielded by the US Navy (if "fielded" is the right word... watered-ed?); including aboard the USS Constitution. Personally, I'd never heard of this before.
Occasional Reader
12/6/2019 7:06:53 AM
Reply to JCM in 2: Karma is a female dog. You witnessed this yourself?
12/6/2019 7:29:40 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Wow. Cool. IIRC, the Gatling gun also had multiple barrels, but a movable magazine that fired individual bullets as those barrels were rotated and the magazine fed through them.
Occasional Reader
12/6/2019 7:38:14 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5: Yes, bascially (the magazine was a gravity-fed box magazine, or in some models a simple hopper). Arguably, the older Chambers gun was closer to a true "machinegun" than the Gatling, since it did not require hand-cranking (although neither is it really a true machinegun).
12/6/2019 7:43:16 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: The Maxim supplanted the Gatling, did it not? What was the difference between them?
12/6/2019 7:50:15 AM
Right there...
Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:
Slide right in front of me.
12/6/2019 7:51:22 AM
Reply to JCM in 8: Slide right in front of me, I stopped made sure he was alright... when he said he didn't know what happened I called him and idiot who endangers other people. I don't think I made a friend.
12/6/2019 7:54:30 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Unpossible, the founders could have imagined rapid fire weapons!
12/6/2019 7:58:25 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7: Gatling is manually or externally operated. Cranking it either with a crank, or electric motor as in modern weapons, chambers a round, extracts the brass, cocks and drops the firing pin. A machine gun, or full automatic firing, is operated by either recoil or gas blow back systems. Where pulling the trigger fires the first round, energy form that firing extracts the brass, chambers a new round, and cocks and drops the firing pin. As long as the trigger is held down the process will continue to repeat until out of ammo or the trigger is released.
Occasional Reader
12/6/2019 8:12:19 AM
In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: The Maxim supplanted the Gatling, did it not? What was the difference between them? Yes; and JCM's explanation, respectively.
"Whatever happens, we have got the Maxim Gun, and they have not."
-Hilaire Belloc
12/6/2019 8:21:41 AM
Guest Opinion by Kip Hansen Is it possible for a single newspaper article to be greater-than 100% wrong? I think that it is certainly possible that Henry Fountain, of the New York Times Climate team, has managed the near-impossible with his latest contribution to the NY Times’ Climate section titled: “Climate Change Is Accelerating:…
Occasional Reader
12/6/2019 9:00:29 AM
Reply to JCM in 13: All together now: "But the narrative is true!!!!"
12/6/2019 9:38:26 AM
We must be owned by the NFL, judging by the number of kickoffs the site engages in.
12/6/2019 9:40:19 AM
The science is settled!
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: No more science! Your science is white patriarchal and racist if it disagrees with my science!
Occasional Reader
12/6/2019 11:49:06 AM
Walked by the White House/Lafayette Park on my way back from lunch and a medical appointment. The crazies are really out today, one guy just walking around ranting at the top of his lungs about how awful Trump is, another playing a loud recording of patched-together bits of Trump speeches such that he says, e.g., "I am... a traitor..." (etc.). I see these a&&holes and I really, really hope Trump wins by a freaking landslide in 2020, just so they'll all throw themselves off bridges.
12/6/2019 12:10:23 PM
A stray thought. Imagine a debate on stage between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Will we need subtitles to understand them?
12/6/2019 12:14:08 PM
Also, Is Nancy Pelosi getting worse?
12/6/2019 12:20:33 PM
Democrat Congressman Van Drew from New Jersey has announced he will vote against impeachment. It is like a faucet leak. First, one drop escapes,....
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