The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 05/14/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 5/10/2020 11:07:13 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 5/14/2020 6:31:00 AM

Morning, folks. Question for the legal eagle folks here: 

Have you been following the legal case against Gen. Flynn? Are you aware of the decision that Judge Sullivan made to request amici curiae (not sure of spelling) regarding whether to dismiss the case, after the DOJ filed a petition for dismissal? What's your take on what's going on? 

My completely untrained eye thinks this is pure political posturing on the part of Sullivan to continue to keep Flynn hedged in. But IAMAL and I don't even play one on TV. I would prefer folks with more training to talk.

Occasional Reader 5/14/2020 7:08:32 AM
Good morning.  Does anyone here know the outlines of the apparently now-circulating conspiracy theory of "OMG Bill and Melinda Gates are pushing vaccines in order to depopulate the globe!!!" (or something like that)? 
JCM 5/14/2020 7:34:30 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Sullivan is the one who took DoJ to task over Sen. Stevens.

So he has a history of being a good guy.

If DoJ drops charges there is no crime for him to give Flynn a sentence over.

I'm beginning to wonder if, given Sullivan's history, if he's not feed rope to those parties for a hanging.....

buzzsawmonkey 5/14/2020 7:38:05 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I've seen mutterings of this on WZ and PJM.  

It appears to have some connection to the David Icke/lizard people stuff we were talking about yesterday; Gates and his foundation have apparently been donating money to virus and vaccination research for some time, including, apparently, some research at Wuhan.  It appears to be a convergence of the anti-vax crowd; the notion that "the wealthy" and "globalists" are "lizard people"; Fauci's seeming obsession with finding a vaccine, and the feeling that his bureaucratic recommendations are too draconian, etc.

vxbush 5/14/2020 7:45:16 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: Good morning.  Does anyone here know the outlines of the apparently now-circulating conspiracy theory of "OMG Bill and Melinda Gates are pushing vaccines in order to depopulate the globe!!!" (or something like that)? 

I've seen the theory; but I don't have any idea what it is supposed to be about or what the major points are. 

vxbush 5/14/2020 7:46:33 AM

In #3 JCM said: Sullivan is the one who took DoJ to task over Sen. Stevens.

I'm sorry, but my brain is still trying to get work done. What Sen. Stevens thing?

JCM 5/14/2020 7:55:07 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Back ground.

There are many different viruses in the coronavirus family, some of them are the common cold and flu.

Proteins work in the human body by having on their surface a section of protein the human body's cells recognize and allow the protein entry to the cell. Viruses can have via many different mechanism that section of protein that allows access.

One of many pharama companies Gates Foundation funds looking for improved vaccines to various disease a few years back applied for a patent to a "coronavirus". That's the crux, the nugget of truth at the center of the conspiracy.

It was a patent for a vaccine based on one or a few of the many coronavirus, but not COVID-19.

Another avenue researches use viruses for is genetic therapies. Current day insulin is made by taking the human genetic sequence for making insulin, skipping over all the bio-chemistry involved, sticking that sequence in a virus then having the virus "infect" yeast with the sequence. Then putting that yeast in an soup with all the chemical soup made of the chemicals than makes yeast. Then when the yeast do their thing they produce insulin. That insulin then is purified out of the brew.

Between genetic therapies and and vaccines, there a lot of reason to patent a particular engineered theraputic virus.

Occasional Reader 5/14/2020 8:04:39 AM

Reply to JCM in 7:


Occasional Reader 5/14/2020 8:05:12 AM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: I've seen mutterings of this on WZ

You have a stronger stomach than I do.  I gave up on WZ years ago.

vxbush 5/14/2020 8:07:23 AM

In #7 JCM said: One of many pharama companies Gates Foundation funds looking for improved vaccines to various disease a few years back applied for a patent to a "coronavirus". That's the crux, the nugget of truth at the center of the conspiracy.

I'm afraid the media is not doing any favors here with the name games of not allowing "Wuhan virus", and the medical community made the official name of the virus very difficult, calling it SARS-COV-19. If a simpler name had been given, there wouldn't be so much confusion about this particular coronavirus and perhaps a better understanding that this is more properly a family of viruses. But we can't make our Chinese moneybags unhappy.

JCM 5/14/2020 8:10:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

Confluence of anti-vaxxers, anti-GMO, anti-big pharma.

Say "engineered virus" and most people immediately go to bio-weapons.

The big break through and they are close with sickle cell anemia and insulin is to get a virus to introduce the correct genetic sequences into an individual with those diseases. A cure for sickle cell. An inherited genetic diseases, A CURE! That is like worth a decade of Nobel Prizes in medicine.

Occasional Reader 5/14/2020 8:19:49 AM

In #10 vxbush said: If a simpler name had been given

Well, Andrew Cuomo has apparently proposed "European Virus", so there's that suggestion... 

buzzsawmonkey 5/14/2020 8:22:13 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: You have a stronger stomach than I do.  I gave up on WZ years ago.

There are still a few friends over there---and, applause-whore that I am, there's also an appreciative audience for the occasional song parody.

buzzsawmonkey 5/14/2020 8:23:27 AM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: Well, Andrew Cuomo has apparently proposed "European Virus", so there's that suggestion... 

You've misspelled that: it's "You're-a-peon virus," as the lockdown orders increasingly show.

Occasional Reader 5/14/2020 8:25:19 AM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: there's also an appreciative audience for the occasional song parody

I'm not in your league, but I did get a polite smattering of applause at Insty the other day, related to a story about Airborne troops having to wear surgical masks while assembling to prepare for a training jump, with the following variation of "Blood Upon the Risers": 

Glory, glory, what an utterly thankless task

Lining up to jump out of an airplane, in a mask

It won't keep him alive, not even an N95

And he ain't gonna jump no more... 

vxbush 5/14/2020 8:32:37 AM

If you want to hear some of the backstory to the WannaCry encrypted worm, you can read this Wired article about the guy who cracked it--and later ended up being arrested by the FBI. 

But I loved this part: 

When the worst of the danger was over, Neino was concerned enough for Hutchins' well-being that he tied part of his employee's bonus to forcing him to get some rest. When Hutchins finally went to bed, a week after WannaCry struck, he was paid more than $1,000 for every hour of sleep.

That's the kind of gig I want--one where I get paid to sleep!

JCM 5/14/2020 8:45:56 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

Cloward-Piven Virus.

The virus response is being used to put to many people on the government dole, break the economy. You've a got Pelosi, Schumer all saying this is an opportunity for their agenda.

The numbers are being manipulated worse than temperature records.

The response is not scale to the the threat.

vxbush 5/14/2020 8:50:01 AM

In #17 JCM said: The virus response is being used to put to many people on the government dole, break the economy. You've a got Pelosi, Schumer all saying this is an opportunity for their agenda. The numbers are being manipulated worse than temperature records. The response is not scale to the the threat.

No disagreement. But it still amazes me how transparent the Dems are being about forcing people to this position in order to score political points. 

JCM 5/14/2020 9:11:15 AM

Reply to vxbush in 18:

100 years Woodrow Wilson... are they finally running out of patience for the Revolution?

vxbush 5/14/2020 9:26:09 AM

In #19 JCM said: 100 years Woodrow Wilson... are they finally running out of patience for the Revolution?

I don't think so, if recent history is to be believed. They still believe they should be in charge and they should make all the decisions, the people be damned and the Constitution be damned. If anything, they are becoming more desperate. 

JCM 5/14/2020 9:49:24 AM
How long to stay locked down?
Coronavirus could take up to 5 years to get under control, WHO chief scientist warns
JCM 5/14/2020 10:09:33 AM

Reply to JCM in 21:

Notice how early on the media talked about the "New Normal".

That irritated me no end. No it's not the "New Normal" it's temporary inconvenience.... unless you have something else in mind.

doppelganglander 5/14/2020 10:35:28 AM

Reply to vxbush in 20:

IMO it's going to backfire on them, bigly. All of us lucky enough to be working have friends and family who aren't. We've all seen the failures of blue state governors compared to Kemp, DeSantis, and others. Combine that with the inherent weakness of Biden as a candidate and the widespread loathing of Pelosi and Schumer, and you've got a political landscape heavily favoring the GOP. 

vxbush 5/14/2020 10:41:39 AM

In #21 JCM said: Coronavirus could take up to 5 years to get under control, WHO chief scientist warns

I expect the rest of that sentence to read, "...unless Biden gets into office, and then it will be solved in 30 days."

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