The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 04/21/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 4/19/2020 10:47:45 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 4/21/2020 5:16:29 AM

We've had "czars" in government for some time now, to deal with special issues.  

But since we're well into baseball season and still dealing with the coronavirus, maybe this time we need a Disease Dean.

lucius septimius 4/21/2020 6:14:37 AM

In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: maybe this time we need a Disease Dean.

And to respond to Nancy Pelosi, we could hire his brother, Dafuq Dean.

PaladinPhil 4/21/2020 6:38:55 AM
I hate this year. End of April and we had a snow storm this morning. With more in the forecast.
JCM 4/21/2020 7:39:06 AM

A major road way in Seattle connects West Seattle with the core of Seattle and the north - south highway.

West Seattle is a suburb in Seattle. This bridge carries 100,000 + vehicles a day.

The bridge is 40 years old and falling apart.. literally.

Because so much of the State transportation budget was diverted to toy trains, buses and bike paths... maintenance was diferred.

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 7:46:16 AM

Good morning.  I'm surprised it took this long, but now someone has finally sent me (with approval) a video by some enviro-wackos that's describing the pandemic as Earth Fighting Back balderdash.  And of course the messages that economic development is bad, and we need to live as one with nature like we used to or something; there are simply too many people; and blahblahblah we need to make "wise choices". 

I replied with a few observations.

The video states ominously that the origin of the pandemic was in people "intruding into natural habitats" and eating wild animals.  What, exactly, do you think people were doing in industrial times?

The video illustrates the need for "wise choices" with, among other things, a shot of urban mass transit.  Ummmm.....

The video also darkly warns that the 8 billion people on the planet are simply "too many".  Okay.   So how many should we get rid of?  Starting with whom?  And by what means?


And of course the most disturbing thing about the video (which is very slickly produced, high-budget obviously) is the barely-concealed (if at all-concealed) objectively pro-pandemic stance. 

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 7:46:47 AM

In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: maybe this time we need a Disease Dean

I think I'm missing the pun here.

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 7:49:50 AM

In #3 PaladinPhil said: I hate this year. End of April and we had a snow storm this morning. With more in the forecast.

It's the cruelest month, etc.

What's the word on the motivation of the RCMP-LARPing shooter? 

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 7:51:07 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: What, exactly, do you think people were doing in pre-industrial times?

JCM 4/21/2020 7:54:01 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: The video also darkly warns that the 8 billion people on the planet are simply "too many".

They hate people.

Starvation and poverty are at all time lows.

There are more obese people than starving people.

Poverty and starvation are highly correlated with socialism and failed states.

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:01:20 AM

In #9 JCM said: They hate people.


Self-declared "humanists" usually hate actual humans.  

And unfortunately an entire generation - perhaps more than one - has been brainwashed with this terrifyingly dangerous mush.

lucius septimius 4/21/2020 8:03:04 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: The video also darkly warns that the 8 billion people on the planet are simply "too many". 

Enough of me, way too much of you.

lucius septimius 4/21/2020 8:03:49 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: I think I'm missing the pun here.

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:04:00 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: And unfortunately an entire generation - perhaps more than one

The guy who sent me this video is 54 years old, for instance.

Oh, and he's from Ecuador.  I thought to ask him; so do you think Ecuador should stop, even explicitly reverse, its course of economic development?  Shouldn't the country de-industrialize as rapidly as possible, given the message of the video?  And all those Ecuadorans... how many should we get rid of?  15%?  20%  50%?

But I decided to leave that part alone.

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:04:54 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

And this illustrates that Sports is always the toughest trivia category for me.

PaladinPhil 4/21/2020 8:05:40 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: What's the word on the motivation of the RCMP-LARPing shooter?

No official word. I am going with bug-f*ck nuts though. Something caused him to snap and finally act out all his sick fantasies. From one news article I read, sounds like he was dreaming this lifestyle for a long time.

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:06:53 AM

In #11 lucius septimius said: Enough of me, way too much of you.

I was looking out the window of my Gulfstream while flying from my primary home in Mlalibu to the conference in Davos a few months back, and just marveling at the teeming masses of greedy humanity below.  Something must be done about them. 

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:21:38 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: And of course the most disturbing thing about the video (which is very slickly produced, high-budget obviously) is the barely-concealed (if at all-concealed) objectively pro-pandemic stance. 

Ah, I forgot to mention; part of that creepy tone was set by a line in the video waxing eloquent that the pandemic was providing us all the opportunity to "take a collective, deep breath" and think about how terrible humanity is, etc.

Take a collective, deep breath.  

Seems like a particularly ham-handed metaphor to use regarding a pandemic in which, so far, 171,000 people have died due to (basically) not being able to breath. 

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:29:08 AM
Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:30:21 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Hat tip: Poster "Eric Fish" at Insty

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:35:38 AM

And from Insty poster "GlennAndTonic":

"But what’s hard is the notion that people who have built up something their whole lives who see it being taken away over this are condescended to as if they’re being selfish because they just can’t go to the Cheesecake Factory."

buzzsawmonkey 4/21/2020 8:38:10 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: The video illustrates the need for "wise choices" with, among other things, a shot of urban mass transit.  Ummmm.....

Isn't it through our lovely subway system that the plague spread throughout NYC?

Reminds me of the lines from "We'll Have Manhattan":

The subway charms us so, when balmy breezes blow, to and fro...

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 8:42:04 AM

In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: Isn't it through our lovely subway system that the plague spread throughout NYC?

Well, yes, hence my "Ummmmm". 

lucius septimius 4/21/2020 9:10:22 AM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: And this illustrates that Sports is always the toughest trivia category for me.

He had a brother, also a ball player, named Daffy Dean, hence my #2.

lucius septimius 4/21/2020 9:11:52 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 22:

But you see Gaia loves mass transit, so no diseases are spread that way.  It's only evil selfish capitalists who get it.  Because nature is socialist (vid. Lyshenko).

buzzsawmonkey 4/21/2020 9:20:14 AM

In #24 lucius septimius said: Lyshenko

Isn't that a hand sanitizer?

JCM 4/21/2020 9:25:34 AM
Breaking on Rush!
'No bare bottoms!': Norman Swan weighs in on corona-farts
Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 9:40:13 AM

In #25 buzzsawmonkey said: Isn't that a hand sanitizer?

In Soviet Russia, hand sanitizes YOU!

buzzsawmonkey 4/21/2020 10:11:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

I still want to see someone market "Lady MacBeth Hand Sanitizer."

Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 10:30:02 AM
I've thought this over carefully, and reached the following conclusion: I'm taking a nap.
Occasional Reader 4/21/2020 1:54:49 PM
It would be great if Trump could invite the "Do not trust China, China is asshoe" guy to the next SOTU.
Kosh's Shadow 4/21/2020 4:19:18 PM

With everything going on,  plus stuff I haven't talked about, I need something to help me cope.

I might take up woodworking. I think this tool should help

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