The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 08/31/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 3:48:51 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 8/31/2020 5:00:58 PM
doppelganglander 8/31/2020 5:05:04 PM

turn 8/31/2020 5:07:08 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1: dog gone it! You stole that from ME! lol

turn 8/31/2020 5:08:35 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 2:

A snowman in a snowstorm? I’ll have to try and beat this one with all my goof ups ha

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:10:54 PM

Slowly working on the warning about not refreshing if there is something in the editor box. Usually tired at the end of the day, and  some of this is complicated. 

And I'm doing this on a new computer, which means I had to go through some hassle removing the old database (nothing real in  the local version - just enough to test with)

Now back to the actual work

turn 8/31/2020 5:11:50 PM
Gimmi Shelter the Stones 
doppelganglander 8/31/2020 5:11:59 PM

turn 8/31/2020 5:16:41 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Slowly working on the warning about not refreshing if there is something in the editor box.

Is this what causes a blank post like what happened to doppel in her #2?

doppelganglander 8/31/2020 5:19:14 PM

Reply to turn in 8:

No - I started a post, deleted it, and accidentally hit Create. Most sites have Submit and Cancel buttons next to each other, so I guess I reflexively tried to cancel.

turn 8/31/2020 5:22:51 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 9:

Oh that’s how that happens then, don’t worry I’ll goof that up sometime too :.)

turn 8/31/2020 5:24:26 PM

turn 8/31/2020 5:25:45 PM

Reply to turn in 11: I didn’t know this, just starting a post will tag it as yours even if left blank.

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:28:07 PM

In #8 turn said: Is this what causes a blank post like what happened to doppel in her #2?

There sometimes is some formatting in  the box,  with no actual text,  and the editor (which I got; I didn't write it) has a function  that tells whether the box is empty - but if there is just formatting, it  still says it isn't empty.

You can see if you open the code window (</> button; click it again to close)

Not ready to  dive into the editor to fix it.  

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:29:04 PM

In #9 doppelganglander said: No - I started a post, deleted it, and accidentally hit Create. Most sites have Submit and Cancel buttons next to each other, so I guess I reflexively tried to cancel.

I'll think about adding a cancel button. Shouldn't be too hard.

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:30:49 PM

In #6 turn said: Gimmi Shelter the Stones 

I call your Gimme Shelter and raise you with Shelter Me

turn 8/31/2020 5:32:57 PM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: Not ready to  dive into the editor to fix it.  

Definitely not worth the time to fix IMO, no big deal. Thanks for explaining how the editor functions.

turn 8/31/2020 5:36:57 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: I'll think about adding a cancel button. Shouldn't be too hard.

Good suggestions. There is an issue on margins being blown by pictures posted here on this iPhone so I have turn the screen sideways to read the posts lol

turn 8/31/2020 5:38:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

Thats funky! Love it ...

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:42:53 PM

In #17 turn said: There is an issue on margins being blown by pictures posted here on this iPhone so I have turn the screen sideways to read the posts

Much harder to fix. 

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:44:17 PM

Reply to turn in 18:

It was the theme  song  for Sons of Guns, until the person who run Red Jacket Firearms was busted for child molestation (and removed from the company very quickly,  but the show  was canceled)

turn 8/31/2020 5:46:15 PM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: Much harder to fix. 

I can imagine, please don’t do anything on my part I’m navigating just fine. 

turn 8/31/2020 5:48:49 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: I did not know that ... 

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:53:35 PM

In #21 turn said: I can imagine, please don’t do anything on my part I’m navigating just fine. 

I have my priorities - after I get the next few things (and cancel button should be easy), I want to get time zones to work,  and then  avatars.

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:55:05 PM
Monday jukebox
turn 8/31/2020 5:57:12 PM

In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: I have my priorities - after I get the next few things (and cancel button should be easy), I want to get time zones to work,  and then  avatars.

And those are high priority items to be sure, nice work Kosh I’m very grateful to be here, and you made this happen.

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 5:59:14 PM

Reply to turn in 25:


One problem is, if I were to show this to potential employers, I'd be sent to the woke inquisition.

Fortunately, I probably am in good shape until I want to retire now.

turn 8/31/2020 6:00:58 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:

Back at you with another Monday tune

turn 8/31/2020 6:05:54 PM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: One problem is, if I were to show this to potential employers, I'd be sent to the woke inquisition. Fortunately, I probably am in good shape until I want to retire now.

Oh my gosh I hadn’t thought about this blog from that angle, there is a risk involved in running up against the inquisition. Let’s hope you don’t run into any trouble for this.

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 6:25:30 PM

In #28 turn said: Oh my gosh I hadn’t thought about this blog from that angle, there is a risk involved in running up against the inquisition. Let’s hope you don’t run into any trouble for this.

I doubt the security clearance people would consider me a threat for this blog. I didn't list it because the request explicitly excluded social media, and that is what this is - a somewhat restricted social media site.

turn 8/31/2020 6:37:06 PM

In #29 Kosh's Shadow said: I doubt the security clearance people would consider me a threat for this blog. I didn't list it because the request explicitly excluded social media, and that is what this is - a somewhat restricted social media site.

You’re safe then sounds like ... need to head out Kosh you have a great evening

buzzsawmonkey 8/31/2020 6:46:30 PM
Whew!  Did three hours of pedagogy and made it out the other side!
Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 6:49:10 PM

In #31 buzzsawmonkey said: Whew!  Did three hours of pedagogy and made it out the other side!

Sounds like you need a drink or 3!

One whiskey, one Scotch, and one beer

lucius septimius 8/31/2020 7:08:50 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 31: 

Did you see my song parodies from earlier?

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 7:15:32 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 33: Earlier days, yes

buzzsawmonkey 8/31/2020 7:16:24 PM

In #32 Kosh's Shadow said: One whiskey, one Scotch, and one beer

At least.

Occasional Reader 8/31/2020 7:37:13 PM

My goodness, what a day.  In addition to work being insane, I had to "ride herd" over Little OR's first day of virtual kindergarten.  By 5 year-old standards, I think he was pretty good about it, but I was still wiped out from having to constantly jump off my work in order to keep him focused on his "class".  

On the other hand, at bedtime, as we talked about geography, he started making up new countries.  He made up one, which had a state within it called "Love My Kitten". 

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 7:38:03 PM
That's what it is - jukebox
@PBJ3 8/31/2020 7:54:47 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 37:


Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 8:05:18 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 38:

Mark Knopfler is vastly underrated.

Here's another one

JCM 8/31/2020 8:26:32 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 38:

My favorite cut from that album, it tickles my history geek fancy.

Kosh's Shadow 8/31/2020 9:00:22 PM

Reply to JCM in 40:

Great one,  too.

And good  night

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