The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 08/12/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 8/9/2020 4:34:20 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 8/12/2020 5:23:54 PM
It's the Wrong Way to Tickle Mary
midwestgak 8/12/2020 5:41:30 PM

The Wednesday Pub is usually a slow night, but in support of its continuation I'll make a comment.

Anyone who mispronounces her name is hereby on notice as being disrespectful, rude and will be labeled a mean, meanie!  So get it right.  The quality of your life as you know it depends on getting it right.  So deems her cheering section.  They focus on the important issues facing us all.


midwestgak 8/12/2020 5:44:06 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:


buzzsawmonkey 8/12/2020 5:56:01 PM
Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag
doppelganglander 8/12/2020 6:04:04 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 2:

It started last week when a bunch of prominent left-wing females issued a statement to the effect that any criticism of her is racist and/or sexist. That's going to be their line for the next 90 days because they can't defend her record. She's too much of a cop for the Antifa wing and too far left for centrists and independents. If the GOP is smart, they'll ignore Placeholder Joe and go after Kamala hard.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:04:47 PM
Maybe WI isn't totally lost.  Made a trip to a city about an hour north of me.  Saw ONE Biden sign.  Saw so many Trump signs, I lost count!  My neighbor across the street has eight of them up in their yard.  We proudly fly a Trump flag.  Their is only two Biden signs in my little hamlet, but quite a few Trump signs, flags, even banners.  My favorite so far is "Trump 2020, the Sequel".
Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 6:05:43 PM

In #5 doppelganglander said: any criticism of her is racist and/or sexist.

Double down from Obama,  where any criticism is raaaacist!

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 6:08:45 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 6:

In Massachusetts, the  rich towns like Concord have BLM banners (for years).

Where I live,  "We support our law enforcement officers"

Get out of the rich parts, and the working class support Trump.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:12:14 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5: Well, she isn't African American, she's Indian and Jamaican.  To add insult to injury, her family were slave owners too.  Not to mention her history of going after black criminals.  I think the calls of racism will come from the black community more than the white.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:13:13 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8: Saw lots of "Support the Blue" signs up North too.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:14:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8: Yeah, this ain't Madison.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:16:59 PM

In #11 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8: Yeah, this ain't Madison. 

Did you see my link on the previous page?  The WI DNR now has to wear masks while teleconferencing.  That's Madison!

midwestgak 8/12/2020 6:17:06 PM

In #6 Alice in Dairyland said: "Trump 2020, the Sequel".

Ha, love it!  America needs WI this November. Bring it Badger State!

doppelganglander 8/12/2020 6:27:56 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 9:

I don't want to see the GOP go after her for having slave-owning ancestors. It's not her fault, and it was forever ago. Like Obama, there are so many genuine reasons she's a terrible candidate, you don't need to manufacture anything.

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 6:29:45 PM

In #12 Alice in Dairyland said: Did you see my link on the previous page?  The WI DNR now has to wear masks while teleconferencing.  That's Madison!

I saw that in the Foxnews phone app, and on the previous thread.

buzzsawmonkey 8/12/2020 6:31:38 PM

In #14 doppelganglander said: Like Obama, there are so many genuine reasons she's a terrible candidate, you don't need to manufacture anything.


midwestgak 8/12/2020 6:33:26 PM

In #5 doppelganglander said: If the GOP is smart, they'll ignore Placeholder Joe and go after Kamala hard.

Trump is already doing it citing, for example, her treatment of Biden in the presidental debate and her treatment of Kavanaugh during his judicial smear hearing.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:40:10 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 14: I agree with what you are saying but, if they are holding us accountable for the sins of our fathers, they better hold themselves accountable too.  You are correct though when you say there any many more legit reasons to focus on.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:47:52 PM

Kamala believes the accuser?

It nice to know she believes in him.  Oh wait, no she doesn't.

midwestgak 8/12/2020 6:54:48 PM

In #19 Alice in Dairyland said: It nice to know she believes in him.  Oh wait, no she doesn't.

What's that song lyric?  

Khama khama kkama khama khama,  khameleon . . .

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:58:50 PM

In #14 doppelganglander said: I don't want to see the GOP go after her for having slave-owning ancestors. It's not her fault, and it was forever ago.

I don't want the GOP to go after her for it either,  but I hope the black community is aware of it.  She is not one of them (slave related) and doesn't have their best interests in her heart.  They should be informed of this.  They should know who they are voting for.  She is not the "woman of color" she is portraying self as.  Am I making sense?

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 6:59:43 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 20: Exactly!

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 6:59:46 PM

Did you read about how some people are getting seeds from China?


Someone did and this is what happened!

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:01:56 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23: Darn, I thought they were for giant beanstalks.

midwestgak 8/12/2020 7:07:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23: 


“I can say without fear of contradiction, that under no circumstances, and at no time has that current administration expended any public money whatsoever for the purchase of the fluffy flower print toilet paper.” “The President does tend to expect the impossible.”

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:15:11 PM

In #25 midwestgak said: eeeeeeeek!!!  

I think we need to RoundUp all those weeds....

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:20:04 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26: Careful, you'll get cancer from RoundUp.  Haven't you seen all those commercials about it?

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:22:20 PM

In #27 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26: Careful, you'll get cancer from RoundUp.  Haven't you seen all those commercials about it?

You'd better use Johnson's baby powder on 'em.

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:23:02 PM

In #27 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26: Careful, you'll get cancer from RoundUp.  Haven't you seen all those commercials about it?

Don't watch TV (no cable - too expensive for the little we watch- largely Deadliest Catch) but I know the whole cancer stuff with RoundUp is way exaggerated. As it is with most things.

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:23:48 PM

In #27 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26: Careful, you'll get cancer from RoundUp.  Haven't you seen all those commercials about it?

And then, would you rather get cancer or be eaten by a giant plant?

midwestgak 8/12/2020 7:24:27 PM

In #27 Alice in Dairyland said: seen all those commercials about it?

A staple in the ad world these days.  As is Kars for Kids and My Pillow.

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:25:42 PM
Intersectionality - throwing Jews in the intersection and running them over with trucks driven by blacks, arabs, leftists, etc.
Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:26:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29: We only have over-the-air signal.  We can pull in the Wausau and Green Bay stations.  Use a Winegard (sp) omnidirectional antennae in our attic.  Don't want to attach it to a slate roof.  Works pretty good considering we live at the very bottom of a valley.

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:28:16 PM

In #30 Kosh's Shadow said: And then, would you rather get cancer or be eaten by a giant plant?

Either way, you're dead.

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:30:11 PM

In #31 midwestgak said: Kars for Kids

I thought that was local to Massachusetts. I would turn off the radio when that ad came on

Referenced somewhere deep in this jukebox

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:31:56 PM

In #31 midwestgak said: A staple in the ad world these days.  As is Kars for Kids

Not familiar with that one yet.

buzzsawmonkey 8/12/2020 7:36:40 PM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: I think we need to RoundUp all those weeds....

The Last Roundup

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:40:15 PM

In #36 Alice in Dairyland said: Not familiar with that one yet.

You are lucky.

midwestgak 8/12/2020 7:40:52 PM

In #36 Alice in Dairyland said: Not familiar with that one yet.

Be grateful.

Kosh's Shadow 8/12/2020 7:47:39 PM

In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: Referenced somewhere deep in this jukebox

About 4:55 into that song 1-877-Kars-4kids

Alice in Dairyland 8/12/2020 7:57:24 PM
Well, it's bedtime for me.  Sweet dreams to you all.  It was nice to talk with you.

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