Kosh's Shadow
9/8/2019 5:01:00 PM
Grading 70 students via a tedious system (enter submission time and date, enter grade, enter comments, if any, with pauses while it changes the screen) builds up a big THIRST!
lucius septimius
9/8/2019 5:06:01 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: Our online grading system never failed to crash whenever I was dealing with a big class. Half the time my comments wouldn't load. And the interface was user-hostile.
Kosh's Shadow
9/8/2019 5:15:49 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 2: Using BlackBoard Ultra. It freezes (doesn't crash). A pain when entering grades, very bad when reviewing comments, because once a line of a post has shown up for about 1 second, it marks it read, so closing and reopening the page causes me to miss posts. And for some reason, other people aren't experiencing the problem. I think it is because I have two windows open at all times,so if a student asks a question, I can look it up. With two open in Chrome, it was very bad. Works better in Firefox. But I have one open in each.
lucius septimius
9/8/2019 5:21:03 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4: Blackboard was too expensive; I think ours was "Harvey's Grading and Stuff Software" It supposedly did not work in Chrome but I was able to get it to work no worse than in any other browser. I think the IT department was "manned" by dispeptic hagfishes.
Kosh's Shadow
9/8/2019 5:26:46 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 5: They used to use a homegrown system that actually worked well. It didn't have all the "reactive" features now in style, that make sites harder to use.
9/8/2019 10:41:25 PM
Lucius......"dispeptic hagfishes", omg. I did have to laugh.
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