The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 03/25/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 3/21/2020 10:35:07 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

doppelganglander 3/25/2020 6:49:08 AM
Checking in
After 3 days of clouds and rain, it's a lovely,  sunny day in the ATL.
vxbush 3/25/2020 7:07:24 AM

In #1 doppelganglander said: After 3 days of clouds and rain, it's a lovely,  sunny day in the ATL.

Not here. The fog is pea-soup thick, although we're supposed to get above 55º so at some point it will burn off. 

doppelganglander 3/25/2020 7:25:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Are you in quarantine? How's it going?

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 7:35:13 AM

The number of people attacking Fauci from the right seems to be increasing.  None of them can say, or point to, anything he has done badly, save that he has, as I understand it, mildly disagreed with Trump in public---which is to say, given a few dry utterances which have deflated some of Trump's trademark braggadocio rhetoric.  

The attacks tend more towards his having apparently supported Clinton, which would seem moot at this point if he's doing his job, and the fact that there are pictures of him with people like Pelosi and Henry Waxman, which is hardly surprising given that Fauci's been a government functionary for something like 50 years.  

If anyone can offer a reason for this rumbling against Fauci, or an explanation for why he's now being attacked by Trump supporters when he seems to be doing well in the position Trump put him, I'd love to hear it.

JCM 3/25/2020 7:47:34 AM

Grey and damp this mornin' in the Northwet.

Shut down begins.....

Syrah 3/25/2020 8:01:50 AM

We could reduce speed related deaths to 0 on the roads, highways and freeways by reducing the speed limit to 0. 

When is it OK to go back to work?

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 8:12:02 AM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: The number of people attacking Fauci from the right seems to be increasing.

Good morning (all).  Are you referring to a phenomenon you've seen only at the likes of PJM comment threads, or more generally?

In other news; rainy day here in DC, which, again, I suppose maybe helps in washing off outside surfaces of the WuFlu critter bug.

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 8:16:26 AM

In #6 Syrah said: We could reduce speed related deaths to 0 on the roads, highways and freeways by reducing the speed limit to 0. 

If it would save just one life, it's worth it... (etc)

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 8:38:29 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: Are you referring to a phenomenon you've seen only at the likes of PJM comment threads, or more generally?

Seen it on PJM, seen it on WZ; when I challenged someone at WZ for their reasons, they referred me to a lengthy word-salad at "The Conservative Treehouse," which was as garbled a piece of nonsense as anything I've heard on NPR, albeit from a different perspective.

Speaking of NPR, they were cooing the praises of some Democrat state governor (Kentucky, I think) who has apparently become popular for his TV addresses about how "everything's gonna be all right, folks; we'll come through this and come through it well."  The interesting thing was the tongue-bath NPR was giving this governor for saying everything's going to be all right, while simultaneously putting a disapproving slant/gloss on every Trump utterance they reported on, even if/when Trump was basically saying the same thing as this governor.

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 8:46:42 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: while simultaneously putting a disapproving slant/gloss on every Trump utterance they reported on, even if/when Trump was basically saying the same thing as this governor.

That's different because reasons.

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 8:54:00 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: That's different because reasons.

One of my favorite repeat lines/gags in "White Christmas" is when Bing Crosby says to Danny Kaye (or the other way around) says, "Why should we do that? Give me one good reason!"  The usual answer is, "Well, let's just say we're doing it for an old pal in the Army," but whatever the reason given, the invariable rejoinder is, "Well, it's not good, but it's a reason."

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 8:54:18 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: "everything's gonna be all right, folks; we'll come through this and come through it well."

And it occurs to me that, of course, the Dems have a strong incentive for things NOT to be alright by Election Day.  

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 8:58:33 AM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: And it occurs to me that, of course, the Dems have a strong incentive for things NOT to be alright by Election Day.  

There appears to be a growing swell of approval for the Strong Leadership of Andrew Cuomo.  The praise for him tends to elide his recent acknowledgement of the invaluable assistance and support from the Bad Orange Man.

vxbush 3/25/2020 11:00:26 AM

In #3 doppelganglander said: Are you in quarantine? How's it going?

I am working at home, although I occasionally have to go in to work (like today) to attend to a task that I simply cannot do at home. I have permission to do that as long as I report it so the folks at work know. The nature of my work has changed a bit; I'm focusing more on supporting the folks that are dealing directly with the fallout of the virus. If I keep them up and working, they can help everyone else. Everyone in our department is working at home, although there are some others in the company that are working on site. That's not many; I would say less than 10% have to work on site. 

While there are cases of coronavirus in my town, they seem far removed. 

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 11:48:26 AM
NPR right now:  Orange man bad, orange man bad, and orange man bad.
buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 11:54:55 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

But...they're stellar nonpartisan examples of the free press!

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 11:55:51 AM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: NPR right now:  Orange man bad, orange man bad, and orange man bad.

Oh wait oh wait and now... CLIMATE CHANGE.  Specifically, how it's affecting migrating birds, and gee it's too bad that all this coronavirus stuff is taking the focus off of climate change.

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 11:58:28 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

If only it had been the avian flu, the migratory birds would be gone---killed two birds with one stone, as it were...

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 12:06:54 PM


Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 12:07:32 PM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: the migratory birds

I call them illegal birds....

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 12:10:20 PM

And I just heard the NPR newsreader gravely intoning that, "in Japan, where there are now more than 1900 confirmed coronavirus cases..."

The population of Japan is 126.7 million.   Just sayin'. 

JCM 3/25/2020 12:19:19 PM
Perfect opportunity.

There has been a coronavirus outbreak aboard a deployed US Navy aircraft carrier

Perfect opportunity of a case study.

The Roosevelt deployed on Jan. 17. Before the first report case in the US.

We can accurately track everyone coming and going to a carrier.

We can also easily test everyone on the carrier.

This could provide a ton of the missing data.

Occasional Reader 3/25/2020 1:06:21 PM

Reply to JCM in 22:

Of course, other factors that would make it hard to scale up those numbers for the population generally.

On the one hand, these are people living in very, very, very close quarters.

On the other hand, they skew very heavily toward "young, healthy males". 

revobob 3/25/2020 1:40:52 PM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: If anyone can offer a reason for this rumbling against Fauci, or an explanation for why he's now being attacked by Trump supporters when he seems to be doing well in the position Trump put him, I'd love to hear it.

Buzz- On Monday evening, at one point Fauci was standing behind and to the side of Trump. While Trump was answering a question about drugs, etc, Fauci was wearing a kind of smirk. That was felt to be inappropriate (I would have cut him some slack- one man's tired small smile is another man's smirk- And all those people, starting with Trump are clearly on the ragged edge of exhaustion.) The recently revealed communications between Fauci and Hilary are fawning and almost infatuated. Finally, there are now reports that someone in the CDC intentionally lied to Trump about therapies and possible drugs, which Trump then announced as factual. I don't think that was Fauci, but I DO suspect that as the Dem 'leadership' find themselves in a tightening crack some of the minions of the Deep State may be instructed to do what they can to discredit Trump. Again, so far I don't think Fauci has done this, but if I were Trump I would be VERY alert to Brutal plots.

vxbush 3/25/2020 1:46:36 PM

In #24 revobob said: The recently revealed communications between Fauci and Hilary are fawning and almost infatuated.

I can perhaps see a purpose of the message to be a request to "Please don't remove me from office when you're president". Many positions in the government are at the pleasure of the president, and Fauci has been in his position a long time. 

I still found the email distasteful, though. 

JCM 3/25/2020 1:54:10 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 23:

Valid. The most import number would be how many on the crew test positive.

revobob 3/25/2020 2:34:15 PM

In #25 vxbush said: I still found the email distasteful, though. 

Not quite sure which e-mail you mean. FWIW, I do not have a problem with Fauci staying in place. He seems intelligent, wells-spoken, and his comments make sense. Trump is not IMHO so fragile that he won't tolerate a certain amount of disagreement if it is honestly based. The other factor is that I don't want to see the hostile press succeed in splitting Trump's team at a time when it seems to be working well.

revobob 3/25/2020 2:41:31 PM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: Speaking of NPR, they were cooing the praises of some Democrat state governor (Kentucky, I think) who has apparently become popular for his TV addresses about how "everything's gonna be all right, folks; we'll come through this and come through it well."

Our newly elected liberal Dem Governor (largely funded by Soros) seems to be doing a pretty competent job. He is striking a good balance between "It's bad and it's going to get worse" and 'keep the faith' cheerleading. He inherited a state that was pretty darn well run and hasn't really had time (or tried) to mess it up. He is another leader that seems to me to be doing as well as can be hoped. (I am jealous of VX' state though- Their governor named his shelter in place program 'Hunker Down Hoosiers'. Sob! I wish WE had a catchy phrase like that!

revobob 3/25/2020 2:47:19 PM

Reply to revobob in 28:  Oh shucks- I'm one state wrong for where you are. Sorry bout that!

Kosh's Shadow 3/25/2020 2:55:12 PM

Reply to revobob in 28:

Kain't go Out Kaintucky/

doppelganglander 3/25/2020 3:08:09 PM

In #24 revobob said: Finally, there are now reports that someone in the CDC intentionally lied to Trump about therapies and possible drugs, which Trump then announced as factual. 

DELIBERATELY?! Endangering the lives of thousands to own Trump? Please tell me that's just a rumor. 

JCM 3/25/2020 3:15:16 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 31:

What not? The deep staters have shown a willingness to do anything to get Trump.

Kosh's Shadow 3/25/2020 3:25:53 PM

Reply to JCM in 32:

And what's a few deaths for the Cause? Or a few million

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 3:38:13 PM

In #25 vxbush said: the message to be a request to "Please don't remove me from office when you're president"

Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone

JCM 3/25/2020 3:42:23 PM

'Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?': Professors claim more data needed to know mortality rate

The deaths from identified positive cases are “misleading” because of limited data, according to the professors.

“If the number of actual infections is much larger than the number of cases—orders of magnitude larger—then the true fatality rate is much lower as well. That’s not only plausible but likely based on what we know so far,” the professors argued.

doppelganglander 3/25/2020 3:43:03 PM

Reply to JCM in 32: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 33:

It's not impossible,  but I hope it's not true. I can't believe someone who works in public health would put petty politics above people's health and safety. Just when you think they've hit bottom..

JCM 3/25/2020 3:53:08 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 36:

I dunno the public health leadership up here put a regulation in place that if they deemed a subject matter to be a "public health issue" then the public had no input, only they, the "experts" could make decisions.

This specifically was when they were trying to be heroin shooting galleries in and neighborhoods and towns were protesting.

Remember also how they call firearms are a "public health issue".

I call it modern Lysenkoism, bending the science to support the ideology.

Exhibit A would be Climate Change.

lucius septimius 3/25/2020 4:07:48 PM

Reply to JCM in 35:

The article is very good and makes a great deal of sense.  They suggest rates between 1 and 2% with a mortality rate of .01%

lucius septimius 3/25/2020 4:08:56 PM

Reply to JCM in 37:

Keep in mind that most people in "public health" are not doctors.  Rather, the MPH is a professional degree, much like LCSW.  It is not hard to get.

buzzsawmonkey 3/25/2020 4:13:40 PM

In #39 lucius septimius said: Keep in mind that most people in "public health" are not doctors.  Rather, the MPH is a professional degree, much like LCSW.  It is not hard to get.

Like a "Master's in Social Work" means that one is not a therapist, nor a properly-trained bureaucrat, nor anything else save a crab louse on the crotch of the body politic?

Syrah 3/25/2020 4:48:45 PM

This seems like a good thing. 

Chocolate for Healthcare Workers

Syrah 3/25/2020 4:52:58 PM

In a few short hours, Washington State will declare gun shops as being non-essential, but abortion mills will be allowed to remain open.

our Washington State curfew/shutdown/stay-at-home/whatever order goes into effect. 

I have chocolate. I have some 9mm. I am ready for this. 

Syrah 3/25/2020 4:56:32 PM

One of my brothers told me that he overheard some coworkers talking about stocking up for the inevitable CA shutdown over the WuFlu. They asked him what he was stocking up on. He answered, “ammo”.

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