The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 12/27/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 12/21/2019 11:18:27 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 12/27/2019 5:22:23 AM
The fog crept in on little cat feet, here in DC.  Buenos días.
JCM 12/27/2019 9:40:22 AM

British Police Admit Electric Vehicles are Useless for Police Work

Police have spent millions of pounds on electric cars they admit are useless for chasing suspects or rushing to help victims.

Forces around the country have bought at least 448 environmentally-friendly vehicles to help them meet green energy targets.

But almost all of the cars and vans are being used in non-emergency situations or by chiefs to get to work.

Occasional Reader 12/27/2019 11:51:57 AM

Reply to JCM in 2:

OK, granted, those vehicles don’t work so well for chasing bank robbers, but they are perfect for arresting people for making social media posts that are critical of Islam.

lucius septimius 12/27/2019 2:28:49 PM
Just arrived at mom's house.  Two weeks of playing step 'n fetchit.

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