The Daily Broadside

Frigga Demanded Her Thread!

Posted on 05/01/2020 4.00 AM

JCM 4/30/2020 7:11:18 PM

Posted by: JCM

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 6:23:38 AM
I thought that, given this being May 1st, we'd have a picture of some pancakes covered in Maypole syrup.
lucius septimius 5/1/2020 6:23:43 AM
Are we friggin' in the riggin'?
Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 6:27:57 AM

In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: I thought that, given this being May 1st, we'd have a picture of some pancakes covered in Maypole syrup.

And given the day's appropriation by commies, that dish would be served in the Internationale House of Pancakes. 

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 6:29:32 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

It is a very German looking breakfast there.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 6:46:32 AM

In #4 lucius septimius said: It is a very German looking breakfast there.

I never sausage a thing before in my life.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 6:49:44 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:


Here's an American recording, from 1933. I actually have this on 78; the label is a very-period Socialist Realist cartoon.

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 6:53:19 AM
Joe Biden is a sexually-assaulty deer caught in the headlights
lucius septimius 5/1/2020 7:00:46 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Rolls, butter, cheese, cold cuts, and soft-boiled eggs -- standard German breakfast.

The Dutch do this thing where they sprinkle chocolate sprinkles on buttered bread.

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 7:03:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

I posted a thread on Twitter a minute ago about my experience working on senate papers in a university archive.  Everything was cataloged on accession and new material arrived from Washington on a regular basis.  These were working files - every week I had requests from DC to look for specific documents or papers relating to specific events in the back files.  The idea that at UD they can't find things or  the catalog isn't ready is complete bullshit.  They have been going through those papers since he was in the senate at his request or the request of his staff on an almost daily basis.  He, or more likely his staff, knows that there are incriminating documents in there.  They're just stonewalling.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 7:18:56 AM

I want to see IKEA sue the state governments to overturn the closure orders, standing up for the right of the people to peaceably assemble.

Since the company is Swedish, and Sweden did not go into lockdown, it would be a natural.

JCM 5/1/2020 7:27:41 AM
It's May Day! Let's celebrate Mass Murder!
buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 7:29:39 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

I wonder where the use of "Mayday!" as a distress call originated.

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 7:35:18 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 8:

It's very similar to hotel breakfasts in France and Italy, too.

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 7:40:59 AM

In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: I wonder where the use of "Mayday!" as a distress call originated.

JCM 5/1/2020 7:44:57 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:

Reply to Occasional Reader in 14:

M'aider ! Buzz doesn't know a bit of trivia!


buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 7:51:05 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: Reply to JCM in 15:

The French origin reminds me of an old Saul Steinberg cartoon.  Two men are on the beach, watching a drowning man flailing in the water, shouting "Au secours! Au secours!"  One of the men says to the other, "If he's not a Frenchman, he's certainly an awful snob."

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 7:52:40 AM

Reply to lucius septimius 

At some point, the Biden campaign will pretend to authorize a search. UD will pretend to search and claim there's nothing there. They're trying to drag this thing out until November. But I don't think Joe will last that long - his cognitive decline is too obvious and accelerating rapidly. Is Jill going to give his acceptance speech at the convention.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 7:54:12 AM

In #17 doppelganglander said: Is Jill going to give his acceptance speech at the convention.

Well, Senhor Wences is no longer available.

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 8:02:10 AM

And let us not forget the anniversary of the Batle of Manila Bay.  My grandfather, who was born that year, was named Dewey after the hero of the battle.

JCM 5/1/2020 8:10:55 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 19:

We have a pair of guns from the USS Boston that were fired during the Battle of Manila Bay.

JCM 5/1/2020 8:18:57 AM

Reply to JCM in 20:

 ... at a local park!

M'aider ! I need more coffee!

Syrah 5/1/2020 9:43:39 AM

Justin is not going to let a good crisis go to waste

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 9:50:31 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 19:

I don't think I'd be brave enough to go into battle in Manila; I'd just tagalo[n]g.

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 10:02:15 AM

Reply to Syrah in 22:

Well, those assault-style weapons are military-grade, after all.  The CBC said so.  

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 10:04:29 AM

Reply to Syrah in 22:

"This ban does not cover handguns, the weapon of choice for gang members. Blair promised Friday to enact legislation down the line to give municipalities the power to ban these firearms.

Oh, okay.  So, ban all handguns, too.  Got it, Pretty Pony. 

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 10:24:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 23:

In which case you'd Luzon every front.

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 10:25:16 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 26:

You have to admit, it choosing to fight in Manila, Dewey was thinking outside the envelope.

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 10:30:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:


The battle occurred because a certain under-secretary of the navy took advantage of his boss being out of the office to cable Dewey in Hong Kong and order him to proceed to the Philippines. 

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 10:40:02 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 28: 

This led to one of the less memorable American patriotic songs.

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 10:48:22 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 29:

 I guess no one told them the Philippines had been colonized by Spain and the inhabitants were mostly Catholic. 

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 10:55:30 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 30:

Details, details.

In the mind of many progressives of that era, being Catholic was worse than being heathen.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 11:23:53 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 29:

Unfortunately, I cannot find a YouTube rendition of the song "Damn Damn Damn the Filipinos," but here are the lyrics, or some of them:

ln that land of dopy dreams, happy peaceful Philippines,
Where the bolo-man is hiking night and day;
Where Tagalos steal and lie, where Americanos die,
There you hear the soldiers sing this evening lay :

cho: Damn, damn, damn the Filipinos, cross-eyed kakiack ladrones,
Underneath our starry flag, civilize 'em with a Krag,
And return us to our own beloved homes.

Underneath the nipa thatch, where the skinny chickens scrath,
Only refuge after hiking all day long,
When I lay me down to sleep, slimy lizards o'er me creep,
Then you hear the soldiers sing this evening song:
Social customs there are few, all the ladies smoke and chew.
And the men do things the padres say are wrong.
But the padres cut no ice -- for they live on fish and rice--
Where you hear the soldiers sing this evening song:


buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 11:40:29 AM

By the way, while we're talking about the Spanish-American War, Mark Twain's anti-imperialist, anti-Philippine War screed "To the Person Sitting In Darkness," is well worth reading; it shows Twain's moonbat side very well.  The essay had a certain currency during the Vietnam War.  

On the one hand, there is some merit to Twain's anti-imperialist views, which he saw as upholding American principles against America becoming like one of the European colonial powers, which he loathed.  On the other hand, his rage and his anti-religious sentiments don't really help him make his case.  He comes across kind of like Bill Maher---like Maher, he gets some things very right indeed, but, also like Maher, his underlying mindset fights against the things he gets right.

Another note: Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" is subtitled "The US and the Philippine Islands": Kipling was pro-imperialist, and was welcoming the US to what he saw as the responsibility of imperialism, and the US's assumption of national "adulthood."

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 11:53:15 AM

Ahem. I am pleased to announce that I completed my final coursework and passed both my portfolio exam and my written comprehensive exam, thereby fulfilling the requirements for the M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology. I AM DONE!

Huge thanks to every one of you for your encouragement, advice, and unwavering support. Drinks are on me tonight in the Pub!

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 11:54:24 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 34:


@PBJ3 5/1/2020 11:56:37 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 34: Congratulations.  I'm so happy for you.

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 12:07:20 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 34:


lucius septimius 5/1/2020 12:16:09 PM

In #32 buzzsawmonkey said: Underneath our starry flag, civilize 'em with a Krag,

Nice line.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 12:31:22 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 38:

Dos Passos quotes the song in one of the early "Newsreels" in 42nd Parallel, the first volume of his USA trilogy, and again in the reminiscences of Blackie Bowman, an old IWW dying in a veterans' hospital in Midcentury.

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 12:53:08 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 39:

I can't find the song book I took mine from, but as I recall it (and that was only the chorus) I think the song you gave is a parody.  The first verse is very similar to the first verse of that song.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 1:47:02 PM

In #40 lucius septimius said: I think the song you gave is a parody.

Possible, I suppose.  Dos Passos tends to quote actual songs, though---although there are several of his early ones I've not been able to trace.  If it was a parody, it would have been one that was in general use at the time.

Speaking of which, somewhere in my record collection I have two copies of the song, "We Take Our Hats Off to You, Mr. Wilson." It's interesting because the first one is clearly sincere, praising Woodrow Wilson---and the second one is clearly meant ironically, as the singer tacks the phrase "I'vebeenovertoEuropeandIknowhowterribleitis" onto the end of the song.  

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 1:47:43 PM


Blue Angels and Thunderbirds to overfly DC at midday tomorrow.

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 1:58:32 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 35:

Reply to @PBJ3 in 36:

Reply to lucius septimius in 37:

Mercy buckets!

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 2:01:51 PM

In #42 Occasional Reader said: Blue Angels and Thunderbirds to overfly DC at midday tomorrow.

Little OR will love it, I'm sure. They're flying over Atlanta beginning at 1:30 - in fact, based on the map I saw, they're going to do a loop directly over my house.

vxbush 5/1/2020 2:25:46 PM

In #34 doppelganglander said: Ahem. I am pleased to announce that I completed my final coursework and passed both my portfolio exam and my written comprehensive exam, thereby fulfilling the requirements for the M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology. I AM DONE! Huge thanks to every one of you for your encouragement, advice, and unwavering support. Drinks are on me tonight in the Pub!


JCM 5/1/2020 2:37:54 PM

doppelganglander 5/1/2020 2:51:46 PM

Reply to vxbush in 45:

Thank you!

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 2:53:26 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 41:

I'm sure it was an actual song -- it has the ring of something the troops would have come up with as a parody of a particularly idiotic patriotic song that was likely inflicted on them.  Soldiers (and sailors) do that regularly.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 2:59:51 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 48:

Many of the songs in "Oh, What a Lovely War" are parodies of that nature: "I wore a tunic, a dirty khaki tunic, and you wore your civvy clothes," for "I wore a tulip, a bright yellow tulip, and you wore a red, red rose"; "When this lousy war is over, no more soldiering for me," for "What a friend we have in Jesus"; and especially the finale, a parody of "When they asked me how wonderful you are," which goes "And when they ask us how dangerous it was/Oh, we'll never tell them, no, we'll never tell them/We spent our pay in some cafe, and fought wild women night and day/it was the cushiest job we ever had/And when they ask us, and they're certainly going to ask us/The reason why we didn't win the Croix de Guerre/Oh, we'll never tell them, no we'll never tell them/There was a front, but damned if we knew where..."

lucius septimius 5/1/2020 3:10:15 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 49:

That's an interesting show -- first time I watched the movie I found myself going "what the hell is this?" Then I found out what it was based on.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 3:16:15 PM

In #50 lucius septimius said: That's an interesting show -- first time I watched the movie I found myself going "what the hell is this?" Then I found out what it was based on.

Try to get the original London cast album, if you can; it's much better than the film.  Yes, there are breathtaking sequences in the film---especially the final tracking shot---but it is overlong and has a tendency (common to '60s film musicals) to let the numbers go on too long and drag.

That said, Maggie Smith's turn in the film is superb.

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 3:19:17 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 50: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 51:

Oh! What a Lovely War! final scene

buzzsawmonkey 5/1/2020 4:21:13 PM

Coronavirus, givin' you

The lullaby of Broadway

There are no shows you can go to

The lullaby of Broadway

The rumble of the subway train

Empty with no-one ridin'

Because of the virus strain

All folks at home are hidin'

If you step outdoors without a mask

You might well be arrested

If your job's not an essential task

Your furlough is requested

Good grief, baby

Good grief---you can't go shop freely

Listen, baby

Do you know where I can buy TP?

Occasional Reader 5/1/2020 4:23:48 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 53:


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