The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 04/16/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2020 11:10:36 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 6:43:43 AM
Just can't seem to wake up this morning.  I've got the low blood.
vxbush 4/16/2020 7:06:58 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: Just can't seem to wake up this morning.  I've got the low blood.

Morning, lucius. I don't know what "low blood" means or is a reference to.

I've now seen three vehicles headed south of my house, two police or fire and rescue type and now one ambulance. Something is going on south of here. 

I had to take my cat in to the vet for an ultrasound. She had lost weight and was bouncing around at 10-12 pounds, when she should be up at 16 pounds. We've been giving her meds and changed her food, but nothing has really helped. So hopefully we'll get an answer that is something we can treat. She is old, but I don't think she's really at the end of her life yet. 

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 7:09:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Just something a southern friend of mine used to say.  Just another way of saying no energy.

midwestgak 4/16/2020 7:23:13 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: Just can't seem to wake up this morning. 

Mornings like that make it tough to get going.  I have a few of those too.

midwestgak 4/16/2020 7:25:35 AM

In #2 vxbush said: We've been giving her meds and changed her food, but nothing has really helped.

Hope you get good results with an affordable treatment.  It can happened.

Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 7:38:23 AM
Waiting for my Instacart delivery. Apparently my Instacart shopper this time is Godot.
lucius septimius 4/16/2020 7:47:16 AM
So mom had another fall yesterday.  She said she was fine but couldn't get off the couch in the den.  She spent all night there and ended up doing her business all over the couch and herself.  My sister found her when she brought over her laundry this morning.  She has a wheelchair but wouldn't use it until now.  I'm not sure how much longer this can go on.  She had a fall a month or so ago and hadn't recovered from that.  
lucius septimius 4/16/2020 7:48:14 AM
And yet another rejection letter today.
vxbush 4/16/2020 7:54:22 AM

In #7 lucius septimius said: So mom had another fall yesterday.  She said she was fine but couldn't get off the couch in the den.  She spent all night there and ended up doing her business all over the couch and herself.  My sister found her when she brought over her laundry this morning.  She has a wheelchair but wouldn't use it until now.  I'm not sure how much longer this can go on.  She had a fall a month or so ago and hadn't recovered from that.  

Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. At least with the son, he knows he needs help. I'm so thankful your sister was there to check on her. I can't recall--is your sister not one to give tough love when it is needed? I know you've discussed this before. 

vxbush 4/16/2020 7:54:52 AM

In #8 lucius septimius said: And yet another rejection letter today.

Maybe you should send one of them a rejection letter. "I reject your rejection."

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 7:54:58 AM

In #4 midwestgak said: Mornings like that make it tough to get going.  I have a few of those too.

It's the unrelieved stress.  After years of this I don't know how much more I can take.

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 7:58:05 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

Like this perhaps?

JCM 4/16/2020 8:00:04 AM
How much did this cost.....

One of the stories on the front page of the a local news site.

Study: Retailers pass on Seattle soda sugar tax to consumers

I'm sorry! You needed a "study" to know this? It's paid for by the City of Seattle.

No wonder the City always has budget shortfalls. If anyone in City gov't had taken real world econ 101 they would know this. But they all took commie econ.

vxbush 4/16/2020 8:33:19 AM

In #12 lucius septimius said: Like this perhaps?

Yes, I think that would work quite well. But in a written form using your exquisite prose, please. 

Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 8:40:25 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

Oh, damn.  That's awful.  At least it's good that your sister got there.  How close does she live to your mom?  And you?

Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 8:42:50 AM

In #8 lucius septimius said: And yet another rejection letter today.

Is this from a college?  I would imagine pretty much everything in terms of college hiring is on pause, until further notice.

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 8:44:14 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

My sister -- well, that's complicated.  Her house is a mile away, but my BIL got a job in Dallas and they're in the process of moving down there.  Mom needs someone there full time but won't do it.

Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 8:44:29 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: Waiting for my Instacart delivery. Apparently my Instacart shopper this time is Godot.

Well, it arrived, all in reasonably good order, except the TP was sold out.  Not surprising, oh well.  I've got a good stash of the stuff, I'm trying to just keep it topped up.

Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 8:45:23 AM

In #17 lucius septimius said: Mom needs someone there full time but won't do it.

Yes, that certainly sounds like it's a necessity.  Of course, "how to pay for it" is the other problem, I imagine.

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 8:48:05 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

Nah, they hired someone else "more qualified."  I can't possibly imagine how anyone could have been more qualified for the job in question, but it probably has to do with plumbing and melanin content -- those are the most important "qualifications" any more it seems.

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 8:51:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

Medicare should cover a portion, if not all of what she needs right now.  But that would require her asking her doctor and she won't do that.

vxbush 4/16/2020 8:54:19 AM

In #21 lucius septimius said: Medicare should cover a portion, if not all of what she needs right now.  But that would require her asking her doctor and she won't do that.

It sounds like someone needs to give her a serious dose of tough love. That's easy for me to say being way over here and this not being my family, but it really sounds like she needs a serious talk, especially after last night.

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 8:59:32 AM

Reply to vxbush in 22:

Oh, she's had several.  She is the most stubborn person on the planet.  She won't listen to anyone.  She's going to end up dying on the floor of her house one of these days -- that is the path she's chosen.

vxbush 4/16/2020 10:40:33 AM

In #23 lucius septimius said: Oh, she's had several.  She is the most stubborn person on the planet.  She won't listen to anyone.  She's going to end up dying on the floor of her house one of these days -- that is the path she's chosen.

Time for a tougher question, then. Perhaps someone needs to go to court and seek to be named her guardian, as she clearly is unable to recognize her status for what it is. If you can document multiple serious physical or mental problems, and if the rest of the family goes along, then it should be possible to declare her need for a guardian who can make those decisions for her. Not pretty, not fun, but it would hopefully prevent her from dying alone because of a fall. 

I can't say I speak from experience here, either--my son was clearly disabled as a result of the car accident and no one disputed with us the need to establish a guardian. In your case it will be a hard sell, and I'm sure your mother would see this as a betrayal. But she isn't being rational, and that is grounds for a guardian to be set up. 

vxbush 4/16/2020 12:57:02 PM
My ability to kill a thread is unparalleled. 
Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 1:15:52 PM

In #25 vxbush said: My ability to kill a thread is unparalleled. 

it was take-a-walk-with-Little-OR time here, followed by lunchtime, followed by naptime (and today I managed to take one, too, since work is surprisingly quiet).

Occasional Reader 4/16/2020 1:25:05 PM
And little man sure likes this nap.  He's been zonked out going on two hours; which is unusual these days, though he did the same yesterday, and then was wide awake until 11 pm.  Which means, time to start gently nudging him awake.
JCM 4/16/2020 2:07:46 PM

Reply to vxbush in 25:

Learning a new CAD/Database/PLM system.

I broke it (again) trying to unbroke it.

lucius septimius 4/16/2020 2:31:11 PM
Wrote three pages today.  May not seem like much, but it was intensive work collating the sources.
lucius septimius 4/16/2020 3:50:24 PM
Just talked to mom.  She's in the hospital -- broke her hip.

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