The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/28/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/22/2020 2:36:43 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 11/28/2020 5:07:31 PM
After a day of planes, trains, and automobiles, we're finally home.
Alice in Dairyland 11/28/2020 6:18:13 PM
Welcome home!
turn 11/28/2020 6:21:51 PM

In #1 lucius septimius said: After a day of planes, trains, and automobiles, we're finally home.

Hopefully you didn’t have to sell too many shower curtain rings to make it. Glad you’re home safe.

Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 6:57:28 PM

Bedtime reading for my five-year-old son consisted of part of one of his books about the periodic table of elements. He seemed slightly annoyed at one point when I confused the lanthanide and actinide series.

midwestgak 11/28/2020 7:31:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Wow.  Five years old now.  I remember the pick when he was only months old.

@PBJ3 11/28/2020 7:37:43 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

The next thing you know he might insist on doing the reading himself.

@PBJ3 11/28/2020 7:38:18 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 5:

Hi Gak, it's good to see you here.

buzzsawmonkey 11/28/2020 8:00:58 PM
In further news, Fraud-O denies the existence of voting irregularities, claims the Ring of Power for himself, and refuses to toss it into Mount Doom.
Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 8:05:07 PM

In #6 @PBJ3 said: The next thing you know he might insist on doing the reading himself.

Oh, he can,  mostly.  But he just likes to have me do it at bedtime.

Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 8:06:04 PM
Good night.
@PBJ3 11/28/2020 8:07:52 PM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Oh, he can,  mostly.  But he just likes to have me do it at bedtime.

That is so sweet.  What a cool little guy.

Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 8:13:16 PM

Discussion question for you night owls before I go: who do you think wins the prize to be the most bloodthirsty native people in the Americas?

Based on what I’ve read, a solid case could be made for the Aztecs, and the Comanche; with the Hurons being no slackers, either.

Anyway, good night.

@PBJ3 11/28/2020 8:46:34 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

I'll have to do a little bit of reading.

Sweet dreams.

@PBJ3 11/28/2020 9:58:59 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 5:

If you have Pi Guy's info, would you be able to invite him to Rude Bridge?  We'd love to have some new and pre-existing members here.  I'm sure he could figure out how to join.  

At first a new member is a guest but Pi Guy would progress quckly to a regular member.

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