The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 07/02/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 2:28:50 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 7/2/2020 6:11:46 AM
Morning, campers. Lucius, I have a question for you in the Frontier regarding your article. 
lucius septimius 7/2/2020 6:38:37 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1: 

Seen and responded.

vxbush 7/2/2020 6:42:35 AM
Now, a printer beckons for attention. Back in a while. 
buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 6:43:41 AM

Apparently the current dolt in the useless "Public Advocate" position in NYC---the same office that was deBlasio's springboard to the Mayoralty---is now trying to hold up  implementation of the just-voted-on city budget, apparently because he disagrees with the amount of police de-funding.  DeBlasio is correctly saying that the Public Advocate does not have that power.  

I saw the PA---one Jumaane Williams---in a Tucker Carlson clip a year or so ago, and he came across as both a racist and a fool.  It's clear that he's currently grandstanding to lay the groundwork fo his succeeding deBlasio when he's term-limited out next year.  

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 7:07:30 AM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: I saw the PA---one Jumaane Williams---in a Tucker Carlson clip a year or so ago, and he came across as both a racist and a fool.  It's clear that he's currently grandstanding to lay the groundwork fo his succeeding deBlasio when he's term-limited out next year.  

So you're suggesting that if he gets elected, New York will become Jumaane-gy?

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 7:18:45 AM

Following recent events, I changed part of the introduction:

Still, the recent attacks on monuments initially seemed informed by a kind of historical consciousness. But when protesters turned from statues of Confederate generals and slaveholders to those of abolitionists and horned ungulates many observers were perplexed. 

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 7:20:38 AM

In #5 lucius septimius said: So you're suggesting that if he gets elected, New York will become Jumaane-gy?

Pretty much.  

Relocation suggestions are now being entertained.

vxbush 7/2/2020 7:21:27 AM

In #6 lucius septimius said: horned ungulates

Horned lives matter? 

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 7:23:06 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

But venison is tasty!

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 7:42:21 AM
Ok -- made some changes in response to everyone's comments and sent it off.  Keep your fingers and toes crossed.
buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 7:50:37 AM

In #10 lucius septimius said: Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

What about our eyes?

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 8:44:17 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 10:

Now I have something specific to pray for. Considering it's a topical piece, I'm sure you'll get a quick response.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 9:07:16 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:

I'm partial to Atlanta (outside the Perimeter, which roughly coincides with the city limits), but you would definitely need a car. Florida is also nice if you don't mind humidity, and there's no income tax. Tennessee has no income tax and the weather is more temperate.

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 10:31:14 AM
Just replaced the garbage disposal.  Not something I'd planned on doing today.
lucius septimius 7/2/2020 10:40:18 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 14:

And I've had a splitting headache for two days no.

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 10:55:34 AM

In #14 lucius septimius said: Just replaced the garbage disposal. 

AOC will bow to you like a god, like those primitive tribes in old movies did when the captured explorer flicks his cigarette lighter.

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 11:01:14 AM

In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: AOC will bow to you like a god

Good -- it'll make it easier to kick her in the teeth.

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 1:00:57 PM

So there's a pro-Trump t-shirt that OMG HAS AN EAGLE ON IT JUST LIKE HITLER!!!11!!!!!

Oh, and there is some show on the (not the)History Channel about Hitler and OMG IT"S JUST LIKE DRUMPFF@!!!!!!!!E)#)(*IDVIO#)(@*()@ # B)#U

I wouldn't even know where to start with these idiots.

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 1:52:04 PM
Somebody needs to write "The Peak-Woke Papers" to tell these "demonstrators" to go to the Dickens.
JCM 7/2/2020 1:52:20 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 14:

While back our disposal died.... I took apart and found the bad part.

Part cost more than a new disposal.

Occasional Reader 7/2/2020 1:53:38 PM

In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: Relocation suggestions are now being entertained.

I would definitely avoid some of the spots mentioned in this weather report:

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 2:37:56 PM

Reply to JCM in 20:

That's usually the way.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 2:55:52 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:

Reporting live from the surface of the sun...

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