Kosh's Shadow
9/7/2019 5:28:53 PM
Entering grades builds up a big THIRST! Especially when the system requires several steps with waiting in between.
9/7/2019 6:29:18 PM
That sure doesn't sound fun to me.
Kosh's Shadow
9/7/2019 6:45:26 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 2: The old system laid out the table and I could copy and past comments, copy and paste grade, and then scroll to the next one. This system requires me to click on a student, enter time and date of submission, save that, wait for another screen where I can enter the grade and optional comments. Close that and back to the list of students. They should pay more.
Kosh's Shadow
9/7/2019 6:48:29 PM
We had a bit of a scare yesterday, in our 15 year old dog, who has a heart condition, was at the vet and was breathing so poorly and that the vet thought it might be an emergency. I was right - he was nervous (and hot) at the vet, and he improved at home. But we need to get him an appointment with a vet cardiologist, since the medicine for breathing is bad for the heart, and vice versa. All this barely over a week after losing our oldest dog. However, his quality of life wasn't so great. He'd get lost, stuck in places he couldn't get out of, and basically barely knew what was going on. This one still has some fun.
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