8/4/2020 5:09:59 PM
Took the day off and got the puppers fixed. Got home and got dinner started so I turned on the news. The TV was lucky to survive.... The had a piece on the increase in violent crime in Seattle and the King Co. Prosecutor Heroin Dan Satterberg was talking "gun violence" like a stuck record. How about you Heroin Dan BRAGGING about the lowest incarceration rate in the country, about you Heroin Dan cutting a felon loose with 79 felony CONVICTIONS and multiple gun crimes loose who went on to kill an innocent in downtown in broad daylight. Did the media ask him questions about those things.... NOOOOOO! Good thing the pub is open!
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 5:11:24 PM
In #1 JCM said: Good thing the pub is open! I'll order a few extra kegs. Of whisky, bourbon, etc.
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 5:19:29 PM
As for me, I have a 4 year old computer that is having some problems, stumping Dell ProSupport (I pay for the extra, good support, even though I know what I'm doing) It has a 4 year support contract, and it is time to replace it. I did (used the stimulus payment - I need at least 16GB memory, and would prefer 1-2TB disk, but had to settle for 512 GB SSD. I'll just use an external drive for the rest. Did not want to get a slow CPU or spend $2000. Software development takes a powerful system. Now, a week installing software, updates, etc. Will be usable for email and web tomorrow (still need Chrome)
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 5:49:38 PM
Tornado warnings all day. No tornadoes, though. But there is this strange green city up ahead, and something of indeterminate gender flying around on a broom screeching about getting my dog, too.
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 5:52:49 PM
In #4 lucius septimius said: 4
Andy Ngo testified today to Congress about Antifa. You mean those peaceful protesters who want him to rest in peace?
8/4/2020 6:01:04 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4: Andy Ngo is possibly the bravest man in America right now. He's become too recognizable. I wonder if he has associates who are getting video for him now. Sidebar: I had never heard him speak before. He sounds British-educated.
8/4/2020 6:33:38 PM
In #1 JCM said: The TV was lucky to survive.... It is maddening. Inept people elected into office causing grief for everyone everytime it's done. I only get the Pritzker grief and not the double wammy of Lightfoot to boot.
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 6:40:02 PM
In #8 midwestgak said: It is maddening. Inept people elected into office causing grief for everyone everytime it's done. I've said for a while the reason criminals are so dumb is the smart ones go into politics. Exhibit A, Whitey and Billy Bulger. The former, a sadistic gangster; the latter, a major politician in Massachusetts. Whitey Bulger Billy Bulger
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 6:40:35 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9: I forgot to say they are/were brothers
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 6:45:32 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9: Yes,s the brother of the president of the Massachusetts senate killed people for fun, it seems. He got what he deserved in prison. I know I'm not supposed to feel like that, but I hope he is burning in Hell.
8/4/2020 6:55:17 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10: Sort of like Andrew and Chris Cuomo.
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 7:06:26 PM
In #12 doppelganglander said: Sort of like Andrew and Chris Cuomo. One is a "star" on a fake news network. The other caused large numbers to die in NY. Not quite the same.
Occasional Reader
8/4/2020 7:07:22 PM
Reply to doppelganglander in 12: I’m smahht! Not... dumb... like people say!
Kosh's Shadow
8/4/2020 7:25:32 PM
In #14 Occasional Reader said: I’m smahht! Not... dumb... like people say! Get Smart
Occasional Reader
8/4/2020 8:24:51 PM
Line of the day, spotted on Twitter (via Instapundit, I don’t do Twitter myself):
” I dream of an America that will one day finally give Oprah a chance to succeed.“
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