The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/02/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2020 3:30:45 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 4:40:51 PM

A pub song - Song for the Drunk and Broken-Hearted

(a theme that has been used many times, but this is better than most)

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 4:49:50 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

The classic in the drunk at the bar theme, but nowhere as good as Passenger

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 5:01:57 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Another song, similar theme.

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 5:11:13 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

And I will close with this one

buzzsawmonkey 11/2/2020 5:17:08 PM

I am tired to the bone of "conservatives" who are having a lot of fun saying, in effect, "Who cares about what happens to the cities? Let 'em all burn down."  I will share with you three comments I have left on "The New Americanist," the site which has taken a lot of the more-interesting commenters from WZ:

Comment 1:

You might consider that many people in particular jurisdictions did not vote for the people in power, but were a) outnumbered by those who did, and/or b) betrayed by the so-called "alternative party" which neither provided a viable alternative nor tried to elect that alternative if they deigned to provide it.

You might consider also that people do have both business and personal reasons for living where they do, even if everything is not totally ginger-peachy---and that there is plenty of whining/complaining/bitching/moaning by the people who live in less-than-solid Democrat jurisdictions about the squishes/RINOs/unsatisfactory electees that these paragons of conservatism have chosen/elected to represent them.

Comment 2:

I'd feel much more sympathetic to such pious, morally-superior utterances if I did not see, every single day online, the whining, bitching, moaning, and gnashing of teeth by people in supposedly-safely "conservative" jurisdictions yelling about the people they elected, re-elected, and elected once again.

Names like "Lindsey Graham," "Mitch McConnell," "John McCain," "Marco Rubio" mean anything to you? Howzabout all the "conservative"---or at least "Republican"---governors? Howzabout all the "conservative"---or at least "Republican"---state legislators who did not clean up the state electoral boards and voting procedures over the past two or three election cycles? And that's in your "solidly-red," supposedly-conservative, rock-solid-Republican states.

I'm tired of being lectured and sneered at by the beam-in-your-own-eye crowd, while that same crowd does not a damned thing to secure their own jurisdictions while bitching not only at the people they themselves have elected, but at what other people have done.

If the "conservative" beam-in-your-own-eye crowd wanted to get together with the people in farther-Left jurisdictions, to strategize about how to change things for the better in both places, I'd listen. But this Olympian-snot routine has been old for years.

If the fatass, self-basting and self-congratulatory Barcalounger "conservatives" want to lean back and piously intone "to hell with the cities, and the people in them, let them burn" they can go to hell.

Comment 3:

I've seen lecturing and sneering a-plenty on most conservative sites. It is my belief that most who engage in it do not realize how their comments come across; if it is offensive for me to tell you exactly why it comes across as nasty, smug, morally-superior preaching, which, however well-meant, is likely to fall on barren ground and cause offense rather than produce a constructive result, I am sorry for any offense caused---but not sorry in the least for taking the trouble to explain the what and why. Somebody has to say it.

In a nutshell, I am merely pointing out that the supposedly-"conservative" jurisdictions are themselves usually hanging by a hair or a few fingernails, and that their residents are seldom entirely pleased with the "conservatism" of those they manage to elect.

This gives them little vantage point to look down with disapproval on people who live in a one-party dictatorship like NYC or Chicago---the more so since the so-called "conservative alternative" in such places often does not field opposition candidates, often does not bother to campaign for them when it does. It is easy to suggest that everybody get "involved" to transform these all-but-supine "parties" into something real, but---having myself dabbled in political activism some decades ago---I can tell you that that takes a very serious commitment which few are prepared to give.

Meanwhile, people who talk about fleeing their one-party-dictatorship jurisdictions are met with comments---here and elsewhere---to the effect that they should stay where they are and rot lest they bring their Leftist contagion with them to pollute these paradisiacal jurisdictions where "conservatism" is yet hanging by a hair.

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 5:36:48 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Exactly. New Hampshire ("Live Free or Die") has been taken over, at least part of it, by Massachusetts leftists who moved there to avoid income tax (and end up paying higher property taxes instead)

And parts of Texas - Texas of the "He needed killin'" attitude - has a bunch of leftists too.

As for Massachusetts, our "Republicans" make RINOS look like Trump supporters, largely. Except Baker did call out the National Guard for election day.

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 6:08:41 PM
A song for the election
JCM 11/2/2020 6:24:26 PM

A Republic... if you can keep it.

I cast my vote to keep it.

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 6:31:33 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:
We're getting to where both sides are bad - blocking a Biden bus is bad. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/2/2020 6:34:57 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: blocking a Biden bus is bad

I love the alliteration.

Fish 11/2/2020 7:08:23 PM
My FB feed is full of my liberal friends worrying about potential rioting tomorrow. Are we all just pretending that we don't know which candidate's supporters are going to be the ones that riot? 
@PBJ3 11/2/2020 7:22:30 PM

Reply to JCM in 8:

So did I.  I went to an early voting place on Thursday, turned in my unmarked ballot and voted at the polls.  I did not even have to wait in line.

@PBJ3 11/2/2020 7:25:14 PM

In #11 Fish said: Are we all just pretending that we don't know which candidate's supporters are going to be the ones that riot?  Reply Quote

Apparently we are.

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 7:26:36 PM

In #11 Fish said: My FB feed is full of my liberal friends worrying about potential rioting tomorrow. Are we all just pretending that we don't know which candidate's supporters are going to be the ones that riot? 

No matter who wins there will be riots

Occasional Reader 11/2/2020 7:34:27 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

bravo. I get tired of the same crap among commenters Instapundit, and have posted thoughts similar to yours, if not identical.  I can understand, to a point, the root of the “let the cities burn“ disgust; but ultimately, it is a juvenile sentiment.

Occasional Reader 11/2/2020 7:35:23 PM

In #11 Fish said: Are we all just pretending that we don't know which candidate's supporters are going to be the ones that riot? 

I think many “progressives“ have actually convinced themselves that rioting comes from right wing militias. They actually believe this. NPR has told them to believe it, and so they do.

Syrah 11/2/2020 8:12:05 PM

I voted to keep our republic.

it is tough living in a blue state on Election Day.

West of the cascades, Washington is blue. When you are surrounded by it and have to deal with it day in a day out, it is hard to imagine what it is like out side, out beyond the blue walls.

this is also the first election in which I have made substantial(for me) contributions to political campaigns. 

By midnight tomorrow, we will know how crazy the rest of the country is.  By December 1st, we might even know who will be President.

Downtown Seattle Busines are boarding up their windows to try to protect themselves from the “peaceful protestors” that will go on a rampage no matter what the Elections results are.

i hope I have enough alcohol to deal with good news and the bad.

Are we having fun yet?

Fish 11/2/2020 8:13:11 PM

A guy at work today was telling about how he had flipped off a bunch of kids holding Trump signs. "Trump supporters are the most belligerent people there are"

Me : " You flipped off a bunch of kids! And THEY are the belligerent ones?"

Fish 11/2/2020 8:15:38 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

Agreed. And the same people will be rioting no matter who wins. 

Syrah 11/2/2020 8:16:09 PM

Reply to Fish in 18:

leftist: “Mommy Mommy Mommy, that bad mean conservative hit me back!”

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 8:22:04 PM
A link from BabbaZee to help
Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2020 8:23:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:

Link requested by BabbaZee 

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