5/4/2020 6:27:23 AM
LADIES! You may have to be socially distant, but you don't have to be socially dowdy! Our new line of makeup introduces...Mascara for the Mask Era™!
5/4/2020 6:28:08 AM
Morning, campers. I hope everyone is in good spirits today--and I don't mean the distilled kind.
5/4/2020 6:32:18 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: Our new line of makeup introduces...Mascara for the Mask Era™! And there are actual web pages that talk about exactly this topic. That just boggles my mind, as I don't wear makeup.
5/4/2020 7:08:56 AM
In #3 vxbush said: I don't wear makeup. I still think a line of makeup touted to restore youthful appearance, called "Makeup for Lost Time," would do well.
5/4/2020 7:14:27 AM
In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: I still think a line of makeup touted to restore youthful appearance, called "Makeup for Lost Time," would do well. Well, no, actually. Because I'm pretty sure every single makeup product is advertised as changing time: making you look older if you are a preteen or teenager, and making you look more youthful if you are anywhere over 25.
lucius septimius
5/4/2020 7:18:38 AM
Reply to vxbush in 5: I.e., it's all based on peak fertility
5/4/2020 7:40:29 AM
In #6 lucius septimius said: I.e., it's all based on peak fertility Yes, that's one way to put it. And it's ridiculous to make every woman try to maintain such an unrealistic ideal.
5/4/2020 7:58:41 AM
Reply to vxbush in 7: The indicators of peak fertility are also indicators of good health. Shiny hair, good teeth, blemish-free skin, and a 0.7 waist to hip ratio.
Occasional Reader
5/4/2020 8:44:34 AM
I am so proud of Little OR. Twice while we were out for a walk this morning we saw a helicopter, and both times he promptly shouted, “GET TO THE CHOPPAH!”, just like daddy taught him.
5/4/2020 9:08:07 AM
COVID-19 symptoms just keep getting weirder. https://nypost.com/2020/05/04/mysterious-coronavirus-effect-happy-hypoxia-baffles-doctors/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons
Occasional Reader
5/4/2020 1:37:21 PM
Reply to JCM in 11:
In retrospect, we probably shouldn't have funded that Chinese Murder-Insect Research Facility in Wuhan.
5/4/2020 3:18:17 PM
In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: I still think a line of makeup touted to restore youthful appearance, called "Makeup for Lost Time," would do well.
Or one in a volatile relationship, called "Makeup or Breakup."
5/4/2020 3:31:37 PM
Reply to JCM in 11: Hey, killer bees, eat murder hornet dust!
lucius septimius
5/4/2020 3:32:06 PM
On Saturday I had to go back through a bunch of old emails to find a couple of documents. In my search I came across a bunch of my last correspondence with RealWest. It was sort of depressing.
5/4/2020 3:58:55 PM
In #15 lucius septimius said: On Saturday I had to go back through a bunch of old emails to find a couple of documents. In my search I came across a bunch of my last correspondence with RealWest.
It was sort of depressing. Yes, I imagine it was. Is it any wonder that the elderly tend to get depressed, thinking of all the friends and loved ones that have gone ahead?
5/4/2020 4:20:49 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 15: RealWest helped recruit C2ers in its infancy, iirc. The card I sent when he was in the hospital was returned undeliverable by the hospital. He missed getting it. It hurt that I was too late.
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