Alice in Dairyland
12/10/2020 5:15:41 PM
My favorite theory on the Hunter Biden story finally being released now is so they can "investigate" and clear him of any wrong doing before the inauguration. This way Joe enters the White House scandal free. Of course, I'm still holding onto my hopes that Trump remains president. I don't know how long Biden will last, he is fading before your very eyes right now. The last few times I've seen him on TV he looks really kind of lost.
Kosh's Shadow
12/10/2020 5:29:17 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 1: It was never planned that Biden stay long. He was the Dem candidate because no one else could win against Trump. They are too far left. But too many people never figured this out, including commentators who should have known better - ESPECIALLY when Pelosi admitted it. When Trump had COVID, and she wanted to set up some sort of committee to remove a president under the 25th amendment, she said it was not all about Trump, but very few people believed her. I knew, and posted that here. The media got Biden elected so Harris could be president.
Alice in Dairyland
12/10/2020 6:09:49 PM
In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: He was the Dem candidate because no one else could win against Trump. That is a sad statement, isn't it? He was their best shot out of the 100 people they had running in the primaries. A demented, lying, dirty old man. After all the illegal ballots that were counted (millions of them), they could have run anybody and that person would have unfairly beaten Trump.
Occasional Reader
12/10/2020 6:16:22 PM
In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: I knew, and posted that here. You were not the only one to make that observation at the time. There was a lot of speculation about that on Instapundit.
Occasional Reader
12/10/2020 6:49:52 PM
So I was just using my iPhone as a timer for some of my physical therapy exercises, ones in which you have to hold a certain position for 30 or 45 seconds, and I noticed something. The iPhone countdown timer actually counts zero as a full second. So if you set it for a countdown of, say, 45 seconds, you actually get the alarm at 46 seconds. What the hell, Apple? This isn’t rocket science.
Kosh's Shadow
12/10/2020 6:54:11 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: Our oven timer does the same thing.
Kosh's Shadow
12/10/2020 6:54:56 PM
Occasional Reader
12/10/2020 6:56:38 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7: It’s a conspiracy by the same people who were trying to convince us that January 1, 2000 was the beginning of the new millennium and of the 21st century!
Kosh's Shadow
12/10/2020 7:43:56 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 10: The treason party won/stole the election.
12/10/2020 8:01:13 PM
In case anyone is wondering, I tested negative for covid. Whoot!
12/10/2020 8:09:18 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 12: It was a rough day. I couldn't find the urgent care place and had been told it was at a certain cross street on the east side of Pasadena. I finally found it but it wasn't signed well. Two hours in line to get to the front of the building where we filled out paperwork. After that they said rush to your car and you will get a phone call from the doctor who is going for the test. I was in my car well over an hour, probably 1.5 hrs, LOL. The doctor that gave me the test was pleasant. I made it home just before dark and there was a Tow Away sign in front of our house for some tree trimmers hired by the county. I took my car around the corner but our other vehicle, a Ford Flex had a dead battery. I had AAA start it and move down the street just under two blocks. I finally ate a small microwave dinner and while I was eating it the cat vomited three feet away from me. Oh joy, LOL. I was very glad to test negative though, but I had to wait until this morning to find out for sure.
Occasional Reader
12/10/2020 8:12:32 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 12:
Good for you! Although in a wayhaving mild symptoms and testing positive and continuing to have only mild symptoms (and then no symptoms) would not be a bad thing... but at this moment, I’m sure this outcome is better for your peace of mind.
12/10/2020 8:20:14 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 14: After the fact it would most definately have been a good thing, especially for someone my age, but I am enjoying the peace of mind and other things such I don't have to throw 85 almost all ready to go Christmas cards in the trash because they're covid infected. I can handle and wrap gifts, etc.
Alice in Dairyland
12/10/2020 8:47:59 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 12: Good news indeed. Sorry it had to be so frustrating though. Another good thing about being negative is you don't have to stay away from your husband for two weeks!
12/10/2020 9:01:44 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 16: Sadly they don't allow visitors, since Covid. Thank God for cell phones.
12/10/2020 9:15:41 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 17: I drop things off, once or twice a week.
Alice in Dairyland
12/10/2020 9:24:55 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 17: I'm sorry to hear that. It must be very hard on both of you. We are in the same situation with my oldest sister. Saying it's been hard is an understatement. She seems to be slipping away even more, not being able to be physically near family. My other sister almost cries when I hug her, it's been too long to go without human contact.
12/11/2020 9:49:32 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 19: I'm so sorry. It absolutely is terrible not to have human contact. He does have people coming into his room and some are nice but it's not the same as family. He told me that yesterday one of the kitchen guys brought him a plate of meat since he hates their usual food typically rice, overcooked vegetables and meat or whatever.
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