5/7/2020 5:22:56 AM
Bathroom tomato https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PzIvjl3xtAKA7RHmrwhHsCc7iIADI7Qz/view?usp=drivesdk Three weeks ago
5/7/2020 6:02:19 AM
JCM asked yesterday: "What is it with people and Zoom the video app?" The compression on it is amazing, that's why. WebEx was always flakey when I first used it back in the 90's, and Zoom has never had the level of problems that WebEx has had. It can handle so many simultaneous video feeds that it is downright stunning. That's why it's used. It might also be cheaper than the competition, which is a big deal for educrats. Morning, campers.
5/7/2020 7:05:23 AM
Reply to midwestgak in 2: I got a Google notice that said I "have to be approved" for whatever's on that link.
5/7/2020 7:12:14 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:try now. I got an " approve" notice which I approved. ????
5/7/2020 7:35:04 AM
In #5 midwestgak said: try now. Nope. It's still asking for permission, and I generally don't like to ask from Google Drive just because Google is tracking me enough. You can post pictures here, though, that are URLs to online pictures. (Look in the toolbar above with the box that looks like it has a sun and mountain in it.)
Occasional Reader
5/7/2020 8:29:04 AM
Howdy. All is well here. I'm on Extra-Extended Daddy Duty; as i may have mentioned, Little OR's mom woke up with stomach flu this past Sunday,, which would normally have been the day I'd drop him off with her to swap for the week; so of course Little OR stayed with me instead of going to her. She's better, no symptoms since Tuesday, but today we agreed Little OR would just stay with me until this coming Sunday, just to further reduce the risk of her being contagious. Then, he'll stay with her for two weeks (to balance out the two weeks with me); then, we're back to our regular schedule. I talked with Little OR about this adjustment, and he's fine. So this means I'd have the perfect chance come Sunday to get away for an extended vacation! Oh, wait...
5/7/2020 9:08:03 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 7: Saw your comment last night about Little OR being interested in the periodic table. Seems like where science is concerned, he's in his element.
5/7/2020 9:35:57 AM
5/7/2020 9:39:12 AM
5/7/2020 9:49:41 AM
Reply to midwestgak in 9: Reply to midwestgak in 10: I see the tomatriarchy is coming into flower...
lucius septimius
5/7/2020 10:27:34 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 7: I'm heading up to Illinois tomorrow for two weeks. Mom fell and broke her pelvis a while back. After two weeks in the hospital and two weeks at the rehab place she's supposed to go home on Saturday. And of course I have to be the one to handle it since it's so convenient for me. Meanwhile I wonder if I'll get to take the kids on vacation. Probably not.
5/7/2020 1:18:56 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 13: Excellent article. We've become a nation of cowering snowflakes, if you'll pardon the mixed metaphor.
Occasional Reader
5/7/2020 1:24:14 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:
Of course, there's the sort of chicken/egg question; has Covid-19 only been less deadly than the Hong Kong Flu (so far) because of the extraordinary measures to contain it? Or to turn that question around; had we acted about this the way we acted about Hong Kong Flu, would Covid-19 indeed have exacted a seven-digit death toll (just in the US)? For myself, my answer is firmly: I don't know.
5/7/2020 1:49:03 PM
It just occurred to me; most government workers seem to support the Democrats, and the Democrat symbol is the donkey. Thus, it would seem appropriate to refer to government employees as burro-crats.
lucius septimius
5/7/2020 2:14:20 PM
So General Flynn has been exonerated. Some progress made at least. Now let's see those FBI fuckers get theirs.
5/7/2020 3:05:42 PM
In #15 Occasional Reader said: Of course, there's the sort of chicken/egg question; has Covid-19 only been less deadly than the Hong Kong Flu (so far) because of the extraordinary measures to contain it? Or to turn that question around; had we acted about this the way we acted about Hong Kong Flu, would Covid-19 indeed have exacted a seven-digit death toll (just in the US)?
For myself, my answer is firmly: I don't know. I think a strong case can be made that the goals of Democrat parties of large cities, public transportation, and socialist-style medicine have all been demonstrated to be hugely bad policies. There's no need to point out how all the deaths that occurred were categorized as COVID deaths despite no evidence to support that classification. Simply use the numbers themselves to demonstrate that cities are inherently unhealthy.
5/7/2020 3:06:28 PM
In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: Thus, it would seem appropriate to refer to government employees as burro-crats. Works for me.
5/7/2020 3:14:41 PM
In #17 lucius septimius said: So General Flynn has been exonerated. Some progress made at least. Now let's see those FBI fuckers get theirs.
Oh, but early paragraphs of the motion the DOJ sent to the court to drop the case were simply wonderful: "After a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information appended to the defendant's supplemental pleadings, ECF Nos. 181, 188-190, the Government has concluded that the interview of Mr. Flynn was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn--a no longer justifiably predicated investigation that the FBI had, in the Bureau's own words, prepared to close because it had yielded an 'absence of any derogatory information.' Ex. 1 at 4, FBI FD-1057 'Closing Communication' Jan 4, 2017 (emphases added). The Government is not persuaded the the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn's statements were material even if untrue. Moreover, we [do] not believe that the Government can prove either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt." Oh, I could just dance about this, but I am so angry that it ever came to this and that this was only stopped after Sidney Powell pushed the court and the judge had to push the government to provide what should have been provided years ago. Flynn and Powell need to file lawsuits against his former defense council, against the DOJ, and against multiple people and get financial damages assessed.
5/7/2020 3:52:58 PM
I dreamed a dream...
Seattle to permanently close streets to vehicles for stay healthy initiative Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced Thursday that 20 miles of closed city streets that were shuttered in order to accommodate socially distant outdoor activities will remain closed permanently and more streets could be added. Durkan made the announcement during a press conference although officials did not elaborate on what prompted the decision to close the streets for good. I know what f'n prompted it... they've wanted to ban cars for some time. With a crisis limiting traffic, it's too good to let go to waste.
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