The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 03/03/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 2/29/2020 2:01:01 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 3/3/2020 6:27:26 AM
This is a job for...SUPER TUESDAY!
vxbush 3/3/2020 6:41:19 AM

Actual seminar title at a nearby university:“Beyond Reserves: Indigenous Energy Justice”. You just cannot make some of this stuff up. 

Morning, campers. Why are folks asking why Klobuchar dropped out? Isn't this the time in the election season when a lot of candidates drop out? I'm not sure I understand the angst. 

doppelganglander 3/3/2020 6:49:34 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

The real question is, why did Amy Klobuchar run in the first place? Perhaps to be Biden's VP.

JCM 3/3/2020 6:53:24 AM
Greetings from ground zero of the US Corona Virus Outbreak.
Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 7:22:58 AM

In #2 vxbush said: Indigenous Energy Justice

One thing I hate the Left for is completely ruining the word "justice". 

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 7:24:08 AM

In #4 JCM said: Greetings from ground zero of the US Corona Virus Outbreak.

Any impact on you and yours so far?

And perhaps see the musings my post #18 from the Pub last night. 

PaladinPhil 3/3/2020 7:47:15 AM

Morning campers. Going through my stocks and figuring out what we need for worst case scenario. Focusing as well on seasonings and bullion cubes. Wife is shaking her head a little at me, but that's okay. A well stocked pantry is a good thing.

A little worried with some of the cases popping up in Toronto that have come from Iran instead of China now. One of the latest cases was discovered about 500 meters from one of my former work locations. So a little antsy about how things are spreading.

doppelganglander 3/3/2020 7:57:19 AM

Reply to JCM in 4:

The governor held a press conference at 10 PM last night to announce there are two cases in my county. Like that couldn't wait until morning? The two live in the same household and one recently returned from Italy.

vxbush 3/3/2020 8:42:07 AM

In #8 doppelganglander said: The governor held a press conference at 10 PM last night to announce there are two cases in my county. Like that couldn't wait until morning? The two live in the same household and one recently returned from Italy.

In one respect, I have sympathy for the politicians and public servants--if they don't come out immediately and share any new information they have on coronavirus cases in their locale, then they will be accused of all sorts of malice and people will file lawsuits claiming that they were exposed. Most of these will be nuisance lawsuits with no actual case underlying the filing. 

Trump's response to this has been spot on, according to public health officials who are free of TDS. But that hasn't prevented State department officials from letting people back in the country who have been exposed. But who gets the blame? Trump. 

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. 

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 8:43:39 AM
And of course, the quote of the day:

""We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by the, you know, you know, the thing."
Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 8:48:07 AM

In #7 PaladinPhil said: Focusing as well on seasonings

In the event of a quarantine, they can be a good way to curry favor.  Even a nasty person from Caribbean - a Jamaican Jerk, for instance - would be amenable to them.  The real consideration here is, when is it time to jump in your Porsche Cayenne and light out for the territories? 

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 9:03:41 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: from the Caribbean

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 10:47:06 AM

Joe Biden drops out of race; endorses Biden

PaladinPhil 3/3/2020 11:10:13 AM

And shopping done. Have enough goods to last a month plus if necessary. Focusing on caloric needs and variety. Wife is going to be "tsking" me when she gets home.  :D

If not needed, it's still groceries.

PaladinPhil 3/3/2020 11:12:22 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

For all intents and purposes, I am in the territories. Of course things can change rapidly in that instance. Might have to restock other "supplies". That's going to get real expensive.

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 11:18:38 AM

In #15 PaladinPhil said: For all intents and purposes intensive porpoises, I am in the territories.



Yes, I know, I just needed some way to work in the "Cayenne" pun [attempt].

PaladinPhil 3/3/2020 11:21:40 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

Have I mentioned that I drive a Nissan Quest? :)

Syrah 3/3/2020 12:42:49 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

For what it is worth, I think it helps to at least have a GTFO plan. At the minimum, a well stocked pantry would serve most of us just fine.

i don’t know if we need to panic yet.  The places in Washington State where these cases center are places that I travel through on occasion. Traveling through at freeway speeds should be safe enough.

We will likely be the big test case for the states.

Our big scary unknown here is the huge “homeless” population. If this thing hits that group, there will be no way to contain them.  They are also more like to already have compromised health and be more susceptible to the virus.

Fun times.

Cautious and calm proaction is good.

Syrah 3/3/2020 12:45:44 PM

Biden, Sanders, and Corona,....

Are we having fun yet?

PaladinPhil 3/3/2020 12:50:31 PM

Reply to Syrah in 18:

What's been interesting in the past few days up here is that the new cases involve people that traveled to Iran recently. All the China cases are mostly recovered.

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 1:04:46 PM

In #18 Syrah said: I think it helps to at least have a GTFO plan.

I have the stuff for GTFO.  The destination, now, that's the tricky part.  Like I said last night, if I suddenly received a multi-million-dollar windfall such that I didn't have to worry about working any more, I'd just pull Little OR from school now (hey, it's pre-K, not compulsory) and head to my well-stocked country lair for the next two months (at least), because why not.   Alas, I don't have that multi-million-dollar windfall.   Yet! 

Occasional Reader 3/3/2020 1:05:48 PM

In #18 Syrah said: a well stocked pantry

On that part, I feel pretty good about where I am.  I started thinking pretty seriously about this stuff a good three to four weeks ago, and started buying accordingly.

vxbush 3/3/2020 1:53:45 PM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: On that part, I feel pretty good about where I am.  I started thinking pretty seriously about this stuff a good three to four weeks ago, and started buying accordingly.

I keep trying to get the hubby to do the same, and I get stares that suggest he has decided I am a frightened, emotional woman. Sigh. 

Syrah 3/3/2020 2:48:05 PM

Reply to Syrah in 19:

Biden, Sanders and Corona,....

There is a song for that. 

Put the Lime in the Coconut

Kosh's Shadow 3/3/2020 3:18:45 PM
Waiting in line to vote. Busy and the one ballot scanner crashed and had to be rebooted. Must be Russian hackers///
Kosh's Shadow 3/3/2020 3:21:22 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

They should put back in use the old wooden ballot box. I'll post a picture of it later

@PBJ3 3/3/2020 5:19:15 PM
I voted just after 1:00 PM.  We had a line but it moved fast.  I'm so glad I didn't go to the first voting center that I had planned to go to.  Apparently they only had four of our new ballot marking devices.  The park building I did go to had 24 of the devices.  I got a little concerned over having to touch a screen that they didn't seem to be cleaning between users and the antibacterial wet wipe I had in the car was completely dried out.  We have a brand new system here in California, not sure if I like it but it was quite easy to use.

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