The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning Brunch

Posted on 02/16/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 2/15/2020 10:59:29 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 7:59:13 AM

Paging Paul Kersey...

buzzsawmonkey 2/16/2020 8:10:35 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

DiBlasio built that.

JCM 2/16/2020 9:11:39 AM

Previously in Seattle if a Homeless person camped out in a store or shop lifted they would be trespassed from the property by the police.

A second office for shopping lifting was felony burglary, or hanging out felony harassment the Seattle attorney and the King Co. prosecutor are no longer charging on the multiple offenses.

One of Seattle rush hour shooters, because none of his rounds hit anyone is only. being charged with felony possession of a firearm. One of the other shooters had been charge four different times for that and never done time for it.

JCM 2/16/2020 9:51:27 AM
Shaking my head.

US agency to pay for 11,000 miles of fuel breaks in 6 states, including Washington

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Bureau of Land Management has announced plans to fund 11,000 miles (17,703 kilometers) of strategic fuel breaks in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada and Utah in an effort to help control wildfires.

30 years ago fire breaks were common and used extensively and they worked. But the envirowhacks made a fuss and they fell out of use.

I suspect the whackos are going to sue over this.

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 10:00:23 AM
Trump wants to encourage federal agencies to build in the classical style of architecture, as seen in most public buildings prior to World War II. Obviously that makes him a fascist. (Warning: Link to Slate.)
JCM 2/16/2020 10:15:29 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5:


Draw up articles of impeachment! We have proof Trump is Hitler!

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 10:21:14 AM

Reply to JCM in 6:

We also learn that trying to improve tourism in a poor corner of Brazil is homophobic and Hungarian patriotism is Holocaust denial. Anyone with eyeballs can see that Brutalist architecture is dehumanizing - that's why they call it Brutalist. Naturally it's beloved of the authoritarian left. I'd rather be oppressed by fluted columns and architraves, thank you very much.

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 10:31:37 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7:

NPR panelists yesterday were insinuating that preferring Neo-Classical was “racist” because it was invented by white people.  As opposed to Modernist/Brutalist, which was invented by... er... Ashaninka tribesmen?

lucius septimius 2/16/2020 10:34:15 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

NPR panelists should be made to live in mud huts and forced to burn cow dung for fuel.  But then that would be "cultural appropriation" wouldn't it?

JCM 2/16/2020 10:51:44 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7:

I do like brutalist architecture.... for prisons.

JCM 2/16/2020 10:53:05 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

So indoor plumbing, electric lights, HVAC and other amenities invented by white people are racist? 

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 10:58:34 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

those things were all originally invented by ancient Africans, everybody knows that.

lucius septimius 2/16/2020 11:03:08 AM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: those things were all originally invented by ancient Africans, everybody knows that.

I'm assuming they invented double-entry bookkeeping as well.

buzzsawmonkey 2/16/2020 11:04:56 AM

In #7 doppelganglander said: I'd rather be oppressed by fluted columns

LGBTQWERTY architects can go for the skin-fluted columns...

buzzsawmonkey 2/16/2020 11:09:09 AM
Proof that "classical architecture" is sexist: they use caryatids (female figures holding up pediments) more often than they use atlantes (male figures holding up pediments)!
Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 11:28:02 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

They could now shift genders, fluidly, so there would be no im-pediment to performing either role.

buzzsawmonkey 2/16/2020 11:30:58 AM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: They could now shift genders, fluidly, so there would be no im-pediment to performing either role.

HA!!!  Actually, had modern-day PC architects a sense of humor, they'd design caryatids/atlantes of indeterminate sex for such buildings.

lucius septimius 2/16/2020 11:32:21 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

How cis of you.  The caryatids identify as antlantes

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 11:56:14 AM

In #10 JCM said: I do like brutalist architecture.... for prisons

I understand the impulse to make prison as unpleasant as possible, but I suspect prisoners would be better behaved in a less ugly environment. Apparently some minimum security prisons allow prisoners to have personal items in their cells, like quilts and photos. As a privilege for good behavior, it makes sense.

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 12:01:39 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

Perhaps government bookkeeping was invented by one of those cultures that counts "one, two, many" and doesn't have words for higher numbers. A billion here, a billion there - it's all just "many."

Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2020 12:26:28 PM

Trump delivers "Start your engines" at the Daytona 500

This PROVES he is a race-ist

buzzsawmonkey 2/16/2020 12:35:40 PM

In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: Trump delivers "Start your engines" at the Daytona 500 This PROVES he is a race-ist

Liz Warren could have done "start your Injuns" better...

Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2020 12:43:24 PM

In #22 buzzsawmonkey said: Liz Warren could have done "start your Injuns" better...

HOW? (See, me speak-um injun, too)

Reminds me of a Tom Slick episode. Some Indians planted an apple orchard, but the trees died because it was in the desert.

So they turned into a car racetrack, for the Apple-less Indian 500

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 1:01:38 PM
Hey Amy, who is the President of Mexico?
PaladinPhil 2/16/2020 1:28:43 PM

Afternoon people. Had a good range day with the wife and friends. Got her to fire the .22 LR and she was a little nervous at first. She got into it a bit before deciding she had enough. She wants to go again to do some more. 

Also, I need to get into reloading to fray the costs of 9mm ammo. it can get a little expensive.

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 2:49:47 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 25:

Sounds like fun. I was nervous the first time I shot, but I got over it pretty quickly. The BF is a certified firearms instructor so I knew I was in good hands. We haven't been in forever because of his back problems, but I'm hoping we can go this summer.

Alice in Dairyland 2/16/2020 2:54:07 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 26:   Sorry your BF is having back problems.  How's your kitty doing, if I may ask?

lucius septimius 2/16/2020 2:55:05 PM
Tonight was one of those dinners where I couldn't decide what to make.  I settled on something, than realized I didn't have a key ingredient.  Then, looking in the freezer, it dawned on me that I could make something I haven't made in probably 25 years, i.e., before marrying the ex.  So I'm making that and desert crepes, something else I haven't made in 25 years.  Still have my technique down.
Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 3:02:16 PM

In #28 lucius septimius said: desert crepes

Do those sport desert camo?

lucius septimius 2/16/2020 3:09:43 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

As a matter of fact, they would blend in with sand rather nicely.

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 3:23:00 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 27:

Thanks for asking. The vet says he's doing well. I have to continue giving him eyedrops, which he tolerates well, until he has surgery to remove the eye on March 6th. I'm told he will recover from that quickly.

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 3:23:44 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 28:

So what is the entree?

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 3:40:26 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 30:

“Who controls the crepes, controls the universe.”

Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2020 3:44:11 PM

First pass of putting together tax information DONE!

Our accountant sends out an "organizer" document to fill in. I scanned it, and filled it in with pdf sofware.

Next, ask accountant questions, and fill in using those answers and one form I won't have until Tuesday.

Then print it out and leave it off.

Should actually get filed on time this year.

Alice in Dairyland 2/16/2020 3:45:54 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 31:   Good to hear.  I thought he had surgery last week.  Maybe suggest to BF to see the cat's vet, he seems to be a pretty good doctor!  Just kidding, my husband has two herniated disks.  I know it's no picnic.  Changes life drastically.  Lemons - no one would hire him after his employer fired him (yeah, I know that's illegal).  Lemonade - gave him the opportunity to start his own business.  He never would have quit a good paying job to go out on his own.  Sometimes things don't work out the way you planned, but they end up working out better!

Alice in Dairyland 2/16/2020 3:50:56 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 34:   Another nice thing about retirement is this the last year we'll have to file business taxes.  I won't miss that at all.  Still haven't really started ours yet; gathering documents, but haven't started filling in the organizer forms though.

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 3:57:33 PM

In #36 Alice in Dairyland said: Another nice thing about retirement

 Be still, my heart.  (Three or four years ago I would never have believed I was saying this, but: I cannot wait.)

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 3:58:44 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 35:

He's having not one but two back surgeries in March, a week apart. I've been through this years ago with my ex, who had herniated disks. He made a full recovery. The BF's first surgery is for a herniated disk; the second one is to put in rods and pins to correct severe scoliosis. He just wants to be able to walk more than 10 feet without pain.

doppelganglander 2/16/2020 4:00:05 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 37:

Retirement? What's that? I'll be working until I'm dead. 

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 4:09:05 PM
Little OR is having his first veal chop for dinner, which he absolutely loves. Daddy will be having his leftovers, supplemented by a frozen dinner. The things we do for love.
Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2020 4:09:13 PM

In #37 Occasional Reader said: In #36 Alice in Dairyland said: Another nice thing about retirement
 Be still, my heart.  (Three or four years ago I would never have believed I was saying this, but: I cannot wait.)

Two years ago, I would have said that. Not that I'm looking forward to trying to live on the little I've been able to save (turns out to be more than I thought, actually)

As for firing someone or laying them off due to illness/disability, I have to add in the software field, include age.

They think you can't learn something new over 30. And then they wonder why new software continues to have bugs we've learned how to avoid - because they got rid of and won't hire those who have the experience.

I did get a job, but after 8 months in a hot economy, and with a government/educational location as a contractor. They are careful to obey all the government rules, and their method of selection is a very difficult coding test. Now, most coding tests take maybe 2 days and your code is expected to run as fast as theirs. Then they can nitpick what you wrote and use it to justify their decision.

Not here. Only 1/3 of the people they sent it to got it to work at all, and mine took 7 times as long to run as their implementation. Took me a week. 

And as for hiring the disabled, we have someone in a wheelchair, uses a camera to select letters on an on-screen keyboard, and can barely move - but he does his job fine. He's an employee, too. 

Alice in Dairyland 2/16/2020 4:10:22 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 37:   I would be enjoying it more if my thermometer didn't register -22F degrees yesterday morning and they weren't predicting 6" more snow tomorrow, but this too will pass.  Otherwise, I'm really liking this new chapter in our lives.  All I can say is retire as early as possible, don't wait until you are too old to enjoy it, especially because you have that son now.  He'll remember the time you spend with him much more than how much money you made.  The money and life style is nice, but the time together will leave a more lasting memory.  Not preaching, just sharing experience.  I'm old now, remember? 

Alice in Dairyland 2/16/2020 4:18:13 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 41:   Before I decided to retire and was still applying for jobs, potential employers would ask "what do you think is your best quality?"  I always wanted to say "Maturity, I'm completely grown up and not afraid of responsibility".  I didn't know if they would get it.  

Occasional Reader 2/16/2020 4:30:34 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 42:

I am in good shape to retire at 62, which is to say, 25 years from now (hahahaha), and maybe just do part-time consulting for another five years or so after that.

Alice in Dairyland 2/16/2020 4:38:42 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 44:   Sounds like an excellent plan.  Good luck to you.

lucius septimius 2/16/2020 4:53:49 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 32:

Chicken fricassee in the manner of the Hotel Eisenhut in Rothenburg ob der Tauber (the other German town I lived in).

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