5/9/2020 6:48:06 AM
I live in the same county as that the Governor of Washington state has his residential home. This county is still officially closed. I was driving around town yesterday, antique stores are opening up, car dealers are opening up, I saw a restaurant with outdoor searing serving lunch, and the local skateboard park was full people out having a good time. This bullshit is over.
lucius septimius
5/9/2020 6:58:53 AM
Reply to Syrah in 2: I've got to venture out here in People's Republic of Korea Illinois in a few minutes. From what I saw yesterday no civil disobedience here. It reminds me of being in East Germany to be honest, including the weather.
lucius septimius
5/9/2020 12:00:39 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: But her intersectionality score is through the roof, so no one can ask any questions.
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