Kosh's Shadow
6/3/2020 5:32:57 PM
From the MA4TRUMP email newsletter, an anonymous contribution: These officers were involved with something, I’m not sure exactly what, but something is just not adding up. I think there is at the very least the “possibility”, that this was a filmed public execution of a black man by a white cop, with the purpose of creating racial tensions and driving a wedge in the growing group of anti deep state sentiment from common people, that have already been psychologically traumatized by Covid-19 fears.
Historically, in election years and in politically contested areas or in groups, racial or gun violence incidents are becoming common place. Considering the rising approval rating of President Trump in the black community, an event like this was unfortunately “Predictable”.
Consider these points and contrast them to every other police brutality incident you've ever seen. The filmed portion of the incident was about 10 minutes long. In that amount of time, three officers are holding one handcuffed man down. You only know that because of the pictures taken from across the street. You can't see the other two officers in the video because they are behind the vehicle. During 8 minutes of the entire video, the officer has his knee on George Floyd's neck, which is not taught or approved by any law enforcement agency.
Additionally, other than the Asian officer speaking occasionally to the crowd of bystanders, there is no communication from any of the officers to Mr. Floyd. No talking, no shouting. When have you ever seen a police brutality video without police shouting?
Additionally, the police had no goal. They weren't trying to subdue him for arrest, he was already handcuffed and all they needed to do, was place him in the back of the car. There is no plausible explanation for taking him to the ground and having three men on top of a handcuffed man, a knee placed on his neck. Mr. Floyd presented no threat and was not resisting. The only goal that there appeared to be was exactly what happened: “To be filmed brutally killing a black man”.
Think about this, these officers did not care about being filmed, in fact the officer stared into the camera with soulless eyes and an emotionless face, reminiscent of an assassin, as he knowingly killed an American Citizen.
None of the officers spoke among themselves or did they speak to Mr. Floyd. They did not respond to his pleas for life. They just sat and kneeled on him until he was passed out and then waited an additional 4 minutes after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness to ensure that Mr. Floyd was dead and could not be revived.
The bystanders are verbally communicating to the officers, that he isn't breathing. Unlike any other similar incident, you never see the officers getting on police radios. You never see or hear them calling dispatch for backup. No other police units arrive on the scene and strangely enough, the crowd does not seem to grow either.
The scene does not end until an ambulance arrives and they unceremoniously flop him on a gurney. At no point does anyone in a uniform ever check his vitals. “As if they aren't remotely curious about the situation they are in” BTW. who called the ambulance and for what reason? Because if the reason was that Mr. Floyd was having a medical issue, they wouldn't have still been crushing his neck.
Shortly after the video went viral, a fake Facebook page supposedly belonging to the officer, at the center of the murder appears and pictures are uploaded that say "Stand your Ground" and "Trump 2020". A picture of the cop with a red ball cap that says "Make America White Again". A friends list populated with obvious sock accounts and people clearly not his friends. This is the same kind of fake Facebook stunt that happened with a group made to look like support for the men involved with the Ahmed Aubrey case.
Is it mere coincidence that this happens the week after “race” becomes a major political issue after the Biden "You ain't Black" gaffe, started to threaten the black vote the Democrats so desperately count on?
Additionally, there is substantial video evidence to arrest at least one officer now. Why would the local authorities not charge him immediately, unless there was a political advantage not to!
Is it mere coincidence that this happens right about the exact moment the COVID-19 fear campaign falls apart, and after it has psychologically traumatized the entire country and got everyone at each other's throats and suicide attempts are spiking? Is it mere coincidence that this happens after the Ahmed Aubrey case... Which somehow eluded the mainstream media completely until two whole months after he was killed? When has that ever happened? Timing issue? Is it mere coincidence that Supreme Race Baiter Obama was making videos a couple weeks ago connecting COVID with "Systemic Racism"?
FINALLY....‼️‼️ this entire scene plays out with the cop car and license plate that says "POLICE". The plate was perfectly framed for maximum subliminal impact. This also means he was literally just 1 foot away from the back seat of the police car and these cops thought it was smarter to kill a black man on camera, than to pick him up and move him one foot into the back of the police car.
You can draw your own conclusions, but this appears to have all the earmarks of George Soros. Please open your eyes!!!!
Discuss. I will read replies after work, but I won't be able to participate during the day.
Occasional Reader
6/4/2020 6:28:07 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:
I have not yet seen the video (not sure I want to); but if this is accurate, the piece makes some interesting points.
At the very least, there was machinery poised to take advantage of something like this; and of course at some point, somewhere, some story (likely with video) would emerge of either real or purported "white cop brutality against black person".
6/4/2020 7:02:20 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:
In sort of a similar vein, this video is making the rounds in Q circles, purporting to show a former activist with a group called "RBG" (no idea what it is) is saying that Black Lives Matter is not an authentic group but a front but controlled by Soros, the Rothschilds, and the Clintons. I have no idea if this is authentic, but the claim is that BLM is simply a way to stir up emotions in the black communities and get them to fall in line with supporting Dems and Dem policies. Q has been saying for months now that all of this is about the Democrats and Deep State trying to get control back of Washington. I will say the timing between moving from impeachment to COVID to now Black Lives Matters and riots seems far too planned and too close together and consequential for this to be random. If I may put my tinfoil hat on, it seems that Certain FolksTM have these activities and media coverage ready to go in the wings so that when they need to start a "grassroots movement", they have these tinder events ready to stage. (A lot of folks are making comparisons with 1968. Given how far back in the past that was, do we have any evidence to show that those riots were coordinated and staged by the Left? If the answer is yes, then it would seem a good bet that today's events have been preplanned.)
6/4/2020 8:27:27 AM
The Daily Wire notes: “Before the protests began, organizers of certain anarchists groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police,” Miller said, per NBC New York. “They prepared to commit property damage and directed people who were following them that this should be done selectively and only in wealthier areas or at high-end stores run by corporate entities.” Someone is coordinating stuff. The only question, how much is coordinated.
6/4/2020 8:29:47 AM
In #4 vxbush said: Someone is coordinating stuff. The only question, how much is coordinated. It only takes one or two sheep dogs to manage a herd of sheep.
lucius septimius
6/4/2020 8:37:19 AM
All of this is taking a toll on me. I was in a bad mood yesterday, despite taking a day off from my usual work. I think I just need to stay off social media for a while. Given everything else in my life, the current chaos is just too much. The part that gets me the most is the monumental idiocy of all of it. People don't seem to understand that there can be no freedom unless there is a civil order. A self-disciplined citizenry needs no governors, but a society of lawless men requires a firm, if not brutal hand.
Occasional Reader
6/4/2020 8:49:26 AM
In #3 vxbush said: If I may put my tinfoil hat on, it seems that Certain FolksTM have these activities and media coverage ready to go in the wings so that when they need to start a "grassroots movement", they have these tinder events ready to stage No tinfoil hat required; of course they did, and of course BLM is not just some grassroots organization, of course they are funded by the usual suspects.
Occasional Reader
6/4/2020 8:50:54 AM
In #6 lucius septimius said: The part that gets me the most is the monumental idiocy of all of it. Yes, not to mention the constant, easily-disprovable lies, big and small, that are repeated by practically every instance of the commanding heights of the culture.
6/4/2020 9:13:18 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: Believe it or not, Minneapolis police car tags really do say POLICE. https://www.newsbreak.com/minnesota/minneapolis/news/0PBTxuKp/fact-check-video-of-cop-pinning-george-floyd-down-is-not-false-flag-minneapolis-police-cars-do-say-police-on-license-plates While I believe Antifa and other left-wing domestic terrorists have been escalating the violence, they didn't stage Floyd's death. They merely took advantage of it, just like the Democrats have. Frankly, if people are so stupid that they believe Trump is to blame, rather than the failure of Democrats at all levels of government, there is truly no hope for this country.
6/4/2020 9:16:58 AM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: And if this person can't even spell Ahmaud Arbery's name correctly, I don't trust anything else he has to say.
6/4/2020 9:24:43 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 6: I'm feeling more stabby than usual myself, but I find it hard to limit my news and social media consumption. Aside from Zoom calls for work and seeing the BF on the weekend, I'm pretty isolated, and it's bothering me more than I expected.
6/4/2020 9:25:12 AM
In #9 doppelganglander said: Frankly, if people are so stupid that they believe Trump is to blame, rather than the failure of Democrats at all levels of government, there is truly no hope for this country. Never once does any media person say to a Democrat running for office, "Your party and leadership have been in place for 30 years. They have had 30 years to address this issue. Why are you running on this now? Why hasn't your party already addressed this problem?" Biden's talk about only now attacking racism just reeks of this. He is allowed to completely ignore his own time in office not addressing these issues.
6/4/2020 11:48:17 AM
Reply to vxbush in 12: Race relations is like the Peace process. It's the process that keeps Dems in power. They have no interest in solving the "race problem" their power comes from the promise of the process to rectify past injustices etc... If the "race problem" were to be solved they have no platform around that issue. We see this "process" being the end all be all in gov't at all levels. The THING is the perpetual process which keeps the gravy train running. Solve race, solve homelessnes, solve the mid-east.... the their is no "process industry".
Occasional Reader
6/4/2020 1:10:59 PM
Reply to JCM in 13:
Wait wait... solve... the problem?! But then we'd lose our funding!
6/4/2020 2:51:15 PM
The opening number of "Fiddler on the Roof," "Tradition," rewritten for blue America: ...And how do we keep our power? THAT I can tell you in one word: SEDITION! Sedition, sedition! Sedition! Sedition, sedition! Sedition! Here in blue America we have some sedition for everything; how to speak, how to think, how to act---even how to wear clothes. For instance, we often wear these "Che" T-shirts, and we wear these pink pussy-hats. You may ask, "How did this sedition get started?" I'll tell you; I don't know---but it's a sedition. Because of our seditions, everyone knows what they are, and what they're expected to do: Whom day and night can claim their gender gives them Lots of special insights that men can't understand? And who has the right, because they have a uterus To kill the children that they breed? The women, the women! Sedition! The women, the women! Sedition! Who must constantly defer to what the women say Though it may change from day to day? Who must grovel, begging pardon in most every way Apologizing, unforgiven for "male privilege?" The men, the men! Sedition! The men, the men! Sedition! I've been deferred to all my life since before I was weaned And if I don't get what I want I can get feral The children, the children! Sedition! The children, the children! Sedition! And who will get to play against both sides at once? Without ever being called out for all our cunning stunts? Transgenders, transgenders! Sedition! Transgenders, transgenders! Sedition!
6/4/2020 3:09:03 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14:
It's astonishing to see the party that has had total control of all major American cities for the last 50+ years casting this insurrection as a revolution. Against what? Black mayors, black governors, black police chiefs, black DAs, black attorneys general, black legislators, black agency heads at every level from local to Cabinet-level, a black president, plus all their white left-wing comrades have done fuck-all for African-Americans or anyone else. And yet every one of them will go out in November and vote for the SAME. DAMN. THING. That is breathtakingly stupid, and I cannot take seriously any of their insane demands when they refuse to do the most obvious things to improve the situation.
6/4/2020 3:11:19 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 16: Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. In it is insane.
6/4/2020 3:17:04 PM
Some we "knew" but now have proof....
Project Veritas Infiltrates Antifa, Reveals Organized Training in Violent Action
6/4/2020 3:32:06 PM
Reply to JCM in 17: Yet somehow it's always the fault of white people/Republicans/OrangeManBad. This week in Atlanta, two officers were fired and four others are being investigated for tasing a couple of black college students. Four of the six are black, yet somehow that's due to white privilege?
lucius septimius
6/4/2020 3:43:39 PM
In #20 doppelganglander said: Yet somehow it's always the fault of white people/Republicans/OrangeManBad. This week in Atlanta, two officers were fired and four others are being investigated for tasing a couple of black college students. Four of the six are black, yet somehow that's due to white privilege? They're applying the standard logic of Jew-hatred. Even though they're not in change, they're really in charge somehow. And they're working both sides. They are embedded in the state and the revolution. This is why we have White Supremacist "Antifa" leading riots against "White Supremacist" power apparatus. Same way that Jews were Capitalists and Bolsheviks at the same time.
Occasional Reader
6/4/2020 4:18:32 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:
6/4/2020 4:31:10 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 21: In other words, no logic at all. Antifa is anti-fascist in the same way the Bolsheviks were the majority party.
6/4/2020 4:32:47 PM
Watching live news in Seattle. Protesters wearing hard hats, googles, elbow, knee pads. Yeah... they are planning on being peaceful.
6/4/2020 4:37:10 PM
A black woman on Fox News (didn't catch her name or title) points out that defunding the police is exactly what criminals want and black and brown people will be the biggest victims. Anyone with a brain could tell you that, but that leaves out everyone involved in this fiasco.
6/4/2020 4:38:34 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 25: Her name is Stacy Washington and she is the co-chair of something called Project 21.
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