10/29/2020 5:23:29 PM
For PBJ3: here is the video I posted the other day without needing to go through twitter. Finally found it for you Best Democrat Ad Ever
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 5:31:21 PM
I noticed some comments last night on the way Dorsey looked. This article put it this way: Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, didn’t do himself any favors Wednesday when he appeared on the Zoom call looking like the lovechild of ZZ Top and a cast member from “The Hobbit.” The premise that this is completely nonpartisan is laughable on its face. Name a circumstance under which Twitter or Facebook would have shut down President Obama’s accounts. Ever. Obama could have made up some crazy nonsense, like saying the NSA wasn’t tracking all of our internet metadata, or that if we liked our doctors before Obamacare, we could keep them — you know, stuff that’s a total lie — and Big Tech wouldn’t have batted an eye. And if a tech CEO had tried to block Barack in 2012, he would have been torch-and-pitchforked out of his job on the spot. His last couple of lines are great Here’s a crazy idea: Let’s let people say all the crazy stuff they want, and let the readers decide who they like and what they want to see. You know — freedom? Alas, in 2020, freedom is the one “f-word” progressives still find offensive.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 5:34:23 PM
Reply to Fish in 1: Trump never came out against cannibalism! He must be eating aborted fetuses or something! Wait, that's Democrats at the Planned Parenthood cafe
10/29/2020 7:39:09 PM
In #1 Fish said: For PBJ3: here is the video I posted the other day without needing to go through twitter. Finally found it for you
Best Democrat Ad Ever Thanks so much Fish! I just watched it and it's great, LOL! Sorry I didn't get here earlier, I had to water the lawn and make some phone calls. I think our temperature will be around 90 degrees for the next few days so the lawn thing was important.
10/29/2020 7:41:05 PM
In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Alas, in 2020, freedom is the one “f-word” progressives still find offensive. Isn't that the truth.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 7:45:29 PM
In #4 @PBJ3 said: I think our temperature will be around 90 degrees for the next few days so the lawn thing was important.
Snow here tonight. Our neighbor with an excavating and commercial plowing company spent the day getting his trucks ready for snow.
10/29/2020 7:48:58 PM
In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Snow here tonight. Our neighbor with an excavating and commercial plowing company spent the day getting his trucks ready for snow.
Wow! It's a little better than this heat we're going to have. I just feel bad for any of you that have to shovel the stuff.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 7:53:22 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 7: Only 1-3 inches this time. A White Halloween
10/29/2020 7:55:50 PM
In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: Only 1-3 inches this time. A White Halloween That's not bad.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 7:56:57 PM
In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: A White Halloween A ghostly covering. Remember when at C2, Pi Guy would take over the Halloween week pub threads? This week, I noticed at the last minute, but the pub picture was a pub in some European cave or cellar, so it fit and I used it.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 7:57:52 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 9: White Halloween was my wife's comment. Should have given her credit
10/29/2020 8:16:56 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8: So a typical Canadian Halloween... Think, we have to design trick or treat costumes that will fit over snowsuits. (seriously, it's not a joke)
10/29/2020 8:23:26 PM
So, a conversation at work tonight. One of the department heads was bored and asked me my opinion on the American election. Said that I thought Trump was going to win. Based on a few things and first one was how wrong the polls have been before. A little back and forth and then he comes out with this statement; "As far as I am concerned 5% of Americans have all the money. 20% are illiterate as fuck. The rest are just a bunch of redneck cowboys." Glad to see another victim of the CBC and Canadian news media.
10/29/2020 8:23:30 PM
In #12 PaladinPhil said: So a typical Canadian Halloween... Think, we have to design trick or treat costumes that will fit over snowsuits. (seriously, it's not a joke) My nephew and his wife made her youngest boy a robot costume. It was basically just a painted box and some flex vinyl venting material in white. It looked pretty good. I don't know if they've made anything for his face but maybe by the 31st.
10/29/2020 8:27:44 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2: Two of our nephews look like ZZ Top. I can't stand that look. The one who is in his early forties is starting to come in with some grey hairs too. It bugs me because he's very nice looking and has a beautiful wife and children. To each his own, I suppose.
10/29/2020 8:31:33 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 14: The Squire is going as Mario from the video games. His mother crocheted him a hat and we have the mustache and shirt. He's going to be stoked!
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 8:31:40 PM
Reply to PaladinPhil in 12: Are you having Monster Mashed potatoes on Halloween?
10/29/2020 8:33:16 PM
In #16 PaladinPhil said: The Squire is going as Mario from the video games. His mother crocheted him a hat and we have the mustache and shirt. He's going to be stoked!
That sounds really cute. I'm sure he will be stoked. I used to play those games with our daughter and my husband. I still have a play station and the games around here somewhere, LOL.
10/29/2020 8:37:48 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17: Halloween is going to be a shark cootchie board with some spooky themes. I have to work until 4:30 and that doesn't leave us a lot of time to prep a big finale and get out the door for candies. Besides the wife is happy with all my themes and attempts which have exceeded her expectations so far. I am a kitchen demi-god. :)
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 8:45:35 PM
The Muslims are upset that the French put freedom of cartoons above Islam. At least 2 French dead already. Maybe if they learned that the Jews are the canary in the coal mine, and did something when the Muslims stuck to killing Jews, they wouldn't be in this position. [The rest of this post self-deleted]
10/29/2020 8:49:25 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: I hear you about the delete. I read that the woman who was stabbed was actually beheaded, J Post.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 9:07:29 PM
In #21 @PBJ3 said: I hear you about the delete. I read that the woman who was stabbed was actually beheaded, J Post. Yes, That is, of course, a Muslim thing nowadays. How do you say Allah Ackbar in French?
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 9:10:33 PM
I should have been in bed 1/2 hour ago, but I did some shopping tonight instead of in the snow, and my wife had some text couples' counseling with our daughter. I sent my son in law, who does woodworking as a hobby, a 3 page Mad Magazine bit from a 1950's collection, on making a coffee table. Hilarious for someone brought up on woodworking magazines (You can build this with household tools. then later, some fancy power tool is needed. And lots of sanding. More sanding. )
10/29/2020 9:18:15 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23: That's funny. Sanding is not much fun. Get some good rest, my friend.
Kosh's Shadow
10/29/2020 9:27:33 PM
Good night
10/29/2020 9:31:40 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25: "Wheat" dreams.
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