2/24/2020 8:36:14 AM
Where is everyone? Off to re-education camps?
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 9:58:03 AM
Buzzsawmonkey, if you're around: I'm trying to recall the historical metaphor you've used for a doomed rearguard action; was it King Harold II and his bodyguard at Hastings?
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 10:15:28 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: was it King Harold II and his bodyguard at Hastings? Or Horatius At The Bridge? (But that was a successful rearguard action, if memory serves.)
2/24/2020 12:07:57 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Possibly the stand of Roland against the Saracens? And, of course, there's always the stand of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. Also the last stand of the Zealots at Masada---not to mention the Alamo.
2/24/2020 12:09:07 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 4: Horatius at the bridge prevented the Etruscans from crossing the bridge into Rome, then jumped off and swam to safety. There's a lengthy poem about that which I'll link to later, if I can find it.
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 12:10:29 PM
In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: Possibly the stand of Roland against the Saracens? YES I recall you musing that "Ronald" Reagan was perhaps really "Roland", fighting a valiant but doomed rearguard action.
2/24/2020 12:11:19 PM
Meanwhile, aren't the Open Society Foundations a tentacle of Soros, Inc.? I was just on the subway and saw an ad sponsored by them for a several days' "Sex Workers Pop Up" (no, I'm not kidding) at 8th St. in NYC. It's "a free exhibit celebrating the sex workers of the globe," which sounds like a celebration of human trafficking to me.
2/24/2020 12:27:42 PM
In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: Meanwhile, aren't the Open Society Foundations a tentacle of Soros, Inc.? Yes.
2/24/2020 12:38:01 PM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: I recall you musing that "Ronald" Reagan was perhaps really "Roland", fighting a valiant but doomed rearguard action.
Yes. I'm rather proud of that one, despite its overtones of foreboding. However, if I remember aright, while Charlemagne did not return in time to save Roland and his men, he wrought a terrible vengeance upon the Saracens.
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 12:57:54 PM
In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: It's "a free exhibit celebrating the sex workers of the globe," which sounds like a celebration of human trafficking to me.
While it's probably the case that there are truly "independent" prostitutes, it's also certainly the case that there's a hell of a lot of human trafficking in the "sex worker" business on a "global" scale. So, yeah, kind of an odd thing to "celebrate", and one wonders what the agenda is here (given that Blofeld Soros is behind it.)
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 12:58:55 PM
In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: while Charlemagne did not return in time to save Roland and his men, he wrought a terrible vengeance upon the Saracens. But the Saracens are now getting the last laugh, it seems.
lucius septimius
2/24/2020 1:01:07 PM
In #13 Occasional Reader said: While it's probably the case that there are truly "independent" prostitutes, it's also certainly the case that there's a hell of a lot of human trafficking in the "sex worker" business on a "global" scale. So, yeah, kind of an odd thing to "celebrate", and one wonders what the agenda is here (given that Blofeld Soros is behind it.) Remember, these are the same people who call abortion "health care."
2/24/2020 1:32:25 PM
In #14 Occasional Reader said: But the Saracens are now getting the last laugh, it seems.
It appears that the French have forgotten that their signature pastry, the croissant, was intended to commemorate victory over the Moslems.
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 1:39:42 PM
In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: the croissant, It's a crescent, and therefore the 18th-holiest pastry in Islam...
/with the doughnut being the holiest, naturally
2/24/2020 1:43:37 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 2: Unfortunately I have to agree with the writer's view point. Conservatism as a political policy is dead in Canada. It's been bludgeoned to death by the Liberal governments buying off voters with more and more "gimmes" and their action arm and propaganda arms. Any actual conservatives out there are sick and tired of pink Tories and want real leadership. Sadly there hasn't been any lately. Harper was close, but still a touch too far to the center.
2/24/2020 1:44:49 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12: Perhaps you are thinking of "The Song of Roland"? It glorified the battle where he died and it was actually a defeat over all for Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire.
2/24/2020 1:52:24 PM
There is a primary in town (in the town) And there Joe Biden's voted down (voted down) And says farewell to his candidacy For president he'll never be "Firewall, though I believed thee Do not let the parting grieve thee For the time has come to say to my career "good-bye" Adieu, adieu kind friends, adieu (yes, adieu!) I shall not more orate 'fore you (before you) I shall take my place among the wannabees Fare thee well, fare thee well, fare thee well!" ---apologies to "There is a Tavern in the Town"
2/24/2020 1:55:03 PM
In #18 Occasional Reader said: It's a crescent, and therefore the 18th-holiest pastry in Islam... It's my understanding, from something I read somewhere, that the croissant was invented to commemorate either the Battle of Tours or the defeat of the Muslims at the gates of Vienna. Some victory over them, anyway. Thus, just like our own phrase about "having someone/something for lunch," the French were symbolically "having the Muslims for breakfast."
2/24/2020 1:58:27 PM
In #20 PaladinPhil said: Perhaps you are thinking of "The Song of Roland"? It glorified the battle where he died and it was actually a defeat over all for Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire. I was supposed to read "The Song of Roland" in college, but like so many other reading assignments I managed to avoid it. I am familiar, however, with the song "Roland in My Sweet Baby's Arms."
lucius septimius
2/24/2020 2:02:37 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23: Not this Roalnd?
2/24/2020 2:11:23 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 24: I was thinking of something a little more Roly-Poly.
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 2:22:37 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 24: As I've mentioned before, if you ever have the opportunity to fire a full-auto Thompson SMG, take it. More fun than a barrel (pun intended) of monkeys.
lucius septimius
2/24/2020 2:25:06 PM
Welp, didn't get the Hillsdale job.
2/24/2020 2:29:15 PM
In #27 lucius septimius said: Welp, didn't get the Hillsdale job. I didn't know you were up for one, but that sucks big time. Sorry to hear it---mostly for you, but for them too.
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 3:11:44 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 27:
Ah, crap. Their loss. Sorry to hear it. I'd say, stay in touch with them anyway to the extent possible, because you'd be a good fit for them, I think, when something else opens.
2/24/2020 3:25:05 PM
THIS IS WILD: a sequence from a Nazi-era German musical film (1939): Ich brauche keine Millionen. I don't know the film, and don't know German---but it's weird to see a Hollywood-style number from the eve of the invasion of Poland.
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 3:38:03 PM
In #30 buzzsawmonkey said: a Hollywood-style number from the eve of the invasion of Poland. We’re marching to a faster pace! Look out, here comes... the Master Race!
lucius septimius
2/24/2020 4:01:12 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 31: I was thinking of the "Naughty Nazis" number from To Be or Not To Be.
2/24/2020 4:04:27 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 31: The overlapping aesthetic of Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin/FDR's New Deal is a fascinating (and slightly disturbing) thing. FDR vocally admired Mussolini, and I've seen (though I cannot recall) quotes of Mussolini admiring FDR. My mother used to refer to our WPA-era Post Office as "Mussolini Modern," and indeed the square limestone structure with its carved eagles would have fit well into Mussolini's Italy, or Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia, for that matter. A lot of the New Deal-era structures in DC have not only eagles carved on them that resemble the structures built under the Three Dictators, but fasces as well. The American films of the '30s have an undercurrent of fascism, too---"Gabriel Over the White House," for example. The example I find most disturbing is the finale of "Stand Up and Cheer," a film wherein Warner Baxter is appointed "Secretary of Entertainment" so that Americans can laugh their way out of the Depression. It's not a bad film, overall---has interesting performances by Shirley Temple and Stepin Fetchit---and the number "I'm Laughing" is actually an inclusive, "multicultural" (by the standards of the day) number, but the finale, when everyone's celebrating that "they're out of the red!" is pretty much a Hollywood version of a Nuremberg rally from "Triumph of the Will," with touches of the photographic work of the pre-Hitler photographer August Sander.
lucius septimius
2/24/2020 4:11:20 PM
In #33 buzzsawmonkey said: Stepin Fetchit Not to be confused with his Slovenian cousin Stepan Fečić.
2/24/2020 4:13:42 PM
In #34 lucius septimius said: Not to be confused with his Slovenian cousin Stepan Fečić. Or Dick van Dyke doing his painful Cockney impersonation in "Mary Poppins," doing "Stepin Time."
lucius septimius
2/24/2020 4:17:26 PM
In #35 buzzsawmonkey said: Dick van Dyke Well, he's a Bernie Bro, so what do you expect?
Occasional Reader
2/24/2020 4:39:14 PM
Has “Dick van Dyke” been claimed yet as a drag queen name? Uh, asking for a friend...
2/24/2020 4:47:55 PM
In #37 Occasional Reader said: Has “Dick van Dyke” been claimed yet as a drag queen name? Uh, asking for a friend... I believe "Penis van Lesbian" has been used...
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