5/28/2020 5:50:19 AM
Morning, campers. Those of a praying sort should pray for Minneapolis. Sounds like that city (and LA) are having breakdowns of social order.
5/28/2020 7:42:37 AM
The Leftist media has been quivering with eagerness like a hunting dog for the chance to be able to start up the "grim milestone" stories at the first whisper of the virus death toll topping 100,000. This 11-minute snippet from NPR is worth listening to as a convenient summary of the Left's talking points: "racial disparity," "lack of access to health care," "disproportionate impact," of course, get plenty of play. The thing that is most striking, however, is their admission that "hospitals are hurting/closing/shutting down," which---quite frankly---makes no sense whatsoever. The "hotspot" of NYC closed the Javits emergency facility, sent home the hospital ship, and expelled the hospital set up by the evangelicals in Central Park. Does that sound like hospitals "being overwhelmed?" Yet in the same piece they describe New York as a stricken plague city, with people practically dropping in the street. Elsewhere, hospitals are allegedly closing for lack of customers, which doesn't sound like an overwhelming pandemic to me; meanwhile, people who need heart surgery or routine medical attention are being turned away from these same hospitals to keep space open for the virus patients that have never come. Something deeply, deeply wrong there. It is also self-contradictory for them to intone all this "grim milestone" stuff while simultaneously celebrating how "the shutdown has worked"---and also noting, in passing, that many states are economically suffering because of the shutdown. Since there is little to any actual evidence that the shutdown has accomplished anything other than economic ruin for thousands---the "accomplishment" is a pronouncement taken on faith---the celebration of the shutdown folded into the "celebration" of the "grim milestone" seems particularly ironic.
Occasional Reader
5/28/2020 8:36:03 AM
In #1 vxbush said: breakdowns of social order "Haw haw haw, what are the gunna do, shoot the virus?" -Paul Krugman tweet (I'm paraphrasing, but only a little) regarding photos of people lining up to buy guns and ammo back in March In case you needed any further proof that someone can both be a Nobel laureate, and an idiot
Occasional Reader
5/28/2020 8:38:28 AM
In #2 buzzsawmonkey said: the celebration of the shutdown folded into the "celebration" of the "grim milestone" seems particularly ironic. See, also: Democrats: ObamaCare was the most profoundly important piece of legislation in the nation's history, a lasting milestone in the quest for social justice! Also Democrats: Our nation's health care system is broken! Inequitable! People are dying in the streets because they can't get health care!
5/28/2020 8:55:28 AM
The people of Minneapolis are celebrating George Floyd for "taking a knee."
Occasional Reader
5/28/2020 9:16:12 AM
One has to wonder if a restaurant that has survived three months of shutdown, and reopens, business as usual, is actually a money laundering operation. But hey, if the food is good...
lucius septimius
5/28/2020 10:46:51 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: So the French Laundry is actually more than just a restaurant.
5/28/2020 10:49:57 AM
In #7 lucius septimius said: So the French Laundry is actually more than just a restaurant.
The Ein Zwei Dry Cleaners, on the other hand, is totally legit.
lucius septimius
5/28/2020 10:54:06 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8: Even though the sign out front clearly says "coin laundry."
5/28/2020 10:59:25 AM
In #9 lucius septimius said: Even though the sign out front clearly says "coin laundry."
I like the laundries that have a sign in the window that say, "We Do Pound Laundry." I always wonder where they keep the rock they use to pound the clothes.
lucius septimius
5/28/2020 11:01:01 AM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10: Back before my neighborhood gentrified I remember seeing an old Indian woman out in the front yard with a garden hose and a stick doing her laundry on the front lawn.
Occasional Reader
5/28/2020 11:14:05 AM
In #7 lucius septimius said: So the French Laundry is actually more than just a restaurant.
Heh. Never thought of that. Truth in advertising?
5/28/2020 11:23:19 AM
In #12 Occasional Reader said: Truth in advertising? They believe in franc-ness.
Occasional Reader
5/28/2020 11:30:22 AM
Biden: Was it “over” when the Germans bombed Delaware? Hell, no!
lucius septimius
5/28/2020 12:25:08 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: In this morning's WSJ, Karl Rove wondered whether Biden actually can speak English.
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