6/18/2020 4:56:23 AM
These People Are Nuts, latest edition: an op-ed from OZY, the online magazine of NPR, stating that "racism is a national security issue," and claiming that "African-Americans are being targeted by Russia," resurrecting the old "Trump/Russia" nonsense. It's a mercifully short read, but you need to see this to fully appreciate the crezy.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 5:43:32 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: African-Americans are being targeted by Russia Yes, General Ripper, of *course* they are.... [backing away slowly]
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 5:59:49 AM
Woo hoo! My nearest gun story say they have 9mm Luger Federal HST in stock, as well as 5.56mm NATO. Time to top up.
In a related vein; am I overreacting, or being prudent, in contemplating having myself and Little OR ensconced in a non-urban location (perhaps in West Virginia) for a "vacation" on Election Day and, say, the following day or two?
6/18/2020 6:13:48 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Federal HST? Take it's not a FMJ round?
6/18/2020 6:18:19 AM
In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: These People Are Nuts, latest edition: an op-ed from OZY, the online magazine of NPR, stating that "racism is a national security issue," and claiming that "African-Americans are being targeted by Russia," resurrecting the old "Trump/Russia" nonsense. It's a mercifully short read, but you need to see this to fully appreciate the crezy. I'm not sure I'm right, but it seems that he is using the material that Mueller used from the Intelligence Community Assessment about IRA from early 2017, which was first shown to have a negligible effect on the election and was a minuscule operation. The Assessment itself was a not-well-sourced at all document all about targeting Trump. So this seems like a transparent attempt to re-use failed material from earlier attempts to remove Trump, but now regurgitated to attack blacks. Man, these folks must be desperate to pull something stupid like this. Morning, campers.
6/18/2020 6:37:33 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: My nearest gun story say they have 9mm Luger Federal HST in stock, as well as 5.56mm NATO. Time to top up. "Señor, tenemos el Luger en el lugar."
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 6:41:16 AM
In #3 Occasional Reader said: gun story Gah. Store.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 6:42:40 AM
In #4 PaladinPhil said: Federal HST? Take it's not a FMJ round?
JHP personal defense round. I'm amazed they have any in stock (though best not to count my chickens quite yet... headed over there shortly).
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 6:44:59 AM
In #6 buzzsawmonkey said: "Señor, tenemos el Luger en el lugar."
I think I've mentioned before the conversation I had back in the late 90s/early Aughties with a friend from law school, who was assistant US Attorney at the time, in which she stated that "there's this gun called a Ruger, which is like a cheap knockoff of a Luger". Did I mention she prosecuted "gun crimes" at the time?
6/18/2020 6:52:11 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 9: Heh. Did you tell her about the really cheap knockoff, the Buger, that many people pick?
6/18/2020 7:13:15 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 8: Just been shooting FMJ's. HP's are a bit more expensive and no point in using them for range practice. I would reload some, except that they are really expensive in comparison with regular round nosed bullets. Something like $5 for five at one store I frequent. Could probably order a box if I wanted to.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 7:25:27 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 11: in this case, what I’m buying is to have at home for personal defense. At my range, you are required to buy their ammo anyway (and always FMJ), so no point in my buying FMJ on my own.
I just left the store, success! I picked up another hundred rounds of 9 mm, and 120 rounds of 223 Remington. they did not have 5.56 mm NATO personal defense ammunition, but that’s fine.
6/18/2020 7:38:17 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: leaving town on Election Day? I think there may be some value to that. We have seen how badly the left reacted when Trump won last time. After everything that has happened since then has only ramped up the rage. When Trump wins again, I can imagine they will escalate their response to the next level. What ever that is. it will be ugly.
6/18/2020 7:56:55 AM
In #14 JCM said: A executive order suddenly is supreme law? What orifice did you pull that out of Roberts? He has been such a disappointment, but then a majority of folks in government who are supposedly conservative have been. I have no illusions about this going forward, and I expect the cheating in the next election to be completely visible and obvious everywhere.
6/18/2020 8:00:12 AM
Trump "should" write some EO's and when the left howls cite the Roberts decision on DACA.
6/18/2020 8:01:32 AM
Not sure if folks have heard about a case against former eBay employees, but the actions are reprehensible, simply because the targets had a position on eBay that the former employees didn't like....so they set out to harass them. As if you needed another example of how leftists and coastal elites believe they are entitled, here you go.
6/18/2020 8:02:40 AM
In #16 JCM said: Trump "should" write some EO's and when the left howls cite the Roberts decision on DACA. Oh, there is a part of me that would love that, but that would also give fodder to the other side. I'm not sure I want to help them in any way.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 8:10:46 AM
Reply to JCM in 14: I think the idea that the Left has kompromat on Roberts is no longer looking like a crazy conspiracy theory.
6/18/2020 8:17:25 AM
Reply to vxbush in 18: Hence the quotes around "should". I always consider an idea in light of what if the other guys are in charge and have that in their hands... how would they use it.
6/18/2020 8:30:09 AM
In #20 JCM said: I always consider an idea in light of what if the other guys are in charge and have that in their hands... how would they use it.
Yeah, I can see that. I just want them to see what they are doing. The only thing that seems to be doing that is when the rioters go after them and their houses and businesses. As far as I can tell, that is the only thing showing them just how insane this all is.
6/18/2020 8:35:34 AM
John Roberts: “We are going to try “rule of men” from now on.”
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 8:41:36 AM
At my gun store they had a couple of these up on the wall.
Dear Santa.... (okay, Santa, first could you please change DC gun laws as needed, and THEN leave one of these under the tree)
6/18/2020 8:44:08 AM
In #22 Syrah said: John Roberts: “We are going to try “rule of men” from now on.”
Is that from the DACA decision?
6/18/2020 8:46:41 AM
Reply to vxbush in 24: That's the real decision. The it's a very frightening decision. EO's are now inviolet and SCOTUS made POTUS a dictator. Also if the Justices don't like a president, they can rule against him.
6/18/2020 8:46:57 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 23: Purdy... Prohibited in Canada most likely. Because it's a SBG. Can't wait for more range time this weekend. Have to see if an issue I am having with my .45 is user or mechanical. Hoping it's user. Lots of advice seems to be pointing that way.
6/18/2020 8:57:38 AM
Reply to vxbush in 17: That is creepy as hell.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 9:20:53 AM
In #26 PaladinPhil said: Have to see if an issue I am having with my .45 is user You may be limp-wristing.... NTTAWWT
6/18/2020 9:49:32 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 26: Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:
Feed issue? Stronger grip, you can also put in a tighter recoil spring.
6/18/2020 9:51:03 AM
Reply to JCM in 29: Some 1911 models are sensitive to the shape of the ammo. The feed ramp on a 1911 is usually pretty steep. The round has to slide up the ramp into the chamber. Experiment with some different FMJ types.
6/18/2020 10:04:59 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 28: Reply to JCM in 29:
Possibly a grip issue. Using hi-cap mags and the slide will lock back with one round left in the magazine. From what I have been told and read, the slide release is knocked up by my thumbs on the second last round stopping the feed. Next time I go I will be taking a friend with me to observe. Still getting used to the recoil and power of the .45 vs the 9mm. The 9mm I can consistently hit the black at 10 yards.
6/18/2020 10:29:44 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 31: Does it happen with a standard 8 rd mag for the 1911? The pusher spring in the mag might not be stiff enough. My 1911 is very sensitive to ammo and springs. Once I got it dialed in its pretty much a tack driver.
6/18/2020 10:33:43 AM
Reply to JCM in 32: It's a ten round magazine, double stack. At the range we're supposed to only load five rounds at at time for each mag. Will feed and fire fine for the first four rounds and slide locks back on the fifth round.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 10:46:37 AM
In #32 JCM said: My 1911 is very sensitive to ammo and springs Mine, too. I have reluctantly come to the conclusion this is not the gun I can trust my life to. The P365 is now my ready gun.
6/18/2020 10:51:20 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 34: My S&W Compact .40 is extremely reliable and accurate for a compact.
Occasional Reader
6/18/2020 10:55:08 AM
In #36 JCM said: My S&W Compact .40 is extremely reliable and accurate for a compact.
Yep, as is my P365. But at some point I need to either send in my Kimber Warrior for a full rundown from a good gunsmith; or buy another full frame pistol. I'd prefer full frame as my ready gun.
6/18/2020 10:56:08 AM
No, just f*cking no. I won't share my data with the government for any reason.
6/18/2020 10:58:54 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 37: My Norinco 1911 9mm is rock solid. Haven't had a single issue with it's function since I bought it. Have fired a good thousand plus rounds through it, both factory and reloads. The .45 Hi-Cap is taking some getting used to. Not to mention sight adjustments. Bought it used so it was adjusted to the previous user. One thing I like about both is the extended mag release.
6/18/2020 11:06:33 AM
What's black and white and red all over? A newspaper Antifa flags.
6/18/2020 11:55:31 AM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 38: Is this going to be like New York, where contact tracers aren't allowed to ask if the respondent has been to any protests? Useless morons.
lucius septimius
6/18/2020 12:09:15 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 41: But if you've been to Shul, the trucks will arrive shortly to pick you up.
6/18/2020 12:27:25 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 42: They're not using boxcars? What a clever diversionary tactic.
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