lucius septimius
2/29/2020 8:44:52 AM
I was reading about Somalia this morning and was subtly reminded that, like Libya, this part of the world didn't get introduced to modernity until the 20th century, and when it did, they got it from Mussolini.
2/29/2020 9:11:25 AM
Morning Bridgers? or is it stil C2ers?
New job is fun and busy. Learning the new cad tools, and setting up new infrastructure, tracking for all things electrical and mechanical going into the project. Between that and kids it's a full schedule.
2/29/2020 9:13:23 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 1: Like the mid-east Africa had idea "countries" imposed upon it. Other than Israel, Persia, Eygpt and Turkey the entire region was tribal. Carving out countries and tell tribes they no longer exist and now were bound to enemies was bound to have problems.
lucius septimius
2/29/2020 10:20:12 AM
Reply to JCM in 3: You mean national identities cannot be created ex nihilo with a ruler and a red pencil after a long lunch?
2/29/2020 10:42:09 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4: Which reminds of another exceptional aspect of America. We are the only nation whose identity is based on and idea.
Kosh's Shadow
2/29/2020 11:21:35 AM
In #5 JCM said: Which reminds of another exceptional aspect of America.
We are the only nation whose identity is based on and idea. Used to be freedom. People immigrated to the US to get away from restrictions so they could make new lives, make money, etc. Now we have people coming here to get away from repression, but to get handouts. A few years ago, some high school sports event didn't have the American flag because it would make immigrants uncomfortable. Years ago, immigrants would have applauded the flag that gave them freedom.
lucius septimius
2/29/2020 12:42:26 PM
In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: A few years ago, some high school sports event didn't have the American flag because it would make immigrants uncomfortable.
Years ago, immigrants would have applauded the flag that gave them freedom. I'd bet that the people who were banning the flag were white middle-class teachers. Wokeness is just the Stalinist version of white supremacism.
Kosh's Shadow
2/29/2020 12:58:12 PM
In #7 lucius septimius said: I'd bet that the people who were banning the flag were white middle-class teachers. Wokeness is just the Stalinist version of white supremacism. I think so. The article never said what the immigrant families thought.
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